On October 17 2012 05:03 Trineal wrote: I'm a new(ish) smoker and I have a question:
is 10$ a gram for medical stuff fair?
I just have no frame of reference for prices -.-
The average price per gram is 20$ us here. 1/8ths for 60 Quarters for 80-100 Oz for around 300$. Sometimes you can score some for 10 a gram but its usually not fire or if it is its real dry etc.
Jeez, that's actually outrageous. In BC 1/8ths are 25 Quarters are 50 and an Oz of 100$.
While I agree $20/gram $60/eighth is expensive, I would say your prices would still be considered better than standard pricing in most parts of BC. I'm in Kelowna and it's generally $10/gram $30/eighth $50-60/quarter $90-120/half and $160-240/ounce.
Unless you're good buddies or a very long time customer of that dealer, I would argue that your pricing isn't right, for half oz and a full Oz anyway. I live in Kelowna, but I've talked to multiple friends in the lower mainland and other areas of BC and the prices are basically identical to what I just listed. Your price on half oz+ are very generous imo; highly doubt that is the standard pricing anywhere in BC.
On October 18 2012 06:04 CaptainBoner wrote: Today, the circuit jumped because I turned too many electronics on at once. I went into the basement to fix it and I noticed a bunch of picture albums from my family and all the good childhood memories like building snowmen, going to Chuck E Cheesus and zoos with my brothers and it almost made me cry haha. Man, I miss those days when I was little and with my family all the time...need to make plans for us all see each other again soon
Who would've though that those words would come out of CaptianBoner's mouth, from vatican city.
People of Washington, vote NO on I-502. It fucks with medical patients and the laws surrounding what we'd be allowed to have is obscure and almost feels like a law to harass mmj users.
On October 19 2012 08:17 Bourneq wrote: I think I might make a trip to amsterdam on my berlin trip , I hope I can atleast. That would be nicee
It was great when I was there but since then I think they have passed laws to keep foreigners from purchasing mmj in the coffee shops. Might want to look into that before you travel thinking its a stoner's paradise.
On October 19 2012 08:17 Bourneq wrote: I think I might make a trip to amsterdam on my berlin trip , I hope I can atleast. That would be nicee
It was great when I was there but since then I think they have passed laws to keep foreigners from purchasing mmj in the coffee shops. Might want to look into that before you travel thinking its a stoner's paradise.
Well I could problably get somebody to buy it for me. Should not be that hard.
On October 19 2012 08:17 Bourneq wrote: I think I might make a trip to amsterdam on my berlin trip , I hope I can atleast. That would be nicee
It was great when I was there but since then I think they have passed laws to keep foreigners from purchasing mmj in the coffee shops. Might want to look into that before you travel thinking its a stoner's paradise.
Well I could problably get somebody to buy it for me. Should not be that hard.
I was there early august this year. Laws arent enforced until 1.1.2013 if I remember correctly. However I find it to be a bit overrated. I think the dutch have an THC max lvl when it comes to commercial weed. I could be wrong on that tho.
I think that was the last time i smoked actually. Ive hit an economic slump and all my contacts has all but faded. Bummer.
On October 20 2012 00:19 Kyyuna wrote: Well I just tried hash for the first time awhile back and holy crap, some good stuff yo along with UK cheese
Cool mate, I live in a hash town. Its alot harder to get weed here then hash so I ussualy smoke that. Im craving some good weed now tho so thats what im getting next hehe.
i used to be against weed but since ive started using it i've been a way more self-perceptive person and able to change a lot that i never realized was there before. std shitty things like being an asshole, self-important arrogance at times etc etc tl;dr weed made me a nicer person
On October 21 2012 10:42 Xiphos wrote: anyone find it quite difficult to process weed w/o regularly working out?
THC stays in your body forever and you constantly feel high.
Feeling high is okay I guess but sometime it happens involuntary.
I have this too. My memory works really differently for a long time after smoking a bunch. Things that happened just a few hours ago can seem like they happened last week. I also remember things way more vaguely, almost as if they were dreams. Takes a long time for it to return back to normal, not like I really mind, its way more relaxed imo.
I'm the opposite. I guess I have some ADD tendencies (though I imagine that most people who play sc would have that too.) and when I'm "burnt out" I have incredible concentration/ focus. (to the point where I almost want to be burnt out to perform any important task I'm not interested in). My memory isn't noticeable different either, in fact I am better at remembering things that I like. Though I work out a lot/ have a naturally good memory so that could play a role.
I think it's not so much a "memory issue" (though I am sure it does have an effect) but more of a "focus on what I think is actually important/ ignore pointless stuff"
On October 21 2012 10:42 Xiphos wrote: anyone find it quite difficult to process weed w/o regularly working out?
THC stays in your body forever and you constantly feel high.
Feeling high is okay I guess but sometime it happens involuntary.
I have this too. My memory works really differently for a long time after smoking a bunch. Things that happened just a few hours ago can seem like they happened last week. I also remember things way more vaguely, almost as if they were dreams. Takes a long time for it to return back to normal, not like I really mind, its way more relaxed imo.
Thats the main reason I want to quit smoking as much as I do. My memory has gone to complete shit.
On October 21 2012 10:42 Xiphos wrote: anyone find it quite difficult to process weed w/o regularly working out?
THC stays in your body forever and you constantly feel high.
Feeling high is okay I guess but sometime it happens involuntary.
Incorporating marijuana smoking into my workout regiment 4 years ago was one of the best decisions I ever made, Heavy lifting and thc go together oh so well.