On May 19 2014 01:30 Shiragaku wrote: How does it feel for a German speaking person to watch those Hitler rant videos? Does it feel awkward to understand both the language and the subs at the same time?
They are just simply not funny... like not at all. But I always guessed that they arent funny, even when you dont understand german. Maybe the first one was funny, but I cant imagine them being funny after done so effortless and so many times. Similiar to "Dimitri reacts to...", while that guy at least dances funny ;-).
duuuude. Palmers hitler video about a TL mafia game was amazing.
I haven't laughed so badly in years. But with most funny stuff you have to have to kind of relation to it or it just won't be funny. If you don't play mafia you won't understand it and so on.
The most awkward thing really is people speaking german in non german films or movies. Chances are that if you're an anime fan, you might have heard of attack on titan, despite it being incredibly mediocre it's super famous. The setting is all some kind of medieval stuff and they all have somewhat germanic names. There's a blond boy who's called Armin... Anyways point being: Some of the songs are in german. The music is good but it is sooooo cringeworthy. I had to look it up to understand what this girl was singing and once I realized it's german it just completly ruined the music for me because it sounds so bad... Sometimes it's funny but if it's not supposed to be funny it really ruins the setting a little.. + Show Spoiler [that one] +
Isn't Attack on Titan a European set Anime? European Names, Blonde hair, styled after feudal castles of europe, etc...
I mean, what is non-german/non-euro about the show?
Despite what people in the US might think, we don't actually have giant naked guys running around and eating people here.
And just because a show is an anime doesn't mean the artist can't take inspiration from non-japanese settings.
On May 20 2014 01:50 Simberto wrote: Nevermind, i should have known not to react to anything you post, even a simple joke always becomes an annoying argument.
Misunderstood, you sounded offended by my saying that an anime looked german in nature.
On May 18 2014 03:20 Djzapz wrote: How the fuck do I sharpen a blade?
I bought this product thing (seen in the video) because it was the cheapest and I do what Mr. Ronald Newberry does (with a little more rigor) and I can't seem to get rid of the burr on my edge. It's a $8 chinese folding knife so I don't actually care but wtf. It still cuts but the the edge of the blade is clearly wonky (which shows when the light is at the right angle) and I can't seem to fix it. I looked at internet tutorials and they don't help
I would ditch the sharpener to be honest. Buy a regular stone or something like that. I use a DC4 from fallkniven and it does wonder, no need for water or anything. You'll have to learn to use it, but any proper blade can be made razorsharp with this. My missing arm hairs can testify.
Also, bad blades simply cannot be sharpened, the steel is usually too soft for that, which can lead to the results you described if I understood that properly.
Also, if you want cheap high quality knives,these are very good, although not made for heavy duty work (handles tend to break).
Sverige knives I see. I don't think I can get those here... Anyway the cheap knife I use is a "Sanrenmu 710" using 8CrMov1 steel. The edge is wavy. Oh well, no big deal it can still open Amazon boxes.
Yup, those swedish knows their ways around blades, for sure. You could probably order one, for more shipping cost than actual product ^^ Yeaaaah, steel names... Doesn't tell much, and there is much more than steel composition (tempering mostly) to dertemine blade quality. And does it even matter to open Amazon boxes ^^
On May 19 2014 01:30 Shiragaku wrote: How does it feel for a German speaking person to watch those Hitler rant videos? Does it feel awkward to understand both the language and the subs at the same time?
They are just simply not funny... like not at all. But I always guessed that they arent funny, even when you dont understand german. Maybe the first one was funny, but I cant imagine them being funny after done so effortless and so many times. Similiar to "Dimitri reacts to...", while that guy at least dances funny ;-).
duuuude. Palmers hitler video about a TL mafia game was amazing.
I haven't laughed so badly in years. But with most funny stuff you have to have to kind of relation to it or it just won't be funny. If you don't play mafia you won't understand it and so on.
