Now that I have a web domain which includes unlimited email addresses, I have come to an idea that should make you 100% spam-free. It takes some effort however and I'm not sure if I'm the first one with that idea but a quick google search found nothing so I would like to have your input on this:
The basic premise is that I can have unlimited addresses of the shape *@mydomain.com. Now if I use a specific email address like email@mydomain.com it's only a question of time until spammers get a hold of it.
My proposal however is to have one different email address per sender. Every time you give someone your email address you create a new email address and activate it. For example you meet joe and bob, then you give them and activate joe@mydomain.com and bob@mydomain.com. Of course at the end you redirect all those addresses to your main inbox so that you don't have to poll all of the addresses.
This servers multiple purposes:
easy whitelisting and filtering regardless of what emailaddress joe uses or if he switches, the email gets through to you and does not get blocked by overzealous spam filters. if you are eagerly awaiting a response from bob you can just make all his emails red and notice immediatly/programm a sound or some other signal if his email has arrived.
easy spam blocking Let's say you give your address because it's needed for some petition. Later you notice a sudden influx of spam because those bastards sold your address. You now just deactivate nomorebabyclubbingpetition@mydomain.com and delete all mails from them and you are again spam-free!
knowing who to blame for spam Before mentioned organization can now be convicted of mail-selling and because they are the only ones knowing that address you have prove against them.
migration effort You now have to give all people who have your old address a new one and activate all those addresses.
cost I have a great webspace for just 25€ so I have those email addresses anyways but for people who don't have webspace anyways that is a significant investition.
maintaining effort Everytime you meet someone new you have to think up a new address and activate it. Also if they mail you before it is activated, the mail may never get to you.
So thats it for my proposal, what do you think of it?
Yup, it does work. However you need to make sure that you keep paying for the domain otherwise it can just get stolen from you when it expires. It's a pretty significant risk over using a more reliable e-mail provider.
Another issue is that you might forget which e-mails you used at which places. It can get confusing after you've had a lot of different e-mail addresses on different sites and forums and if you forget one it might take quite a bit of time to re-find.
It isn't worth the cost to get one for an average user, but if you find that the benefits outweigh the cons for you then definitely go for it.
just use 2....
- one for friends/tutors/lecturers/work contacts - one for registering at whatever pages
until now (about a year) i didn't get any spam at all sent to my "family and friends" adress
That's a lot of effort lol. I just set up filters to delete everything with "viagra, mortgage, pharmacy, insurance, coupon, VISA, adult, secret admirer, wallmart, blizzard, weight loss, etc..."
It's not perfect at all but filters the majority of spam, just block the rest.
Oh yeah OT :D
It's a very smart idea but takes up a bit of time. Big disadvantage is that if you close an account you have to contact the person who you gave that account to use your new email adress.
I use gmail.
Haven't had spam in my inbox for over a year.
Seems pretty overkill, I can't see anyone doing this. Like the person above, my gmail account is spam free.
I just use gmail...
never had a spam mail go to my inbox, and never had a legit mail go to my spambox. used it since 2008, maybe earlier cant remember 100%
On October 06 2011 06:44 HellRoxYa wrote: I use gmail.
Haven't had spam in my inbox for over a year.
Pretty much. My most recent gmail account (late 2010) has never seen a single piece of spam, and I even use it to register for stuff (on sites that I trust, anyway). Even my old gmail account that did get spam almost invariably tossed it straight into the spam folder, a product of Google's extremely solid cloud antispam.
In my opinion, careful use of your e-mail address will always trump any kind of spam filter. Just make a second one to sign up for stuff you don't necessarily trust.
sorry to disappoint you, but i use your idea for a long time now. Since 5 years now i use yahoo mail (it doesn't cost you anything), where i have 2 main email addresses and then up to 500 different spam email addresses (in german called Wegwerfaddressen since you are from germany) if you want to try something, get a spam email address (it's done quite simple and really fast), if you don't like it anymore, delete the address you can use those spam addresses just like a normal addresses (as in sending an email using the spam address as sender) and you can recieve all the emails from your spam addresses at your main account
so all in all it has great management for spam email addresses, unlimited storage afaik and a lot more 
the only thing i don't like from yahoo (what makes me really really angry) is their "news" have become worse than rainbowpress - false informations, no information, "news" that were on the same page as "news" 2 years ago, a lot of how-to-do-sex-right etc, all the gossip and so on - you name it, they have it. But other than that (and use adblock ofc), yahoo mail is the best mail system i have found (i tried about 5 different free email services)
Gmail!  The only spam I get is on Hotmail and that's all from my friends (probably with viruses) and there isn't much I can do about that... So i use Gmail instead.
So your suggestion is just to use an email alias for each contact that you have correspondence with?
The theory works, and kudos to you for thinking it up on your own now that you have unlimited aliases available. I agree with other TLers though - the admin load on keeping track of the addresses makes it inefficient.
The guys who are suggesting using Gmail obviously aren't feeling the cool feeling you get from now being able to send email from you@yourowndomainname.com !! so using Gmail isn't the response you're looking for I guess.
Other than using really good email spam filtering (which Gmail obviously comes with after seeing the suggestions so far) there's no efficient way to stop ALL spam. Can your domain host provide email filtering? I'm sure there's something I'm missing that would help, something really obvious, so I will come back and post again when I'm not blind drunk ^_^;;
Thats a ridiculous amount of effort and no one in the general population is going to do that unless you invent some program that automatically makes them a new email for each person because lets face it, everyone is lazy.
I've used one email for 99.9% of everything since like grade 6. And I made a second one to put on my resume that I only use for job applications.
Just get a good spam filter, I don't have an issue with spam despite registering with my main account on every site known to man.
On October 06 2011 06:44 HellRoxYa wrote: I use gmail.
Haven't had spam in my inbox for over a year. Same for me, but replace year with 3 years. It might even be longer than that, as I honestly don't remember the last time something made it past the spam filter.
It's not workable. Which e-mail address are you going to use when you reply? People will start to use that e-mail to e-mail you (or rather, e-mail clients will associate that e-mail to you). At which point if you want to deactivate it because of spam, you'll have to tell everyone to change their address books.
The best idea to avoid business email marketing list which spam your inbox is to search temp emails that you can use where websites require emails. It is the best way.