On April 24 2009 23:59 sung_moon wrote:wait is starslay3r the same person on the show as this? http://starslay3r.blogspot.com/2009/04/big-announcement.htmli havent been keeping up with the show until i go to srk.com and she makes a huge thread on how shes quitting GH3 and going to get "pro" at sf4. just wondering if the girl in the show and this girl are the same one.
Word has it she got Gootecks to "train" her also. I wonder how that's going.
Edit: Just read your link. I guess she did after all.
I'm pumped to see what's going to happen in the finale! Last week's episode was so awesome
On April 26 2009 15:28 ZoW wrote:Word has it she got Gootecks to "train" her also. I wonder how that's going. Edit: Just read your link. I guess she did after all.
He hasn't started training her yet because she can't get a joystick.
yo geoff this better be good (you promised)
does anyone have that stream? Not the TVU one
On April 29 2009 10:08 zizou21 wrote: yo geoff this better be good (you promised)
does anyone have that stream? Not the TVU one
check past pages... someone mentions a few different streams every week
odam Mark. Fatty is bad karma.
lol hell yea to Soul Calibur 4 being played! I love kicking my friends' asses in that game
I'm assuming they have to pick teams, so I have a question for Geoff. While you were at the house, what games did you really excel at? You're very good at SC:BW, so let's just expand that to strategy games, but there are no games like that; so were you afraid you'd be picked last?
haha ciji and mark still going at it
Hahaha Mark fucking OWNED her.
Ciji had 15 Soul Calibur tournament victories? No way! Gotta see the videos of the matches there
Today..it goes down Enjoy everyone

BTW that was a lame way of bringing everyone back. In other reality shows, when all the contestants are brought back, at least half of them are placed on a team. Then again, the only reality shows I've watched are cooking ones...
Is there any way to get hold of these videos if you're from outside the US? I've tried like 10+ proxy servers and searched for a solution for about 3 h yesterday, but to no avail. Is there any possibility?
Rob got owned hard...
Never played that game before, but looks pretty much like Tony Hawk except with a snowboard. And man is Tony Hawk easy to learn. I expected much more from Rob there
Shaun White snowboarding... what a bad competitive game, glad thats over with.
Prediction: Mark takes 1st and 2n games, Robert takes 3rd. Score is 3:3. Sudden death match - close win by Robert with 1 HP left!!!234