The most awkward thing really is people speaking german in non german films or movies. Chances are that if you're an anime fan, you might have heard of attack on titan, despite it being incredibly mediocre it's super famous. The setting is all some kind of medieval stuff and they all have somewhat germanic names. There's a blond boy who's called Armin... Anyways point being: Some of the songs are in german. The music is good but it is sooooo cringeworthy. I had to look it up to understand what this girl was singing and once I realized it's german it just completly ruined the music for me because it sounds so bad... Sometimes it's funny but if it's not supposed to be funny it really ruins the setting a little.. + Show Spoiler [that one] +
Isn't Attack on Titan a European set Anime? European Names, Blonde hair, styled after feudal castles of europe, etc...
I mean, what is non-german/non-euro about the show?
yeah, I've only managed to force me through the first 7 episodes or so before dropping it but seemed that way. Can't talk about what the castle looks like and if that resembles anything but the names sounded really germanic minus English in general. Actually, wasn't there this one guy who had a french name? Maybe it's just all of Europe and not germanic but I can't really recall anything slavic in there
On May 18 2014 03:20 Djzapz wrote: How the fuck do I sharpen a blade?
I bought this product thing (seen in the video) because it was the cheapest and I do what Mr. Ronald Newberry does (with a little more rigor) and I can't seem to get rid of the burr on my edge. It's a $8 chinese folding knife so I don't actually care but wtf. It still cuts but the the edge of the blade is clearly wonky (which shows when the light is at the right angle) and I can't seem to fix it. I looked at internet tutorials and they don't help
I would ditch the sharpener to be honest. Buy a regular stone or something like that. I use a DC4 from fallkniven and it does wonder, no need for water or anything. You'll have to learn to use it, but any proper blade can be made razorsharp with this. My missing arm hairs can testify.
Also, bad blades simply cannot be sharpened, the steel is usually too soft for that, which can lead to the results you described if I understood that properly.
Also, if you want cheap high quality knives,these are very good, although not made for heavy duty work (handles tend to break).
Sverige knives I see. I don't think I can get those here... Anyway the cheap knife I use is a "Sanrenmu 710" using 8CrMov1 steel. The edge is wavy. Oh well, no big deal it can still open Amazon boxes.
Yup, those swedish knows their ways around blades, for sure. You could probably order one, for more shipping cost than actual product ^^ Yeaaaah, steel names... Doesn't tell much, and there is much more than steel composition (tempering mostly) to dertemine blade quality. And does it even matter to open Amazon boxes ^^
Yeah well I don't care for amazon boxes but I essentially need the knife for various tasks like cutting macroline (plastic tubing) and stuff, and I might eventually go camping, so I'm thinking of picking up a fairly priced yet heavy duty knife that I could carry around in the woods and fight bears with.
I was thinking of picking up a "Cold Steel Leatherneck-SF" which is not overly expensive for $50-60, looks good and is probably good enough for the light abuse it might go through...
On May 19 2014 01:30 Shiragaku wrote: How does it feel for a German speaking person to watch those Hitler rant videos? Does it feel awkward to understand both the language and the subs at the same time?
They are just simply not funny... like not at all. But I always guessed that they arent funny, even when you dont understand german. Maybe the first one was funny, but I cant imagine them being funny after done so effortless and so many times. Similiar to "Dimitri reacts to...", while that guy at least dances funny ;-).
duuuude. Palmers hitler video about a TL mafia game was amazing.
I haven't laughed so badly in years. But with most funny stuff you have to have to kind of relation to it or it just won't be funny. If you don't play mafia you won't understand it and so on.
The most awkward thing really is people speaking german in non german films or movies. Chances are that if you're an anime fan, you might have heard of attack on titan, despite it being incredibly mediocre it's super famous. The setting is all some kind of medieval stuff and they all have somewhat germanic names. There's a blond boy who's called Armin... Anyways point being: Some of the songs are in german. The music is good but it is sooooo cringeworthy. I had to look it up to understand what this girl was singing and once I realized it's german it just completly ruined the music for me because it sounds so bad... Sometimes it's funny but if it's not supposed to be funny it really ruins the setting a little.. + Show Spoiler [that one] +
Isn't Attack on Titan a European set Anime? European Names, Blonde hair, styled after feudal castles of europe, etc...
