Raw milk tends to be handled carefully because
a> Every single supplier of raw milk prides themselves on growing and rearing the best and healthiest cows possible b> the WHOLE POINT of the raw milk movement is to provide milk that is highly nutritious and have health benefits over traditional milk which CANNOT be drank raw
Its dangerous because its a foodstuff that goes off quickly (within a few days). So, don't leave it in your fridge for a week and then drink it for gods sake
Your totally right if you are saying that regular cows (and i use the word "regular" lightly here) are incapable of producing milk that can be safely drank raw. It is thus unsurprising that raw milk when tested (with traditional milk producing cows) is labelled as highly dangerous
I use raw milk as an indicator that since it can be drank raw safely, it is an indication of the high quality nature of the milk and the process that was used to create it
On August 09 2011 06:40 BrTarolg wrote: Raw milk tends to be handled carefully because
a> Every single supplier of raw milk prides themselves on growing and rearing the best and healthiest cows possible b> the WHOLE POINT of the raw milk movement is to provide milk that is highly nutritious and have health benefits over traditional milk which CANNOT be drank raw
Its dangerous because its a foodstuff that goes off quickly (within a few days). So, don't leave it in your fridge for a week and then drink it for gods sake
Your totally right if you are saying that regular cows (and i use the word "regular" lightly here) are incapable of producing milk that can be safely drank raw. It is thus unsurprising that raw milk when tested (with traditional milk producing cows) is labelled as highly dangerous
I use raw milk as an indicator that since it can be drank raw safely, it is an indication of the high quality nature of the milk and the process that was used to create it
"a> Every single supplier of raw milk prides themselves on growing and rearing the best and healthiest cows possible"
I do not doubt suppliers of raw milk pride themselves on their cows. I also do not doubt that suppliers of organic milk (Pasteurized or raw) also pride themselves on the health of their cows. The problem isn't whether they have pride or not, its if they know how to properly handle milk or not. Even a small contamination of cow feces could create an epidemic.
"b> the WHOLE POINT of the raw milk movement is to provide milk that is highly nutritious and have health benefits over traditional milk which CANNOT be drank raw"
Raw milk has natural occurring bacteria, some harmless, some NOT SO harmless. The risk is up to the user as is with tobacco smokers, etc. Just drink organic pasteurized if you are looking for "healthier" cow's milk which is actually PROVEN safer. If you want to see a list of what is found in raw milk refer back to previous posts in this thread.
If you really want to drink "healthier milk" just drink soy or almond milk, much better for you. But if you have your heart set on another mammal's breast milk, why not use the precautionary principle to help keep that milk, whether organic or not, safe? Unless you like taking unnecessary risks, which I don't mind(or care you doing personally), but its when those uneducated people give that "raw and "super food(In their minds)" (sarcasm)"" milk to their children, is when its an inherent problem.
Edit: "I use raw milk as an indicator that since it can be drank raw safely, it is an indication of the high quality nature of the milk and the process that was used to create it"
" Even with careful sanitation, it is nearly impossible to keep all dirt and fecal matter from getting into the raw milk. In addition, some cows might have udder infections that aren’t obvious to the dairy operator, but still can result in bacteria getting into the milk. The only scientifically proven way to ensure that disease-causing germs are eliminated from the milk that is sold to consumers is to pasteurize the milk."Raw Milk Facts (Post in OP)
My job is to make sure you learn that raw milk is not safe, I'm not here to argue, just teach.
On August 09 2011 06:40 BrTarolg wrote: Raw milk tends to be handled carefully because
a> Every single supplier of raw milk prides themselves on growing and rearing the best and healthiest cows possible b> the WHOLE POINT of the raw milk movement is to provide milk that is highly nutritious and have health benefits over traditional milk which CANNOT be drank raw
Now that I know the WHOLE POINT of the raw milk movement is nutrition and health, I will sleep better at night. And the more I think about it, the more I wonder what anyone's been arguing about.
Some cows drink their own milk, it's so good and healthy. They just bend down and slurp it up, and they make this awesome mooing/gurgling sound to let you know they ain't ever gonna stop while the milk is so raw and fresh. Like watermelon.
I've also heard the whole point of religion is to encourage universal brotherhood, and that's why I'm joining this church out in Empty Valley that raises its own geese and cows and sells goose blood to the tomato union which is thankfully outside of the Man's reach because Empty Valley Church sends their blood tomatoes around an island in the Pacific to avoid big bro's agencies that threaten them with science. I originally went to Empty Valley not because of any spiritual dilemma, but because my favorite metal band was playing there and raw music is even better than raw milk. At one point an Empty Valley employee was worried about all of the sick children, but we learned that even though evolution is a lie, the children would spontaneously evolve cheese tentacles that mostly sop up the extra yeast that's been growing on the tomatoes. According to one study (I am unable to find the link so you'll have to trust me that it's more scientific than anything the FDA or CDC could come up with), chicken blood tomatoes grown in all-natural bog conditions attract only the healthiest insect eggs, and the crystal vibrations from the eggs seem to have cancer-curing properties that not only attract the yeast, but inoculate Empty Valley Farm's slurping cows from other diseases as well, making their milk the healthiest. That's the whole point of Empty Valley Farm! Still, I'm glad we've avoided government scrutiny.
Wtf is this spout random fallacial rhetoric day or something?
Its a foodstuff that can get contaminated just like everything else if not handled properly
Yes, i trust the farmer i use to handle it properly.
Everything CAN be dangerous for you, in exactly the same way eating raw fish, meat and raw anything else could be dangerous. I've told you why i get it - its because its something special that on the whole, is safer and more nutritious than many of its marketed pasteurised variants, for reasons OTHER than pasteurisation.
I have no issue if that farmer decides to sell it to me pasteurised, its still the same cow and living conditions. I'd feel bad for my lactose intolerant friend yeah but thats all
I eat raw fish all the time. It tastes fantastic. Yea, its many times more dangerous than raw milk. Maybe we should live in a bubble and ban it too?
On August 09 2011 14:59 BrTarolg wrote: Wtf is this spout random fallacial rhetoric day or something?
Its a foodstuff that can get contaminated just like everything else if not handled properly
Yes, i trust the farmer i use to handle it properly.
Everything CAN be dangerous for you, in exactly the same way eating raw fish, meat and raw anything else could be dangerous. I've told you why i get it - its because its something special that on the whole, is safer and more nutritious than many of its marketed pasteurised variants, for reasons OTHER than pasteurisation.
I have no issue if that farmer decides to sell it to me pasteurised, its still the same cow and living conditions. I'd feel bad for my lactose intolerant friend yeah but thats all
I eat raw fish all the time. It tastes fantastic. Yea, its many times more dangerous than raw milk. Maybe we should live in a bubble and ban it too?
Go for it, just don't give it to kids, elderly, or sick people.