[NA] TeamLiquid Practice Group - Page 38
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China26351 Posts
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440 Posts
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Canada12499 Posts
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China26351 Posts
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Canada12499 Posts
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United States13754 Posts
On January 01 2013 13:12 Mazzi wrote: didint know where to post so decided to post here. so yea ranking is pretty boring. If there are any 1200-1300 elo supports here or any role actually that wana duo add me. Name is EverDawn, i main adc pretty decent graves/cait. i can also play mid/top/support but not jungle. would be fun finding decent players who know what they r doing. Thanks guys. This is on NA btw I happen to be a 1200 eloish support we should play together sometime soon. | ||
United States1865 Posts
On January 01 2013 14:40 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote: thx dude, i'm going to start seriously tryharding after finding inspiration in koreans (bw flashbacks) Whats your LoL name? Should add me! | ||
Canada12499 Posts
Moh Cheech, will do when I'm back in action brah | ||
United States1903 Posts
ELO: No elo yet but high level HoN/Dota player Preferred Role(s): Main: ADC, backups: Support, Jungle Schedule: very random but generally weekends. Friday from 8pm-2am, saturday: almost the whole day depending on schedule, Sunday 5-9, Weekdays: only on break. | ||
China26351 Posts
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Czech Republic11293 Posts
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China26351 Posts
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United States12704 Posts
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Canada12016 Posts
http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/1232083 | ||
China26351 Posts
On January 18 2013 15:27 Nos- wrote: Here you go Bly. I play as the caitlyn. I just picked her up, played maybe 4-5 games with her before jumping into ranked. Barring some bad mid game errors I thought I played ok, wasn't sure if I needed last whisper earlier or if BT wasn't enough to cut through warmogs alone. This is 1400~ elo btw. Don't be too mean <3 http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/1232083 - You CS pretty well, and you do a decent job of harassing. But your creep wave is always near their tower but never pushed up. This makes it that your Taric can't stun but may get pulled to their tower. You're also vulnerable to ganks when pushed up so far. When you see your wave pushing, you should try to push really hard so it resets and you can harass them while they're trying to cs under their tower, or just get a free back. - At around 6min or so you backed when Sivir was back, which is fine, but you didn't push one more wave like you should've so the wave can reset. - At 18min ish that should've been a double kill for you, you didnt get as many autos off as you could've on sivir and you didn't switch to blitz quickly enough so that there was a couple of seconds where you didn't do any damage. Then trying to ult near their tower was bad, but should be obvious in hindsight. - Your 2nd death was due to bad positioning at mid. Your 3rd death was from staying too long top after getting tower, you also ult lee sin at melee range, your autos in the time it takes to ult would have done more damage. - Your 3rd death was bad positioning again, need to always keep like a 500 distance from their melee carries when they're pushing into you, you can go up and try to pick off targets when the fight actually starts but there's no reason they should be able to dive you with a taric/ryze to peel on your team. - After you guys got drag you pinged your team to back which is the right call in most cases. But you should've seen sivir was bot and nowhere near the fight so it was actually correct to fight with your team. You were cut off for way too long. - After you guys won the fight near their blue you were indecisive. Should've backed and cleared out top asap as you guys couldn't do baron and couldn't push. - Should've bought a fort pot instead of wards after you got baron. - When you saw noct push top, tell your jungler to go top and the rest of your team to be patient and push mid. You guys split, got caught, and died, you were also split. Unfortunate ending. Overall you need to be more cool headed during exchanges and team fights, don't ult when you can auto attack, use your Q more, and orb walk better. | ||
United States12704 Posts
On January 18 2013 15:27 Nos- wrote: Here you go Bly. I play as the caitlyn. I just picked her up, played maybe 4-5 games with her before jumping into ranked. Barring some bad mid game errors I thought I played ok, wasn't sure if I needed last whisper earlier or if BT wasn't enough to cut through warmogs alone. This is 1400~ elo btw. Don't be too mean <3 http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/1232083 Kind of random but I was spectating my brothers playing a game and was pleasantly surprised to recognize you playing Ez bot lane. You guys stomped which made me sad but you were playing well bot lane ![]() | ||
Canada12016 Posts
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Botswana368 Posts
On January 20 2013 01:13 Nos- wrote: Bly if no one else uploads replays do you mind if I put more of mine up? I think I'll upload one, so don't go too crazy! | ||
China26351 Posts
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Botswana368 Posts
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