On January 01 2011 00:36 spinesheath wrote:Show nested quote +On January 01 2011 00:07 Odds wrote: Important note: To carry idiots, PING LOTS. NEVER STOP PINGING. They follow the pings like the sheep they are and eventually accidentally do what you are trying to get them to do. Nobody understands english, but EVERYBODY understands pings, and seems to feel compelled to follow them.
ABUSE PINGS Actually I have to disagree. People never react when I ping dragon or baron to have them gather there before the enemy team does. Pinging to get my allies into position just seems hopeless. If they don't listen, you need to ping more. Seriously ping non stop until they do what you are telling them to do, often times they'll do it just to get you to shut the fuck up
That often starts a flame war which generally leads to a loss. Besides, if they only react after 100 pings, it is most likely too late.
I think it really helps to think of LoL as a game of objectives. The ultimate objective to take down the Nexus, but to do that, you need to be stronger than the other team. The objectives you need to focus on to kill the Nexus are champion kills, buffs, dragon, baron, and map control (towers/wards), at a very broad level. You can distill that even further by saying that your objective is gold and experience, in order to give yourself the advantages to secure things like dragon.
If you're not actively working toward one of those objectives, you're wasting time.
What's difficult for me, though, is knowing how to play from behind. I can press advantages relatively well, but when I'm at a pretty big disadvantage, I'm not sure how to play.
On January 01 2011 01:29 spinesheath wrote: That often starts a flame war which generally leads to a loss Much less so i've found than actually trying to reason with them. Mindless pings they can follow but words? noooo
On January 01 2011 06:01 Odds wrote:Show nested quote +On January 01 2011 01:29 spinesheath wrote: That often starts a flame war which generally leads to a loss Much less so i've found than actually trying to reason with them. Mindless pings they can follow but words? noooo I usually just get "stop pinging, faggot". Well, I guess this is derailing the thread... Then again in which thread do we discuss how to get your allies to do the right things?
It's a test of moderation. Ping or double ping; if no response after a bit, ping more insistently. Repeat as needed. If they say "stop pinging" then they're probably now paying attention to chat, so type fast while you have their attention. Above all, try to remain polite.
United States47024 Posts
My only complaint is that the thread should have been titled [Learning 5hit].
On January 01 2011 00:36 spinesheath wrote:Show nested quote +On January 01 2011 00:07 Odds wrote: Important note: To carry idiots, PING LOTS. NEVER STOP PINGING. They follow the pings like the sheep they are and eventually accidentally do what you are trying to get them to do. Nobody understands english, but EVERYBODY understands pings, and seems to feel compelled to follow them.
ABUSE PINGS Actually I have to disagree. People never react when I ping dragon or baron to have them gather there before the enemy team does. Pinging to get my allies into position just seems hopeless. Instead, whenever you ping an enemy or even close to one, people will engage him. No matter how stupid it is, they will engage. And after that they blame their suicide on the one who pinged. "You pinged so I engaged", I have heard that more than once. Why do people even "listen" to pings (but actually misinterpret them), but not when you give them clear orders via chat? Ideally, pings would allow your allies to quickly spot enemy movements even if they weren't watching the minimap all the time. Doesn't work out like that in my games. Thats because riot is too busy not making maps and observer mode to bother putting in multiple ping colors, red for attack, green for meet up.
On January 01 2011 06:14 spinesheath wrote:Show nested quote +On January 01 2011 06:01 Odds wrote:On January 01 2011 01:29 spinesheath wrote: That often starts a flame war which generally leads to a loss Much less so i've found than actually trying to reason with them. Mindless pings they can follow but words? noooo I usually just get "stop pinging, faggot". Well, I guess this is derailing the thread... Then again in which thread do we discuss how to get your allies to do the right things?
doesn't matter if they say stop pinging, keep doing it whenever you want to issue an instruction. I ping a fucking ton.
I tend not to ping more than once unless my teammates are complete retards, which doesn't happen at 1800--oh...
On January 01 2011 06:01 Odds wrote:Show nested quote +On January 01 2011 01:29 spinesheath wrote: That often starts a flame war which generally leads to a loss Much less so i've found than actually trying to reason with them. Mindless pings they can follow but words? noooo dem BRs don't understand you bro =D.
in other news, my in game ping is really high when I'm on my home internet =[.
Thanks for the post! Almost nobody addresses this kind of thing in their writings, even top level players. Just so you know, I'm level 10-ish now. I have a few noob questions more experienced players might be able to help me with.
On December 31 2010 19:02 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: So yeah, I think people are lacking in basic game sense and not having to explain this to someone who's like "DERRRR WE GOT BARON IMMA GO PUSH TOP HURRR WHILE U GUYS 4 MAN MID DURRRRRRR I NEED 400 FOR ZHONYAS DERRR" would be nice.
Sometimes when my team is sieging mid and pretty much nothing is happening, because the other team is all camping the mid turret and nobody dares to make the first move, but my team is ahead in farm/level/skill, I decide to push, say, top 2nd turret really hard if I am sure I can 100% guarantee the turret kill and get back real fast. Is this advisable?
What do you think of baron baiting, like 5 hiding in the baron bush to ambush the first guy who runs to check on us. (Assume baron unwarded/ward cleared)
If you are on the defensive, like for example your mid base turret is down, what is your plan to get back in the game? I know you pretty much have to gain some kind of advantage, like killing a good part of the enemy team or cheesing/stealing baron. What's step 1?
