A Chat With The King
Let’s start with a basic question, how did you come up with the ID KingCaffeine?
I've used the name Caffeine for a very long time and I have, on occasion, made some big plays that led to my friends calling me King. I realized that KingCaffeine had a really nice ring to it, so I stuck with it.
Tell me a little bit about yourself. Who is John Paul Lopez, and what do you do besides playing Heroes of the Storm competitively?
I'm a 27 year old gamer from the SF Bay Area. I love hiking, traveling, and being lazy.
So you are one of the older players in the competitive Heroes scene with the age of 27. Have you always been a gamer, and how did you find out/what got you into playing Heroes of the Storm?
I started gaming at the age of 2, playing Mario Bros on NES. Since then, I haven't really stopped. When Warcraft 3 came out, I instantly fell in love with the Battle.net ladder and custom games like Dota. I was raised in a competitive household which led to me playing Basketball in high school and Fencing in college. I found out about competitive gaming when I played a Dota mirror called Heroes of Newerth. I was an avid fan of the broadcasts and I really wanted to be a part of it. A couple years later, I heard the announcement of a Blizzard MOBA, and being a fan of all Blizzard games I decided that I would go hard at it when it came out, and see what happened.
How/when did you start playing Heroes of the Storm competitively, and which teams have you been on the past?
I started playing Heroes competitively when Team Liquid recruited me for their BlizzCon Invitational team last October. Before that, I had some offers, but I was looking for something more stable. At the time,I was constantly playing against, and dominating, the top players in the game, so I knew I could be on a top team.
You were one of the players representing Team Liquid at the BlizzCon 2014 Exhibition Tournament. How did this come to be?
About a month before BlizzCon, I was working really hard at learning all the heroes and mechanics of the game. My skill was noticed by Sheth in a random game and he invited me to try out for a team. I knew of Sheth through SC2 and thought it sounded like the perfect opportunity. After some scrims, it seemed I was the right fit for the team and I was informed that we would be Team Liquid and traveling to BlizzCon in a month. I was insanely psyched.
Very recently, Cloud9 Maelstrom went through a roster swap, replacing Biceps with Fan. Biceps has been a teammate of yours since the Team Liquid days, was this a difficult decision for you and your teammates to make?
The decision for our most recent roster change was the most difficult we've ever had to make. We shared so much synergy and achieved great heights together. Unfortunately, there were other "real life" factors that led to us making the decision that Fan would be better for the team in the long term. Biceps was a great player and I wish him luck in everything that he does.
Besides you and DunkTrain, the former TeamLiquid players have moved on from the competitive scene. Is this something that you have considered, or is it only just the beginning for you?
Honestly, I haven't even considered it. I love this game and the people I play it with. I know I am fully capable of remaining on a top tier team for years to come. So even though I've already put so much time in, I guess it IS just the beginning.
Are there any difficulties you face being a progamer at an older age, or is that not a factor for you?
I don't think age is really a negative factor at all in Heroes. The game is a lot more about strategy and team cohesion than it is about absurd mechanics. If anything, I think my age and experience has really catapulted my strength as a strategic player.
We can see from your history with teams that roster swap is a very common occurrence. Does this worry you, that one day, the team decides to let you go for a better player? If this was to happen, what is your plan?
If my performance is ever a hindrance on the team, I would be perfectly fine ceding my spot on the team to a better player. If I was ever released, I would definitely seek out a top tier team to help through analytical advice and coaching. I don't see this happening any time soon. 

Your main role is warriors/tanks. Unlike the carry roles, there are actually not that many players who choose to play it. However, within that small pool of players, you are one of the few that stands out as being “the best”. Have you always played that role, and what are some tips that you can give to aspiring players regarding it.
I like to think I've personally retired my opposing warriors. If you look at the history of warriors in the NA scene since I hit it, you will see that they don't keep that role for long. Historically, I'm a mid carry player, but Heroes converted me to a tank player. As soon as I discovered body blocking, the game completely changed for me. Blocking your opponents pathing by reading their options and denying it really gets in their head. Its frustrating to be perma cc'd by right clicks and that gives you both a mental and positional advantage. For the new warrior players out there the best advice I have is know your limits. Know how many cooldowns you can tank before you need use your escape. Know how far you can extend into the backline to threaten carries. Know when the better play is to hold back and peal. As a warrior, it is your responsibility to control the fight. You are the gatekeeper of your carries, and the nightmare of theirs.
What are your goals through playing Heroes of the Storm competitively? Give me a few.
My ultimate goal is to be the best warrior player in the world. I want to lead my team into battle against the global competition and decimate them. My more immediate goal is to hit a new stride with my team and reclaim North American dominance. It's definitely not going to be easy, especially with Zuna finding a team that will acquiesce to his style. The level of play has increased and we are taking the steps necessary to reach, and surpass that level.
What kind of content/improvement/support would you like to see from Blizzard for Heroes of the Storm?
I look forward to a more defined ranking system, and hope they consider adding a tournament client.
Thank you for your time, KingCaffeine! Any shout outs you’d like to give, and where can people find you?
Of course, anytime! Shout outs to all our fans in these dark days, peaks and valleys boys. Also, thanks to all our sponsors, and Blizzard for the awesome support! You can find me on Twitter @C9Caffeine and over on Twitch at www.twitch.tv/KingCaffeine.