On October 31 2012 05:13 Abenson wrote: I just suddenly realized how to classify amumu ult: It's a Silence + Bind!
You can still use abilities and it doesn't function the same as traditional binds. There are certain abilities that move your character that are permissible while Amumu ulted that are not usable while bound.
ACTIVE: Amumu entangles surrounding enemy units, dealing magic damage and rendering them unable to move or use autoattacks for 2 seconds.
I am well aware of what the tooltip says, but I can honestly say I don't think I've seen any spells cast during the ult. I'll either have to pay closer attention or everyone here is wrong. Gonna test it later for either vindication or embarassment. (Although if anyone else has any proof or something that I could see...)
On October 31 2012 05:05 ticklishmusic wrote: i really havent had a problem with nunu against sona personally, though my nunu vs sona experience has been in mostly unranked games (i'm not a masochist who deliberately gets himself counterpicked). the other thing is forcing sona to blow her stuff on you gives your ad a chance to harass back as well.
Sona's Q hits two targets, and his AD can jump in too. Sona's auto+Q does more damage than your snowball (and also your AD early game), and she has a heal. You lose every trade, and your team will be lower health so trying to trade is more dangerous for you.
From Sona's perspective, I don't care about Nunu. I'm going to zone the heck out of your AD, since you have no way to deal with me. I'll be dashing in and out of the bush the entire game, bursting the you or your AD with auto+Q and breaking creep aggro by going back into the bush. The way to deal with Sona is a hard initiate (Leona, Blitz, who are the standard counters), some way to greatly discourage it (Taric stun, Ali pulv), better sustain (Soraka after level 3 is ok), or even stronger trades (Zyra seems ok). Nunu lacks all of these, so he has no way to deal with Sona.
On October 31 2012 05:29 Sufficiency wrote: 2.5 seconds AOE stun would be way too stornk.
Veigar <3
Sejuani has a 2 seconds aoe stun and Galio's is basically that, even if they're getting some autos off on him. Amumu's ult is only 2 seconds, so the only upside it has over galio is the AoE is bigger, and it's got nothing on sejuani considering her's is a thousand range nuke.
Sejuani's stun is 2 seconds on the primary target and 1 second for AOE.
Galio's R's damage component does not guarantee damage and can be interrupted. Also Amumu has a gap closer.
Ops on the duration though. I always thought it was 2.5 seconds.
On October 31 2012 05:13 Abenson wrote: I just suddenly realized how to classify amumu ult: It's a Silence + Bind!
You can still use abilities and it doesn't function the same as traditional binds. There are certain abilities that move your character that are permissible while Amumu ulted that are not usable while bound.
On October 31 2012 05:21 WaveofShadow wrote:
On October 31 2012 05:19 Dandel Ion wrote:
On October 31 2012 05:17 TheYango wrote:
On October 31 2012 05:15 Live2Win wrote: it's a stun, no?
Note the spiral animation above Ryze's head. Riot needs a new animation for the Amumu ult CC.
That's the AA animation
You can't cast spells or attack during Amumu's ult afaik, but any channeled spells will continue.
You cannot AUTOATTACK. You CAN use spells.
Considering it's spelled out in the tooltip, you should really have read it first.
ACTIVE: Amumu entangles surrounding enemy units, dealing magic damage and rendering them unable to move or use autoattacks for 2 seconds.
I am well aware of what the tooltip says, but I can honestly say I don't think I've seen any spells cast during the ult. I'll either have to pay closer attention or everyone here is wrong. Gonna test it later for either vindication or embarassment. (Although if anyone else has any proof or something that I could see...)
You are absolutely wrong. Ever since I started playing (which admittedly has only been about a year now) I've always been able to cast spells during amumu ult.
On October 31 2012 05:40 Sufficiency wrote: Ops on the duration though. I always thought it was 2.5 seconds.
It was actually 2.5 seconds ages ago. Riot shaved 0.5 seconds off Amumu and Galio ults in Lux patch. Though I still believe those AoE ult nerfs at the time were totally inconsequential because we were already seeing a shift toward AD carry 4+1 teamcomps without Riot intervening to nerf AoE teamfight comps more.
On October 31 2012 05:45 WaveofShadow wrote: Alright well apparently I'm a huge dumbass then or it's just been so long since I've faced an Amumu I've forgotten? Ugh.
IMO Amumu is a terror in soloQ. Get sorc boots + Abyssal and kill everything.
On October 31 2012 05:40 Sufficiency wrote: Ops on the duration though. I always thought it was 2.5 seconds.
It was actually 2.5 seconds ages ago. Riot shaved 0.5 seconds off Amumu and Galio ults in Lux patch. Though I still believe those AoE ult nerfs at the time were totally inconsequential because we were already seeing a shift toward AD carry 4+1 teamcomps without Riot intervening to nerf AoE teamfight comps more.
TBH I wasn't around back then, so it was purely my fault
On October 31 2012 05:45 WaveofShadow wrote: Alright well apparently I'm a huge dumbass then or it's just been so long since I've faced an Amumu I've forgotten? Ugh.
IMO Amumu is a terror in soloQ. Get sorc boots + Abyssal and kill everything.
In my opinion, Amumu is a terror in premades. Build Aegis and Shurelyas and be fantastically useful to your whole team. On a sidenote, it is apparently difficult to discuss strategies and calls that have been made after an unsuccessful game. Seems like it's an attitude problem of one of my guys, never dealt with anything like that before (never tried to discuss anything with Laneth/HD/marten/any other maddie). Interesting. I also have a dilemma, stay up for Wave+Soniv cast or keep my sleep schedule intact?
vvvvvv thenexusp Dunno about classifying Amumu as an AP jungler, since you will build either 15 AP on him with 1 dorans ring or maybe, maybe 70 with Abyssal, but that's pretty rarely optimal tbh.
Amumu ult used to stun a long time ago, they nerfed it to can't move+can't attack because it was ridiculous. The ult is still ridiculous, one of the best solo Q ults in the game.
I've seen Riven bunny hopping while amumu ulted before.
Galio's ult is interruptable, and when you first think about it, it doesn't seem like that big of a deal (since everyone's taunted anyway) but there are quite a lot of ways it can go wrong and not apply the full duration CC, such as udyr, chogath Q that was placed right before you started ulting, people who can stun from out of range, random baron knockups, not having enough health to actually survive enemy autos, etc. Amumu's ult is much more reliable, even if it doesn't stop channels like galio's does.
Another fun fact: amumu's ult used to be a DoT, which is why the tooltip explicitly states that the damage is dealt "up front"
I wish riot designed more champs like amumu -- AP junglers that actually have to go jungle because their lane kits are so weak.
eh I guess I'm wrong :\ could've swore I read somewhere it used to stun...
BTW what movement abilities are allowed while amumu ulted? Is it just a completely separate and arbitrary set of abilities from those that are allowed while snared? EDIT: or probably just riven's Q being buggy like normal