On July 04 2010 18:23 Warrior Madness wrote: I don't have a pet quite yet. But I know someone who breeds these bad little motherfuckers, either legally or illegally, I don't remember:
Soooooo cute!
I'm waiting until I save up enough money to move to a nice apartment that allows pets.
What is this? Strikes me as a foxcat of sorts.
It's a fennec fox, the only domesticated (ish) fox that I know of. They can be loud as hell but you can teach them most tricks dogs can do, and you can train them to use the kitty litter too (That's the only gay thing about them).
Does anyone know where in Europe you can get one of these?
bad? looks like a good kitty to me! It can at least hunt, unlike ours =/ just plays.
but between last fall to last winter we took care of a friend's black long haired cat for her, and she was a champ outdoors. brought so many kills to the door step and lined them up. mices, birds, small rabbits. One time she brought a baby rabbit, and in front of me + Show Spoiler +
I wish i had a picture of my cat ;_; She's a nearly 15 year old barn cat i got when she was like a couple months old on my 9th birthday. Unfortunately she's spending the latter years of her life with my mom, leaving me wishing for another cat.
My family once had two cats, but we had to give them away when my father became strongly allergic, sadly. One of them was totally fat and lazy whereas the other one was kinda hyperactive and brought us a mice almost every evening for quite some time. A bit over a year ago, our dog died. I don't have any digital images but since she was a Briard, she looked approximately like this: http://fr.academic.ru/pictures/frwiki/66/Briard_fauve.JPG (actually many Briards look very exactly like this, so did our Gwenny as well. They're pretty big and massive and that impression is only partially because of all that fur)
bad? looks like a good kitty to me! It can at least hunt, unlike ours =/ just plays.
but between last fall to last winter we took care of a friend's black long haired cat for her, and she was a champ outdoors. brought so many kills to the door step and lined them up. mices, birds, small rabbits. One time she brought a baby rabbit, and in front of me + Show Spoiler +
tore its head off!
My cat has caught tons of mices and birds, few bats and once she caught a poison 1.5m snake and left it onto my doorstep ( thank god it was already dead )
And the normal stuff beating the crap of all cats in the surroundings and small/medium size dogs
I am amazed by quality of this thread; not only so many of your pets wonderful, many of your pictures have great quality as well! My favourite photo (not pet because all of them are awesome) are: Kennegit, Storchen, KizzBG, HaN-, Qzy, Ghardo, and prOxi.sawMi.
I had two dogs in my childhood but gave both of them away to my relatives when my family moved to different house that forbid pets
That is probably the most bad-ass looking domesticated cat I have seen in my entire life.
Shitty camera phone is shitty =( My dog is the black dachshund the white chihuahua is my aunt and uncle's dog that we've been watching. They're polar opposites my dog is extremely hyper while my uncle's dog is ridiculously laid back.
On October 19 2008 04:40 Empyrean wrote: Omg all of these pets are so fucking cute I just want to take all of them home and hug everyone for like ten hours
Yeah exactly! Cats and dogs are so cute :333
Sorry for the horrible pictures and my bad english:
Heres my oldest dog, her name is Vudi and she is 13 years old. She is not showing any signs of aging though! Notice her paws are all dirty (i live in the countyside), thats because shes always running around and digging holes and exploring around She is really awesome and she knows a lot of tricks, some of which anyone from our family doesnt remember teaching to her like sneezing on command. She is always really happy and cute, when people see her they usually guess she is only about a year old. (recently she has a lot of gray/white fur though so thats not too relevant any more i guess)
Here is my other dog Forrest (yes, named after Forrest Gump 'cause my mom loved that movie and so did I). He is a very calm and a loving dog and he is also very, very shy (when he does something bad like digs up the grass and he sees that im coming his way he pulls his tail between his legs and lays down and makes those puppy eyes and tries to walk to his sleeping place really slowly as close to the ground as possible although ive never been too angry with my dogs, i dont yell at them and ive never hit a dog) but unfortunately we got to keep him chained because he likes to chase cars and follow strangers. Most of the time when someone is outside we let him loose though so he can wonder around a lot. Forrest has always been a troublemaker (as said before he likes to chase cars and follow people) and recently he has strangely developed a habit of stealing various items from peoples yards.
And finally, heres an awful picture of my cat Kribu (means like a really small dot in estonian cause when we got him he was really really small, like even smaller than usual kittens). He spends a lot of time in our neighbours yard because there are some other cats there and sometimes he steals their food and stuff. Hes really badass (lets just say Ive found gutted mice on our front lawn countless times) and usually he just does not give a f*ck about anything, seriously. When hes sitting on the veranda we always let him in and feed him but then he wants to go back outside wandering around and minding his own business.
Also hope you guys wont mind since this is a picture thread, i also filmed my pets with my crappy mobile camera.