tbh i don't like a lopt of the changes. A lot got mentioned. But my biggest problem is the broken responsive design ... either do proper reponsive designs or don't do it at all If u scale the window to tablet size you won't be able to click any menu elements on desktops ...
Mobile version is baaaaaddd. Both "Forum Siderbar" and "Events/Features" buttons dont do anything. On LH and LD they work for me completely fine but now on new TL net I cannot open either sidebar. Makes the site completely useless for me Is there a reason the sidebar buttons work differently for LD and LH than for TL?
The 572 weeks ago format of showing posting times is really poor choice. It's nice for maybe a week old posts but after that it really starts to be more of a hindrance when I'm trying to figure out when was something posted.
Other than that I'm happy with the changes so far. When these two things are fixed I can proclaim eternal love to TL.net again.
I just came to the page now and though "hmm, looks different, I guess I got logged out and it's not picking up my default settings". Sure enough, I had been logged out. Log back in, still looks inferior. How do we fix this?
Bug report: the new version isn't like old one. Description: the new version isn't like old one. Instructions to reproduce: Look at page. Compare to older version. They're different. Priority: Extremely Urgent. Suggested action: make the new version look like the old version.
i am so lost wit the new design. i was mainly using TL site to track SC2 events and jump in between here and liquipedia for brackets/tournament stats etc. I am also using TeamLiquid Streams plugin for firefox (verison 1.6.1).
1) Streams firefox plugin for SC2 streams takes me to Hearthstone stream page... Also the LotV category has disappeared - if its itended im fine with merging it into SC2 (hots) but i would like to know if its the case.
2) I used to click events on the right sidebar so i would see the right sidebar itself with live streams and live events (and liquipedia links) and the central threadlike format of live and upcoming events for today/tomorrow - with stream and Liquipedia links - i liked it because i would frequently findmyself checking brackets/stats for the future events Right now the central threadlike part is gone and we are linked to the new calendar.
And the CALENDAR....
a) the feature i miss the most are THE LINKS - where are the clear 1 click links to liquipedia and streams ??? i dont want to have to click on the event (btw only the name of the event is a link - i think it should be the entire highligthed space) to see liquipedia link - and streams links ?
b) i think once logged in it should default itself to the options we have selected in the sidebar options gamewise - i am only interested in SC2 so i think it should autamatically show only SC2 events for my account - also it should be multiple selection and not dropdown 1 only selection option.
c) colors and general design are cool - plain and less aggressive than the old design but the events are too plain... they do not have distinguishable space for themselves - i think a thin border for each event would be nice - or the way its done frequently - the "chessboard effect"
d) names of the events are a bit off "Starcraft 2" for GSL - really ? i guess it will be sorted out fast though. (same goes for the right sidebar upcoming events - WCS for Gauntlet SC2 Global Finals)
Now that I've been tinkering out with my TL page settings for the past half hour, I'm much more comfortable with my customized layout.
However, it really doesn't work well on my phone anymore
Also, where do I go to see how many days I have left of TL+? There used to be a relevant button in my Profile (or Posts?) settings, but I can no longer find it. Not the "I want to purchase TL+" links, but rather the countdown of how many days I have left.
On August 02 2015 03:45 Jonoman92 wrote: I literally can't login on TL on my Galaxy S5.
Like... the buttons are all screwed up and there's that dumb "log in with facebook, etc" in the way. Plz fix.
Same thing on my S6! The popup window, which suggests about seven different ways to log in other than username and password, pushes the actual entry field so far down it doesn't appear on my screen, and since the popup window is centered at all times regardless if you scroll down, I can't even get to the log in fields!
Another thing I found - I can no longer log in to Liquipedia with teamliquid account. Is there other way to log in or do we just have to wait till it's working? Or will it work if we just use same username and password?