On October 28 2012 06:25 Scip wrote: Guys, guys, cmon. There is like 1 jungler you could argue that desperately needs blue buff and that's Olaf. And I am pretty sure that NintenDudeX or whatever his name is does give it up quite often to midlane and is just fine. Skarner can(could?) do just fine without blue buff. Cho'Gath doesn't need blue buff for obvious reasons. Amumu isn't even mana intensive at all! Maokai is fine without blue buff too, since he probably spends a lot of time camping rather than killing small golems. Nunu has his passive so he doesn't need blue buff at all. The niche junglers like Kayle/Jarvan/Xin Zhao don't need blue buff either.
What junglers could possibly need blue buff.
The most questionable thing about CLG.Eu handing 2nd blue to Froggen as a rule is that he virtually never uses it for anything other than staying in lane.
Is it really questionable if the other mid lane is getting blue though? Typically not having blue is going to put you behind in some way or limit your options.
But yango's example is a good point of this, Froggen getting blue, and not getting blue doesn't really limit options, since he's still gunna be doing the exact same thing. farming mid and wraiths.
I actually remember some months ago Snoopeh talking about getting 2nd blue on certain heroes. I guess they decided against it.
They probably just scoff'd at the idea. snoopeh, forever underfarmed.
On October 28 2012 07:20 Scip wrote: Yeah, I don't know about giving 2nd blue buff to junglers, I personally prefer giving it to middle lane so far but that might change. But as I said yeah I don't think giving blue buff to Amumu is in any way better than giving it to almost any other jungler. How good it actually is to do is a separate problem. :3
We're not saying that jungler should always get 2nd buff, it's more so that in a team comp, the idea of who gets the 2nd bluebuff should be part of the discussion, otherwise you end up with Froggen grabbing blue, despite the fact that snoopeh's jungler champ might need the 2nd blue more.
Hazmat probably camps wod's lane on purpose now, just to troll.
Yeah, I don't know about giving 2nd blue buff to junglers, I personally prefer giving it to middle lane so far but that might change. But as I said yeah I don't think giving blue buff to Amumu is in any way better than giving it to almost any other jungler. How good it actually is to do is a separate problem. :3
Amumu is honestly one of those junglers that I think could be allowed lane XP for level 6 pre-7 minutes, because the meteoric rise in his teamfight strength from having level 6 honestly can just let you control both 7 minute blue buffs if the enemy jungler is still stuck pre-6. Then you don't even have the question of "who get's the 2nd blue buff?" because you just each take one.
On October 28 2012 05:41 Sufficiency wrote: Wingsofdeathx is a smart guy (provided by his UCI education) and what he talks about are usually pretty good. Aprho just yells a lot.
He complains about "getting camped" in every game where he gets ganked and loses lane. It's so fucking frustrating playing with players like that. There are two things thay annoy me in this game: People that complain about being camped after 2 or 3 ganks (on either team) and people that act like gp10 make up for their lack of cs/feeding their lane. The worst is when they're like "Well I got camped but that's good because now my team wins elsewhere." That makes sense on paper but that's not how the game works. Wings is the worst offender of this.
Get out of here with your "my elo is so high i play with streamers nanananana"
Bad man
No im sorry your wrong, the worst thing is the players who throw the game so hard (talking things like 1-8 or something across the team) and then refuse to surrender.
? Is it wrong for me to write things from my perspective? Obviously my experience with WoD will be different than that of someone that is watching his stream and climaxing whenever Wings says "I build X because Y."
Nonono. I thought the smileys expressed the sarcasm.
On October 28 2012 07:23 TheYango wrote: Amumu is honestly one of those junglers that I think could be allowed lane XP for level 6 pre-7 minutes, because the meteoric rise in his teamfight strength from having level 6 honestly can just let you control both 7 minute blue buffs if the enemy jungler is still stuck pre-6. Then you don't even have the question of "who get's the 2nd blue buff?" because you just each take one.
Yeah this is a good point. Lane exp is huge on junglers. That's why I've been playing Hecarim so much. I make it my job to gank and then shove as hard as I can pre-6 and then just dominate the game with shurelyas + ult.
On October 28 2012 07:24 Fusilero wrote: How did don'tmashme swap elise for irelia when the time ran out?
This is like me in all my e-mails and facebook posts. Can't stand using improper grammar and punctuation intentionally (I do have plenty of typos). I am getting to the point where I will forgo the extra effort when typing on my phone, but if there is a keyboard in front of my you can bet periods and apostrophes are being put where they are supposed to go.
On October 28 2012 05:48 smOOthMayDie wrote: In other news. TSM Reignald is NOT retiring!
Apparently he was really 'depressed' after losing at the Season 2 Worlds, and when he had the interview he decided he was retiring.
After talking with his team, he's no longer retiring and is excited to play in season 3.
Because I know a bunch of people were stoked about the MTG pro tour link getting posted in here recently, thought I'd drop in the GP Philly(my home town) in here too. RtR Sealed today, draft tomorrow.
People give up way too early. We were 16-7 and a tower ahead at 20 minutes when they surrendered, and sure support Blitz > support Sion, but I had Draven and they had Vayne, and their Gragas mid + Sej jungle would scale harder than our Brand+Elise, not even factoring in their Irelia ahead of ours. Sure they were raging at Sion not doing much, but it was clear I wasn't playing well, and Blitz and I had 10 of the 16 kills between us two, so if they could kill me fast in teamfights they actually wouldn't be in such a bad spot with Vayne's power.
Wow haha Im watching Mme vs 4not atm from aphros stream and mme's skarner whos for whatever reason not xmitie today ganked bot ult kog he flashes away, ult nunu he flashes away hahahaha thank god i didnt bother learning skarner
And 4-1 fight right after. Would have been classy if Kevin had lived thanks to the counterstrike after Karthus got Vlad, but well, it was worth it.
That ghost-Ragnarok-smite is still as funny to watch. Don't give a fuck, kill the big bad purple thing.
The mana manipulator on Taric surprises me. Do they really need that much mana? Zeke seems like a better choice to me, to sublimate Sivir's ult for herself and Jax.