On January 01 2011 14:59 tissue wrote:Thanks for the post! Almost nobody addresses this kind of thing in their writings, even top level players. Just so you know, I'm level 10-ish now. I have a few noob questions more experienced players might be able to help me with. Show nested quote +On December 31 2010 19:02 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: So yeah, I think people are lacking in basic game sense and not having to explain this to someone who's like "DERRRR WE GOT BARON IMMA GO PUSH TOP HURRR WHILE U GUYS 4 MAN MID DURRRRRRR I NEED 400 FOR ZHONYAS DERRR" would be nice.
Sometimes when my team is sieging mid and pretty much nothing is happening, because the other team is all camping the mid turret and nobody dares to make the first move, but my team is ahead in farm/level/skill, I decide to push, say, top 2nd turret really hard if I am sure I can 100% guarantee the turret kill and get back real fast. Is this advisable?
Unless your team can handle the 4v5 (and it will happen, someone will initiate among those 9 people) then you are better off sticking with them or forcing them to retreat.
If you are shen/tf/pantheon and to a lesser extent rammus/yi/sivir then you can get back to the fight, but at what cost?
Better off leaving one person with a guaranteed escape (like ghost+olaf ult or kassadin with full mana guaranteed) to posture in mid and 4 people go take the tower you are salivating over.
Regarding the pinging, always write a key word immediately before or after pinging. Like "care" if mia, "go" if jungler, "all def" if tower (that one should be more obvious, but you can never be sure) etc. If people have no clue why you pinged, it will be mostly ignored. Some people are spam-pinging, as if everyone would be fucking mind-readers (when it could be a wild pick between "retreat", low health hero in "fog of war", get buff).
^^ good advice
Also, whenever I call mis, I ping my lane just to make sure people check chat.
I hate people who spam ping, I always feel like ignoring it because spamming pinging is just a childish way of getting attention. A few pings at most is enough, anything more is just being obnoxious.
On January 01 2011 14:59 tissue wrote:Thanks for the post! Almost nobody addresses this kind of thing in their writings, even top level players. Just so you know, I'm level 10-ish now. I have a few noob questions more experienced players might be able to help me with. Show nested quote +On December 31 2010 19:02 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: So yeah, I think people are lacking in basic game sense and not having to explain this to someone who's like "DERRRR WE GOT BARON IMMA GO PUSH TOP HURRR WHILE U GUYS 4 MAN MID DURRRRRRR I NEED 400 FOR ZHONYAS DERRR" would be nice.
Sometimes when my team is sieging mid and pretty much nothing is happening, because the other team is all camping the mid turret and nobody dares to make the first move, but my team is ahead in farm/level/skill, I decide to push, say, top 2nd turret really hard if I am sure I can 100% guarantee the turret kill and get back real fast. Is this advisable? What do you think of baron baiting, like 5 hiding in the baron bush to ambush the first guy who runs to check on us. (Assume baron unwarded/ward cleared) If you are on the defensive, like for example your mid base turret is down, what is your plan to get back in the game? I know you pretty much have to gain some kind of advantage, like killing a good part of the enemy team or cheesing/stealing baron. What's step 1? All of this stuff comes with experience. You'll learn to know when it's a good idea to go push (usually that just comes down to coordinating with your team) when there's the skirmish at mid towers thing going on. Like, at the lower levels, I think people have to lie about their intent because they don't want to be seen as greedy if they're playing a champ that needs the farm ("I'm gonna go 'save' top guys"), while at the higher level pretty much everyone on the team WANTS one particular person to go and do it ("corki go top and farm that"). It's part of the luxury of playing with good players, you don't have to act like you're saving a tower when you just want farm because people understand that you farming is actually the team winning, and you don't have to fight with someone for the farm. When I play with one of my IRL friends in particular he always runs singed and every time there's a good amount of farm anywhere he beelines towards it and is like "GONNA PROTECT TOWER" when you know he's just stealing all the farm from our carry.
Baiting as 5 usually works best when both you and your opponents know that you're gonna do it, ironically. Like, if the only important objective is baron at the moment and you have it warded but they don't, just disappear towards it and hide in the bush through a path that you KNOW they have to come through to get there. They know you're there but they have to check it anyway. It's also more effective against a team that can't reveal you in the brush somehow like Ezreal/Mundo can. The reason it's more effective when you both know that you're doing it is because instead of just killing one guy randomly if he happens to walk near your bush you're more or less forcing them to facecheck a bush against you. If you guys sit in their wraith grass for 2 minutes trying to catch whoever walks by and they decide to beeline baron or are just completely oblivious to you missing and keep pushing, well, you lost out on a lot of time and exp/farm.
If I'm behind I try to figure out why I'm behind. Have we been losing teamfights? Are we getting ganked? Is one of them really strong right now? Will one of us be strong in a bit? Who do we have to focus? Things like that. Sometimes there's nothing you can do to comeback from a game, even if you ace them repeatedly, because they kill most of your team as you do it, but usually my plan for winning a game is to have a clear-cut idea of how I'm going to win a teamfight at a certain objective and take that objective afterwards--i.e. "cho tries to silence vlad for as long as possible while we kill everyone else on their team" or "rammus needs to keep tristana cc'd for the whole fight while we focus ryze".
I'll write more on this later, for now good luck with the grind!
that first one is the one that bugs me the most.. and it always seems to get dumbasses killed. Good little rant.
Its pretty frikin simple people. When you play serious, if your are not a moron (a.k.a a little kid playing chess) you are easily a respectable 1500 elo player. Just by NOT being an idiot and following rules/ orders
Too bad one poor decision or a small bit of greed can quickly snowball into completely fucking yourself over.