On December 26 2012 02:22 Ghanburighan wrote: My votes this round:
Zelda>WoW MGS>Amnesia Counter-Strike >>>>>>>> Tony Hawk (how did it make it this far?) Simcity>HoMM (HoMM 3 was ok, but simcity was a classic. It started a whole new world.) Tetris>War 3 (I liked war 3, but it's weaker than many games in its genre. Tetris doesn't rightfully have a genre. It's a brilliant result of a unique mechanic and perfect execution.)
On December 26 2012 02:22 Ghanburighan wrote: My votes this round:
Zelda>WoW MGS>Amnesia Counter-Strike >>>>>>>> Tony Hawk (how did it make it this far?) Simcity>HoMM (HoMM 3 was ok, but simcity was a classic. It started a whole new world.) Tetris>War 3 (I liked war 3, but it's weaker than many games in its genre. Tetris doesn't rightfully have a genre. It's a brilliant result of a unique mechanic and perfect execution.)
On December 26 2012 01:10 sc4k wrote: OCARINA OF TIME (AKA one of the most revolutionary and trend-setting modern games ever) MUST NOT LOSE TO WORLD OF WARCRAFT (Aka the ruiner of video games and the spawner of soul-destroying shite)
I call upon the power of all that is holy, and castle greyskull, and zordon, and Brian Blessed in Flash Gordon...to prevent this horrific travesty from occurring!!!!!
Hmmmm....well, honestly I don't think OoT is a more revolutionary game. WoW was a huge step towards gaming becoming mainstream, and a big reason why SC2 is so successful. But I think we're voting on entertainment value, not community value.
And honestly I hope Tetris wins, it's possibly the most unique game ever made, and anyone can play it for hours at a time.
On December 26 2012 05:16 red_b wrote: I also missed that no where in the competition was Shadow of the Colossus.
come on TL, come on.
There was. It lost to Ocarina of Time.
Quite a few disappointing results. THPS3 being in the finals just to name the biggest one. There still are some worthy games tho. Hoping for a HoMM3 vs. CS finals. Probably not gonna happen tho.
Regarding older stuff / poll results in general: - How the hell is Deus Ex in a "stealth" genre? It's a RPG people! Much, much more of an rpg than Pokemon or Diablo. - A lot of weird results in the rpg section overall. Fallout 3 best Fallout? Seriously? All the people who didn't play any other Fallout game must have voted. Games like Baldur's Gate 2, Planescape: Torment, KotOR loosing quite early on to games barely worth being considered rpgs is sad as well. Just because something has a leveling mechanic doesn't make it a rpg. - Golden Eye>Bioshock? Stalker>System Shock 2? Holy fuckballs. - Results seem like a huge nostalgia trip. I wonder how recently (if at all in some cases) people played the games they voted for.
I'm getting really tired of people overusing the word nostalgia. Some of the games I played a long time ago I knew were simply amazing games at the time. That is how I felt when playing them, not when remembering playing them.
It is not nostalgia that is dictating these results, that is quite obvious. It is simply the most casually popular games winning, because the largest number of people played them.
On December 26 2012 05:42 FiWiFaKi wrote: Damn Teamliquid is old. What's the newest game there? It's sad, most people voting on these haven't even played both games D:
On December 26 2012 01:10 sc4k wrote: OCARINA OF TIME (AKA one of the most revolutionary and trend-setting modern games ever) MUST NOT LOSE TO WORLD OF WARCRAFT (Aka the ruiner of video games and the spawner of soul-destroying shite)
I call upon the power of all that is holy, and castle greyskull, and zordon, and Brian Blessed in Flash Gordon...to prevent this horrific travesty from occurring!!!!!
WoW was a huge step towards gaming becoming mainstream
Or as I'd like to say, WoW was a huge step towards gaming being ruined.
Yeah, I'm on the Counterstrike wins it all! Especially since you didn't specifically say 1.6, source, promod or GO which means all the players from all those games can and should vote for it.
1.6 took over my childhood and CS:GO is slowly taking over now x_x
I don't think nostalgia has anything to do with the polls being the way they are. I don't think the nostalgia argument has ever worked. The games winning right now are extremely popular and not just because they're old -- they've been around in pop culture forever. Of course Pokemon is going to beat CT. I could ask my whole family if they've heard of Pokemon before, and all would say yes. If I asked about Chrono Trigger...none of them will have heard of it.
There aren't Chrono Trigger trading cards, not any mass merchandising I've ever seen of it, and it certainly wasn't advertised even a 1/50th that Pokemon has. This is a popularity contest, not necessarily a 'best quality game' contest.