Well I was watching T.V today when I saw a program on the Knights Templar that was very interesting. It was basicly all speculation that just made for good T.V, but it did raise some interesting questions about the Templars.
For those that don't know the Knights Templar was a group of knights who were supposed to protect pilgrims on there way to Jerusalem. I guess after doing that for a few hundred years they became rather wealthy. This wealth is also what would destroy their order. Around 1300s the Templars began buying up land right on the boarder of France. Supposedly in preparation of founding a Templar state. Needless to stay this did not sit well with the king of France. He could not have a nation of knights who would only answer to the pope right on his door step. Not to mention the riches he would gain from eliminating Templars. So on friday the 13th(Why its unlucky) Philip the king of France gathers all the high ranking Templars to a meeting hes called for. Then he has them all promptly arrested, tortured, and killed as heretics.
Well enough history, back to those questions I was talking about before. After the heads of the Templar order had been killed. Philip Seized Templar land, but where was the vast amounts of treasure the Templars were said to have? It was never to be found. Also what happened to the rank and file members of the Knights Templar? They too seem to vanish. Finally what happened to the navy the Templars had? The Templars were said to have somewhere around 100+ ships. Which they used to move quickly from Europe to the middle east.
One theory has most of the Knights heading for the Alps to escape France into modern day Switzerland. They would know the peaks well from there travels, and it would be easy to hide here. Its also of some note that right around this time the people of Switzerland were like the poor white trash of Europe. They had no military experience to speak of and were nearly all farmers. Then suddenly after the events in France the Swiss rebell aganist the Habsburgs. They then manage to defeat a Austrian army nearly 3 times there size in a guerrilla war. Storys tell of "White Knights" who came to lead the Swiss forces. The military arena is not the only area Switzerlands seems to gain sudden advancement in. Banking and Trades also seem to spring up around this time. Something the Templars were also very skilled at.
The next theory has the Templars setting sail for Scotland. The night before Philip had the templar leaders arrested. There was 44 Templar ships logged into the port. The next morning the ships were gone. Perhaps the men on the ships got wind of what was going down and fled. Unable to warn there leaders who were in philips castle. The Scotts who were dogmatic Catholics would harbor the Templars. At the battel Bannockburn when Robert the Bruce wins Independence over England. The charge that turns the battel in the Bruces Favor is said to be made by "White Knights"
The final and most odd theory has the Templars sailing for the new world. Landing in Nova Scotia, Canada. Then taking there most prized treasures, and digging a huge whole to hide it in. On Oak island in Nova Scotia two men stumble across a large pit hiden by thick, leafy branches. As they and later other men like them. Try to dig this treasure up every ten feet they would hit a row of wooden logs. Around 100 feet down after moving the wood again the pit begins to fill with water. They have triped a booby trap, and opened a passage to the sea that will continue to fill the pit with water. Nearly 200 years since the pit was found no one knows whats at the bottom. Whatever it is its owner protected it very well.
I would love to one day know the truth.
Entertaining, but inaccurate, at least the Switzerland part. No legends whatsoever about so-called "white knights" The Helvetic Confederation was formed during that time (1291-1353) and did defeat the Habsbourg in guerilla wars (and some heroic battles too), but the idea that former templar leaded them is far-fetched to say the least. The expertise of my people in banking and trade came much more later in time...
I don't like the idea of twisting history to make it sound cool. Let facts be facts.
United Kingdom10597 Posts
Baltimore, USA22250 Posts
On January 25 2006 14:44 Chibi[OWNS] wrote: meh, i'll read this later. scrolled down and no ninjas, meh
edit oh wrong guy
Didnt some of the templars settle at the island rhodos for quite some time? And they were far too many to just vanish over a night. I have heard these roumors before but I dont remember where. I think they are reallt really far fetched to say the least. And as far as the money pit goes it's something really flawed with everything about it templars or no templars. I read up on it at the time it were for sale like sometime last year, but forgot most facts.
they arrested way more people than just the leaders if I remember correctly.
Chuck Norris killed them all with his 'beard'.
If you're intrigued by the subject, and fancy 'intellectual and far thought' conspiration theories which snake through the history of the world, you should definitely read `Foucault's Pendulum' by Umberto Eco. It's an extremely good book. Atleast the english translation of it was good, though it might require a bit above average english skills from the reader.
Baltimore, USA22250 Posts
On January 25 2006 15:21 decafchicken wrote: Chuck Norris killed them all with his 'beard'.
That wasn't funny Decaf.
Who else read the Da vinca code? I am reading it now (it's quite good) and the title caught my eye.
On January 25 2006 13:03 Syst[eM] wrote: I would love to one day know the truth.
One day I would be one who would know the one truth to be known by the one true knower of the one...
who knows, you just might be a decendant of these templars
damn why do all the COOl things happen in europe and most of the CRUEL things happen in the new world (folk takes whatever stuff)
On January 25 2006 14:37 d4d wrote: Entertaining, but inaccurate, at least the Switzerland part. No legends whatsoever about so-called "white knights" The Helvetic Confederation was formed during that time (1291-1353) and did defeat the Habsbourg in guerilla wars (and some heroic battles too), but the idea that former templar leaded them is far-fetched to say the least. The expertise of my people in banking and trade came much more later in time...
I don't like the idea of twisting history to make it sound cool. Let facts be facts. I did a quick serch on google the very first website produced this http://www.templarhistory.com/switzerland.html . I know any person can make a website but it is another source that says there are tales of white knights coming to lead swiss forces.
Braavos36362 Posts
if the templar knights were in africa they would be dark templars lolz
5385 Posts
On January 25 2006 17:52 teh leet newb wrote: Dan Brown is a genius.
Braavos36362 Posts
if two templar pirates wanted to make the ultimate sacrifice, they would form an "aRRRRRchon"