I mean, what is non-german/non-euro about the show?
yeah, I've only managed to force me through the first 7 episodes or so before dropping it but seemed that way. Can't talk about what the castle looks like and if that resembles anything but the names sounded really germanic minus English in general. Actually, wasn't there this one guy who had a french name? Maybe it's just all of Europe and not germanic but I can't really recall anything slavic in there
Loved the show myself, watched the entire season, it felt like watching a Daytime Soap Opera having Sex with a Zombie Film but then blurring the sex with an Overdose of Teenage Angst. I felt like I was in high school all over again, like a sense of nostalgia without the bothersome history.
Was the writing bad? Mostly. Plots overly long? Yup. Non-Combat art kind of derivative? You betcha Would I suggest people watch it? Almost never.
You guys reminded me of Attack on Titan so I decided to throw the folder with the whole season away. Computer don't want to get rid of episode 13 because I am using it. Fuck no I'm not. How do I convince computer to let it go?
Edit: Oh, it worked now. I guess turning computer off and on does work in all situations
On May 19 2014 01:30 Shiragaku wrote: How does it feel for a German speaking person to watch those Hitler rant videos? Does it feel awkward to understand both the language and the subs at the same time?
They are just simply not funny... like not at all. But I always guessed that they arent funny, even when you dont understand german. Maybe the first one was funny, but I cant imagine them being funny after done so effortless and so many times. Similiar to "Dimitri reacts to...", while that guy at least dances funny ;-).
duuuude. Palmers hitler video about a TL mafia game was amazing.
I haven't laughed so badly in years. But with most funny stuff you have to have to kind of relation to it or it just won't be funny. If you don't play mafia you won't understand it and so on.
The most awkward thing really is people speaking german in non german films or movies. Chances are that if you're an anime fan, you might have heard of attack on titan, despite it being incredibly mediocre it's super famous. The setting is all some kind of medieval stuff and they all have somewhat germanic names. There's a blond boy who's called Armin... Anyways point being: Some of the songs are in german. The music is good but it is sooooo cringeworthy. I had to look it up to understand what this girl was singing and once I realized it's german it just completly ruined the music for me because it sounds so bad... Sometimes it's funny but if it's not supposed to be funny it really ruins the setting a little.. + Show Spoiler [that one] +
Isn't Attack on Titan a European set Anime? European Names, Blonde hair, styled after feudal castles of europe, etc...
I mean, what is non-german/non-euro about the show?
yeah, I've only managed to force me through the first 7 episodes or so before dropping it but seemed that way. Can't talk about what the castle looks like and if that resembles anything but the names sounded really germanic minus English in general. Actually, wasn't there this one guy who had a french name? Maybe it's just all of Europe and not germanic but I can't really recall anything slavic in there
Loved the show myself, watched the entire season, it felt like watching a Daytime Soap Opera having Sex with a Zombie Film but then blurring the sex with an Overdose of Teenage Angst. I felt like I was in high school all over again, like a sense of nostalgia without the bothersome history.
Was the writing bad? Mostly. Plots overly long? Yup. Non-Combat art kind of derivative? You betcha Would I suggest people watch it? Almost never.
And I still loved it lol
Yup, I'm "one of those" guys lol.
The show itself felt too pretentious for me to be able to enjoy it. It reeked of 16 year olds screaming "look, I watch stuff for GROWN UPS and not kiddy cartoons!" mostly and that's a big turn off for me. The music was good though, I wouldn't have looked up that it's in german had I not liked the music to begin with! And you won't get hate from me for watching mediocre shows, most stuff I enjoyed are shows that are really garbage but ended up being hilarious because of that, so please don't take it as a personal attack or anything of the sort
On May 19 2014 01:30 Shiragaku wrote: How does it feel for a German speaking person to watch those Hitler rant videos? Does it feel awkward to understand both the language and the subs at the same time?
They are just simply not funny... like not at all. But I always guessed that they arent funny, even when you dont understand german. Maybe the first one was funny, but I cant imagine them being funny after done so effortless and so many times. Similiar to "Dimitri reacts to...", while that guy at least dances funny ;-).
duuuude. Palmers hitler video about a TL mafia game was amazing.
I haven't laughed so badly in years. But with most funny stuff you have to have to kind of relation to it or it just won't be funny. If you don't play mafia you won't understand it and so on.
