There shouldn't be a problem. First of all, ethienelle didn't kill himself; he's alive to be posting today. He received enough pity (literally pages worth). He CANNOT kill himself because if he does, he owes more to his parents (particularly his mother), than hell can pay for (I say this on an emotional whim...ironic). What's worse? HE KEPT LOOKING FOR PITY BY CONTINUING HIS "oh, i'm still not sure what to do, i still might kill myself". After a few threads worth of translating korean into English, I found no problem in translating that to "Waahhhh, bla bla more bla, life is too tough".
Deal with it kid. I sympathized with you (ethenielle) as well, but you should've picked your ass up after the first few sincere responses. Stop fucking whining about "love you can't get" and change yourself. The problem might not just be society, but it can be you as well; have you ever thought about that? I even felt sympathy for you after reading your initial post and was gonna PM you with a nice response, but after the 6th page or so, I just thought you were pathetic.
EDIT: By the way, love you can't get? WHAT DO YOU EXPECT FROM US? We sincerely opened up to you by offering our condolensces, but're looking for fire in the ocean.