You also have to realize that if your school is located wherever there is a wave of poppy trends (aka hip hop music is cool there), the dancing will mostly consist of grinding. It's very possible that, you may embarrass yourself in front of others + your date if you look stupid while grinding. I was up in Berkeley a while back and was at this small on-campus clubbing event or something of the like, and really I don't know where you're from and I'll probably get lashed out at, but kids in norcal are pretty strange dancers yo~. There was this one guy next to me "grinding" on this girl but what it involved was a stationary, single-movement, red-bull-induced jack-hammer-like motion that did not match the rhythm at all whatsoever. Do not be this person. It will be to your disadvantage if you don't listen to that sorta music (such as I). Your prom may really only have like 3 slowdances tbh.
Prom kinda blew for me in that regard because I was foolish to think that it would be unlike all the other high school dances (but it's the same only in a bigger, better venue). Renting expensive ass tux, limo, overpriced tickets, etc. just so you can get on a shitty dancefloor and get sweaty to music that won't be popular in another 2 months. Bleh, you'll realize later that clubbing is much better than hs dances because it's the same thing only 1/500th as cheap and higher success rate.
p.s. do you have any intentions of getting laid after prom? If no, is it because she is a. a prude, or b. you're scared/nervous/etc. If that's the case, then tell us and will probably be able to help you much more. It'll help more than posting reach pictures all over this thread~~
On April 27 2007 16:57 MoltkeWarding wrote: Memorize this Aria, and perform it at the opportune time. I suggest being a little less histrionic than Carreras here.
Unless you plan on getting laid that night, prom is pretty over-rated imo. There is absolutely not need to fret over it. Just have a good time, meaning be yourself, and try to enjoy yourself as much as possible. Heck, I haven't talked to my prom-date ever since I got into university (she's a year younger than me) and found a girlfriend.
High school romances rarely work out anyway.
Ok I just read this:
On April 28 2007 11:13 Last Romantic wrote: yeha, I figure their song choices will be bad. I don't much like rap, and I'm not into grinding.
no intention of getting laid =.= because... no? :O
moltke s2
Then what do you want from this... if you say "nothing", why would you be nervous...
Unless you want to start something with the girl afterwards...
On April 28 2007 11:32 Last Romantic wrote: AHAHAHAHAHHAA SMURG XD
eh? did I say I was nervous somewhere?
Wait, what's the difference between "no intention" and "don't want to"
If she threw herself on you...would you still 'intend' not to get laid? Or would you say "NO MEANS NO! I SHALL NOT RELINQUISH MY V-CARD YOU RAMBUNCTIOUS HARLOT!"
How can you know whether you want to have sex with a person or not until you know
-Their religion, and respective piety -Their family and family history -Their socio-economic class -Their artistic and literary talents -Their sensitivity, romanticism and sentimentalism -Their patriotism, provincialism, and rootedness in their native culture -Their cooking, cleaning and other domestic abilities -Their mental and emotional stability -Their historical attitude and preferences regarding bourgeois family life -Their racial origins (if not already clear) -Their feminine virtues (virginity, modesty, etc)
The above listed constitute 95% of the qualifications for any marriable and therefore layable girl.