Riot says they're working on it. I really really reeeeeeeeally hope the next patch has some improvements.
ATM I'd love to see them do something like if someone consistently in ranked is reported for picking a role that's already been picked, ban them from just ranked queues. Let them do that shit in normals, keep them out of my ranked games.
On May 08 2013 04:57 cLutZ wrote: Champ select has always been the troll area. Nothing new there. That's why people play aram cus it cuts out the stressful part of lol.
because nobody getting anything they want is less stressful than only some people getting what they want wat
you in the meantime could treat ranked select the same way you do aram except you get to pick your champ and then you're playing a game mode 50x more fun than the boring as fuck aram mode
it's all about the timing. if you play at 6pm or on saturday or at any other time when kids are up you're going to be fucked. 3am is the time when antimage stops farming the fun games happen
or, you know, any other non-conventional time.
also dunno if it's just me, and I know I'm going into dangerous territory here, but it always seems like it's the NA people complaining about flaming and trolling. I hardly ever see any of that even in the shit-tiers of EUW. a buddy of mine that has a 30 on both NA and EUW also says he finds it worse there. but hey, sample size of one, right
On May 08 2013 05:09 Ketara wrote: Riot says they're working on it. I really really reeeeeeeeally hope the next patch has some improvements.
ATM I'd love to see them do something like if someone consistently in ranked is reported for picking a role that's already been picked, ban them from just ranked queues. Let them do that shit in normals, keep them out of my ranked games.
I think in general Europeans and Asians take games like LoL more seriously and look at them more as a competitive thing and less as a recreational thing, which might explain why NA players take it less seriously (thereby infuriating people who do take it seriously), if that's true.
On May 08 2013 05:20 Ketara wrote: Because facist dictatorships control the laws of reality with computer programs. Real clever.
what are you talking about
On May 08 2013 05:15 Ketara wrote: It is less stressful, because when you take choice out of the picture nobody has a reason to be stressed about it.
this is what I was referencing this statement doesn't intrinsically have anything to do with games
however I find it interesting you'd prefer to continue being angry and arguing rather than trying to simply enjoy the games where people are trolling more by drawing the line between things you can and cannot change instead of being happy when you have no choice
On May 08 2013 05:32 Ketara wrote: Maybe we Americans just complain more.
I think in general Europeans and Asians take games like LoL more seriously and look at them more as a competitive thing and less as a recreational thing, which might explain why NA players take it less seriously (thereby infuriating people who do take it seriously), if that's true.
no its just the population of EU players in this forum is drastically less so theres less complaining or i can be racist and say all americans are dumb and don't use logic which is why they get mad at things they have no control over if you want to get this EU vs US thing going
I'm interested in your perception of the difference between taking a game seriously and not. Aside from the pros everyone is doing it recreationally at least to some extent. The trolls are taking it even more seriously because their in game ego is so huge that they need to defend it when someone else wants to take "their" role and they get really mad about it.
tbh I don't really see much champ select trolls. I mostly play weekdays around 8pm EST though.
And a simple "sorry" can defuse a lot of situations -- "I pick before you, sorry" works 80% of the time. Or you can just let them take the role they want, I could argue that if you don't like playing support you have no business playing ranked either, stay in normals.
yeah once I get across the point I really don't care if picking what I want means im going to lose (we have to take perspective of the guy who things he's going to carry the team with "his" role) they seem to run out of steam in their argument
On May 08 2013 03:31 Ketara wrote: No shit Alaric. Thank you for being an asshole.
It was actually a guenine suggestion based off of my own behaviour when those situations arise. But I'll take the insult, I'm not too picky.
Btw, Lissandra has dropped to 6300 by now.
which champion had its IP cost reduced along with her?
Skarner was reduced with her, next will be Talon, then Riven.
Are those predetermined? Skarner and Talon make sense because no one plays them but Riven shouldn't be that uncommon...
Btw Sejuani voice actor is good
I believe it's by order or release.
On May 08 2013 05:38 Slayer91 wrote: yeah once I get across the point I really don't care if picking what I want means im going to lose (we have to take perspective of the guy who things he's going to carry the team with "his" role) they seem to run out of steam in their argument
There's just something unappealing about a system where you just have to take you lumps and just hope that the troll will get banned at a later date. I'm not talking about unconventional champs but when they literally feed when they don't get the position they want. Sure you can try to improve your play, but it's hard when they fed the ADC 10 kills , that's more annoying imo.
On May 08 2013 05:32 Ketara wrote: Maybe we Americans just complain more.
I think in general Europeans and Asians take games like LoL more seriously and look at them more as a competitive thing and less as a recreational thing, which might explain why NA players take it less seriously (thereby infuriating people who do take it seriously), if that's true.
Perhaps you are not being polite enough. I haven't had more than ONE pick fight since I decided to start being very polite and calling correctly.
By the way, what's the logic of the Riot 10-100 ratings for attack, spell, health and difficulty? I mean, Sona has the lowest health in the game and its health is 50... Nunu has the highest health in the game and its health is 60... Olaf ahead of Riven in attack...