The most awkward thing really is people speaking german in non german films or movies. Chances are that if you're an anime fan, you might have heard of attack on titan, despite it being incredibly mediocre it's super famous. The setting is all some kind of medieval stuff and they all have somewhat germanic names. There's a blond boy who's called Armin... Anyways point being: Some of the songs are in german. The music is good but it is sooooo cringeworthy. I had to look it up to understand what this girl was singing and once I realized it's german it just completly ruined the music for me because it sounds so bad... Sometimes it's funny but if it's not supposed to be funny it really ruins the setting a little.. + Show Spoiler [that one] +
Isn't Attack on Titan a European set Anime? European Names, Blonde hair, styled after feudal castles of europe, etc...
I mean, what is non-german/non-euro about the show?
yeah, I've only managed to force me through the first 7 episodes or so before dropping it but seemed that way. Can't talk about what the castle looks like and if that resembles anything but the names sounded really germanic minus English in general. Actually, wasn't there this one guy who had a french name? Maybe it's just all of Europe and not germanic but I can't really recall anything slavic in there
Loved the show myself, watched the entire season, it felt like watching a Daytime Soap Opera having Sex with a Zombie Film but then blurring the sex with an Overdose of Teenage Angst. I felt like I was in high school all over again, like a sense of nostalgia without the bothersome history.
Was the writing bad? Mostly. Plots overly long? Yup. Non-Combat art kind of derivative? You betcha Would I suggest people watch it? Almost never.
And I still loved it lol
Yup, I'm "one of those" guys lol.
The show itself felt too pretentious for me to be able to enjoy it. It reeked of 16 year olds screaming "look, I watch stuff for GROWN UPS and not kiddy cartoons!" mostly and that's a big turn off for me. The music was good though, I wouldn't have looked up that it's in german had I not liked the music to begin with! And you won't get hate from me for watching mediocre shows, most stuff I enjoyed are shows that are really garbage but ended up being hilarious because of that, so please don't take it as a personal attack or anything of the sort
Ha ha! That's so accurate! The protagonist actually gets more annoying with his non-stop screaming as the show progresses! Its great
On May 18 2014 03:20 Djzapz wrote: How the fuck do I sharpen a blade?
I bought this product thing (seen in the video) because it was the cheapest and I do what Mr. Ronald Newberry does (with a little more rigor) and I can't seem to get rid of the burr on my edge. It's a $8 chinese folding knife so I don't actually care but wtf. It still cuts but the the edge of the blade is clearly wonky (which shows when the light is at the right angle) and I can't seem to fix it. I looked at internet tutorials and they don't help
I would ditch the sharpener to be honest. Buy a regular stone or something like that. I use a DC4 from fallkniven and it does wonder, no need for water or anything. You'll have to learn to use it, but any proper blade can be made razorsharp with this. My missing arm hairs can testify.
Also, bad blades simply cannot be sharpened, the steel is usually too soft for that, which can lead to the results you described if I understood that properly.
Also, if you want cheap high quality knives,these are very good, although not made for heavy duty work (handles tend to break).
Sverige knives I see. I don't think I can get those here... Anyway the cheap knife I use is a "Sanrenmu 710" using 8CrMov1 steel. The edge is wavy. Oh well, no big deal it can still open Amazon boxes.
Yup, those swedish knows their ways around blades, for sure. You could probably order one, for more shipping cost than actual product ^^ Yeaaaah, steel names... Doesn't tell much, and there is much more than steel composition (tempering mostly) to dertemine blade quality. And does it even matter to open Amazon boxes ^^
Yeah well I don't care for amazon boxes but I essentially need the knife for various tasks like cutting macroline (plastic tubing) and stuff, and I might eventually go camping, so I'm thinking of picking up a fairly priced yet heavy duty knife that I could carry around in the woods and fight bears with.
I was thinking of picking up a "Cold Steel Leatherneck-SF" which is not overly expensive for $50-60, looks good and is probably good enough for the light abuse it might go through...
Cold steel is definitely a solid choice for this price range. Only gripe I have with the design you picked is for batoning, the back of the tip being edgy makes it slightly more annoying. That is, if you think you'll do that. Else it is a good choice imo.