On November 01 2012 23:19 WaveofShadow wrote: TL isn't nor has ever been a democracy. ALL HAIL OUR FASCIST OVERLORDS
In other news, Season ends in 5 days. I wanted Gold in solo but I has 150 elo to get and I rarely play more than a game/day. I'm also have no faith in myself to even win any game and I'm not even sure I care. Wat do?
So you cant play enough and even if you do you dont think you will get there? What exactly is the response you are waiting for here?
On November 01 2012 23:19 WaveofShadow wrote: TL isn't nor has ever been a democracy. ALL HAIL OUR FASCIST OVERLORDS Nomocracy is the right word here I believe. It's certainly not democracy. Sure, TL isn't a democracy either, but just because something is democratic it doesn't mean that the same laws apply for everyone, it just means that a significant part of the population has a say in who gets to be in power.
United States37500 Posts
On November 01 2012 23:06 WhiteDog wrote:Show nested quote +On November 01 2012 19:05 Celial wrote: Don't mix us Germans in with those incompetent French pussies. Where would eSports be without the ESL! You're welcome.
User was warned for this post I got banned for saying K-pop was weird once, this guy just get warned for being an idiot. Logic please.
wat? You were never banned for anything K-pop related. >_>
Hey neo weres our s2 worlds review? whats the news on that?
On November 01 2012 23:28 NeoIllusions wrote:Show nested quote +On November 01 2012 23:06 WhiteDog wrote:On November 01 2012 19:05 Celial wrote: Don't mix us Germans in with those incompetent French pussies. Where would eSports be without the ESL! You're welcome.
User was warned for this post I got banned for saying K-pop was weird once, this guy just get warned for being an idiot. Logic please. wat? You were never banned for anything K-pop related. >_> Yes like 3 years ago with my previous account.
I'm a good TLer now.
i always wonder why pros prefer to rush bt after trinity on adc, when IE costs only 800gold more and does way more dmg if u need life steal just make executioners calling from ur vamp scepter (which adds +15% crticial strike which makers ie even better investment)
On November 02 2012 00:13 kongoline wrote: i always wonder why pros prefer to rush bt after trinity on adc, when IE costs only 800gold more and does way more dmg if u need life steal just make executioners calling from ur vamp scepter (which adds +15% crticial strike which makers ie even better investment) Because 800 gold doesn't just appear out of nowhere? Also depending on team comps and champions.
By the way, the trend has been phage->BT now on ezreal. It's cheaper than double doran + IE and has way more utility/sustain.
It's not 800g - you have sit on your vamp scepter. So it's 1250g more to make IE, which is huge in the mid-game considering a BT is stronger on certain champs until you get significant crit. And that means 1250g faster to other important items - QSS, GA, LW, etc. Remember part of maximizing damage is staying alive.
The only champs I'd IE every game are Ashe, Caitlyn, and Trist. The weakness of IE is exacerbated on Trist b/c she has a notoriously weak midgame, when she's struggling to complete her IE while the other AD is already full BT and pushing objectives with the team.
Sigh, making fun of the stereotype that the French are cowards in jest is apparently a very hot and sensitive topic in this part of the forums. Btw it wasn't Neo. I'm curious, is this because of the new zero tolerance policy TL.net has in place against ANYTHING that can even be REMOTELY interpreted as nationalism?
On the BT thing: A stacked BT increases the damage of your abilites way more than an IE would, making it for many players the midgame item of choice. That plus the added survivability of having sick life steal. And especially in midgame 800 gold don't fall in your lap, it's tough to farm then as AD =(
Well your formulation doesn't really make it obvious that it's a "jest" toward that stereotype. I didn't notice it at all, so I personally interpreted it as a consequence of French speakers' reputation in LoL. x) Plus there's the way to phrase it, just saying "you guys are incompetent pussies" isn't really sweating it.
On November 02 2012 00:31 Celial wrote: Sigh, making fun of the stereotype that the French are cowards in jest is apparently a very hot and sensitive topic in this part of the forums. Btw it wasn't Neo. I'm curious, is this because of the new zero tolerance policy TL.net has in place against ANYTHING that can even be REMOTELY interpreted as nationalism?
