The future of graphics in games - Page 11
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United States84 Posts
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Canada866 Posts
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United States813 Posts
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United States8293 Posts
On August 02 2011 01:01 Bibdy wrote: The claims of 'unlimited' are just stupid, especially for someone who claims to work in the technology industry. Like WniO said, this could be used to create great pre-rendered locations, but would have a lot of shortcomings when it comes to animation and physics. That pretty water? Just a flat surface. Those little balls of dirt or leaves on the palm tree? Ain't budging an inch. Polygons will always be needed at the very least to determine collision detection until the processors get to the point of stupid where polygons get so small they might as well be atoms. I also find it kind of disingenuous that one of its claims is that it only renders what is visible on the camera, considering that's exactly how current game engines work. Yeah I was thinking of that as well when I saw them show blades of grass sway in Crysis. I guess some level of physics modelling should be possible but a lot of it would need to be written from scratch - probably can't leverage what's already out there for meshes. As for collision detection, not sure if a computationally cheap way is even really possible for "atoms". | ||
United States8293 Posts
On August 02 2011 11:30 iamahydralisk wrote: Sorry if this has been posted already, but it says in the vid description that they can indeed do animation with these graphics (for whatever that's worth). Posting for all the people who're saying they can't. If you can model it and render it, you can animate it - at least by hand. In a game though, not everything is animated by hand. | ||
Greece827 Posts
there is one big downside for this way of rendering: you cant have movement/animation. Its not currently possible because of the way the graphics are rendered. They just show the same old tricks again and again while shittalking every game copmany LOL! ... | ||
Thailand7699 Posts
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Belgium143 Posts
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United States805 Posts
Anyways, I am very impressed by what was shown in the video. Looking forward to future demonstrations of this technology. | ||
2230 Posts
On August 02 2011 08:35 Duka08 wrote: Several people in the thread have summed it up quite well; it's just a different way of drawing. Current technological (hardware) limitations are blatantly obvious. I don't see how it's unique from past methods of rendering... Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. The video feels like more of a marketing ploy for now, whether or not what he's saying "is the future". Kind of like CRT, LCD, and Plasma. CRT wins in display quality over the currently used LCD and Plasma but most use LCD and Plasma anyway because it's smaller and doesn't start fires if they're broken. Yep the advantages of LCD and Plasma is that they won't start a fire and/or implode like a CRT if it breaks >.>. | ||
United States147 Posts
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United States217 Posts
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Australia1321 Posts
I still find my PS1 and N64 games which have shockingly bad graphics very entertaining to play. Stop worrying about the graphics and concentrate on the content. | ||
United States918 Posts
On August 02 2011 09:55 nemo14 wrote: That is a pretty basic issue that I am not sure anyone can get around. Every point has to have its coordinates stored somewhere, and while you might be able to come up with a more efficient coordinate system you still need to put trillions of easily-accessible points into it. Well, not if there are certain constraints. For instance, the positions of the atoms that make up a rock can all be defined in terms of 6 parameters: the 3D coordinates of one atom in the rock, and the 3D coordinates of the rock's angle of rotation. Only if the rock is broken into smaller pieces do more parameters need to be defined. The same goes for all contiguous objects, and it may be possible to do other clever compressions. For example, you could define whole regions of the island that are not currently being interacted with in terms of 6 coordinates. Or you could make approximations for different spatial scales, e.g., only visualize 1 in a million atoms for objects smaller than a certain scale. I don't know exactly what they're doing, but I think there are many such clever algorithms that could be used to achieve compression. | ||
Australia1435 Posts
On August 02 2011 12:22 Tektos wrote: I don't understand why game developers are so insanely desperate to have the best possible graphics in their games yet can't make improvements on game-play, longevity and other areas of the game which most people feel is more important. I still find my PS1 and N64 games which have shockingly bad graphics very entertaining to play. Stop worrying about the graphics and concentrate on the content. Truer words have never been spoken. Graphics are cool but there's so much more (as you said) that is important as well, and without that even the best graphics can make for a very poor game overall. | ||
Hong Kong4308 Posts
And why would you want graphics for RTS, Fighting, or FPS? Talking from my experience, I would get so focused on the game to the point that I could play the game in 8-bit and not notice anything. You will lose the game if you take 1 second to appreciate the beauty. But on the other hand, I think it may be incredibly important to improve graphics if we want e-sports to grow. There is a difference from playing low on StarCraft to play better and watching someone play. There is nothing more amazing than seeing a very flashy battle with high quality explosions and animations. But despite all that, grahpics will never beat Brood War :D Oh yeah, I would like to see how these graphics would do mixed with anime art since that is my favorite type of games to play. | ||
Canada2933 Posts
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Canada2368 Posts
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Hong Kong4308 Posts
On August 02 2011 13:42 RezChi wrote: Doubt if that thing started and came out in a month, half the people that buy a game with it would realize their computer can't run it lol I believe many companies will invest billions once they realize how much potential there is to make money in the upcoming new era in video games. | ||
United States1134 Posts
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