Sounded like it wasn't even poxnor when they read the donation on the stream, just someone that respects his ability to drop money for the charity year after year. So poxnor's actual second donation most likely is still to come.
How's the chain mail donation thing through the mango going? From here: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=299372
I have to imagine most people just donated directly through chipin.
The upcoming Zelda race should be interesting to see.
Yeah the chainmail could give us a decent boost when is mango posting that?
Hmm yeah I just checked the donation details, the $500 didn't come from poxnor.
We can do it! ESPORTS all the way!
Gogo ESPORTS! Donate all you can people :D
We're ahead by 60 dollars atm. Zelda speedrun about 50% through then its FF7, cmoonnnnnnnnn ESPORTS :D
poxnor might come in soon with a large donation so LETS GO ESPORTS!
Has anyone heard from Mango?
Poxnor got another $500. 
Hong Kong9151 Posts
Poxnor: $3,107.77 (17) esports: $2,690.24 (112)
difference: $417.53
come on guys!
That guy has to be Poxnor's friend or him incognito it's the same person who gave him $500 before so he's now thrown $1000 to the poxnor name I think Mango's throwing the auction money soon but I don't know how much it is...
We're almost out of time! Now or never, ESPORTS for Tifa's name ggogogogo!
fuck. There's the $500 dollar donation....sigh.
Thats the same one that put them to 3,100 the comments are delayed guys
In all bidding wars, someones going to lose, but in this case, the money goes to charity. Follow Flicky's dream, or let the old guard maintain!
Why poxnor? who wants it to be poxnor that badly?
On January 08 2012 05:15 Kid-Fox wrote: Why poxnor? who wants it to be poxnor that badly?
A guy named Poxnor. Oh, by the way, he just threw another 2.5k on the name. It's above 5k now. Unless a miracle happens this is gg.
Hey guys we cost poxnor and his friend 5.5k to get what he wanted and it went towards Cancer research we put up a good fight good job guys.
wow, gg!
~5.8k, that's pretty damn amazing