On the BT thing: A stacked BT increases the damage of your abilites way more than an IE would, making it for many players the midgame item of choice. That plus the added survivability of having sick life steal. And especially in midgame 800 gold don't fall in your lap, it's tough to farm then as AD =(
To be fair, "imcompetent French pussies" was a little overboard.
What is the hardest lane for a nunu vayne to go up against? @__@ everyone picking Ez Sona vs it and we do quite fine. Could just be that me and my friend are better I would've figured the lane harder but you just gotta play passive get a bit of a lead an then go ham.
On November 02 2012 00:31 Celial wrote: Sigh, making fun of the stereotype that the French are cowards in jest is apparently a very hot and sensitive topic in this part of the forums. Btw it wasn't Neo. I'm curious, is this because of the new zero tolerance policy TL.net has in place against ANYTHING that can even be REMOTELY interpreted as nationalism?
On the BT thing: A stacked BT increases the damage of your abilites way more than an IE would, making it for many players the midgame item of choice. That plus the added survivability of having sick life steal. And especially in midgame 800 gold don't fall in your lap, it's tough to farm then as AD =(
if it wasnt neo, then your post irritated people in this forum enough to report it. Then any mod can read the complaint. Maybe just heed the warning and think about why it irritated people, because it did. Instead of trying to explain why it was ok, because it was not.
The Sonas you're playing are probably too passive then. They should be able to zone you from level 1 by abusing the brush and Sona's superior burst/range/sustain. And obviously if you duo AD/support a lot you'll have better communication than randoms.
Also, Blitz lanes are always scary for Vayne, given how squishy she is early on.
On November 02 2012 00:45 Sandster wrote: The Sonas you're playing are probably too passive then. They should be able to zone you from level 1 by abusing the brush and Sona's superior burst/range/sustain. And obviously if you duo AD/support a lot you'll have better communication than randoms.
Also, Blitz lanes are always scary for Vayne, given how squishy she is early on.
if they go brush vayne goes insta gib stun. We were doing ranked so I'm assuming going 5-1 win-loss vs all games as nunu vayne vs sona ez we SHOULD have hit at least one duo que bot lane.
sona ez shits on vayne nunu, just accept it
Yea, it sounds like you're just better players. Sona can almost 1v2 Vayne/Nunu at level 1 arriving in lane with a power chord auto + Q.
On November 02 2012 00:47 D u o wrote:Show nested quote +On November 02 2012 00:45 Sandster wrote: The Sonas you're playing are probably too passive then. They should be able to zone you from level 1 by abusing the brush and Sona's superior burst/range/sustain. And obviously if you duo AD/support a lot you'll have better communication than randoms.
Also, Blitz lanes are always scary for Vayne, given how squishy she is early on. if they go brush vayne goes insta gib stun. We were doing ranked so I'm assuming going 5-1 win-loss vs all games as nunu vayne vs sona ez we SHOULD have hit at least one duo que bot lane. Sona can just sit in the middle of the lane near their minions and poke Vayne every single time she goes for a creep and there is nothing Nunu can do about it.
On November 02 2012 00:47 D u o wrote:Show nested quote +On November 02 2012 00:45 Sandster wrote: The Sonas you're playing are probably too passive then. They should be able to zone you from level 1 by abusing the brush and Sona's superior burst/range/sustain. And obviously if you duo AD/support a lot you'll have better communication than randoms.
Also, Blitz lanes are always scary for Vayne, given how squishy she is early on. if they go brush vayne goes insta gib stun. We were doing ranked so I'm assuming going 5-1 win-loss vs all games as nunu vayne vs sona ez we SHOULD have hit at least one duo que bot lane. As Chauster and Doublelift will tell you, "NA bot lane sucks."
And truthfully I'm inclined to believe them. I've seen Chauster completely obliterate Cop and go troll builds like TF, Aegis Graves and just go man-mode. And this was when he was still support.