So everytime I listen to music nowadays I keep thinking about buying new pair of headphones ._.
I currently have an ATH-M50 and I really like it, but I think it is a time for an upgrade
So i'm debating whether to go straight for a high end set or to buy a mid end set. Is there really that much of a difference between lets say, a 500 dollar pair of headphones and 900?
I'd probably just need amps to go with whatever headphones I pick at that point, right?
Also anyone have any experience buying/selling from Head-fi's boards? It's kind of weird to see "Steep" discounts on random stuff (HD800s for 1000? That's odd I guess) and makes me think that there's probably a lot of lemons in there
Head-fi selling/trading subforum is the most useful place...I've gotten stuff there, and many people have success.
Most of these people take decent care of their gear, and often times there's people trying to liquidate fast to fund another purchase, so hence there are some good deals now and then.
On December 10 2011 12:22 Milkis wrote: I'd probably just need amps to go with whatever headphones I pick at that point, right?
Not necessarily, depending on the model, but that's probably a good idea.
Keep in mind that just several years ago, aside from Stax electrostatic models, some special discontinued models, and some other exceptions...Sennheiser HD 600 / 650, AKG K701, Beyerdynamic DT 880, etc. for like $250-400 were considered the top of the line. Prices are more based on expectations than anything else, I would guess.
At this point it's mostly about personal preferences, so $500 vs. $900 is maybe not the right way to think about it. I haven't tried any of those sets though, so treat this more as a guess than anything else.
I am currently a proud owner of Sennheiser HD202's, and I've been extremely satisfied with them. I got them last Christmas and they haven't broken, worn out, etc. since then. Despite the numerous times I've stepped on them, yanked the cord, or dropped, they always come through and provide me with awesome sound. I got them in replacement for ear-buds, and I couldn't believe the stark contrast in quality of sound. I'll never forget that feeling of awesome. I've gotten used to it now, but when I listen to music in ear-buds now I'm surprised that I stuck around with them in the first place. I definitely recommend them to anyone on a lower-mid range budget!
After my HD555 died, due to years of abuse the frame broke into piece's, I found these awesome cans. Shure SRH 840 their closed but to my amateur ear I can't tell much of a difference in sound stage between the open HD555. The mids are amazing which most reviews say it excels at. But the biggest thing to me was the better bass, which i guess is obvious coming from open cans. Wearing them for long periods starts hurting your ears though, definitively the most uncomfortable headphones I've worn.
Bose is much-maligned when it comes to audio (no highs, no lows, its got to be a Bose) but I have to admit I like their Triports and their noise canceling gear in general.
I started with Sennheiser HD515s, then when they broke after a couple of years I bought Sennheiser HD555s. They're good, but probably too pricey ($280 AUD) for their actual performance level. That being said, I've had these for about 2 years now and they're still in top quality ^_^
Still using the Sony MDR-V600 set that I bought my senior year of high school, which was ~7 years ago now. They've survived being pitched into the wall/floor countless times during rage sessions from SC2 / WoW / Quake 3 / Counter-Strike, not to mention college life in general.
So everytime I listen to music nowadays I keep thinking about buying new pair of headphones ._.
I currently have an ATH-M50 and I really like it, but I think it is a time for an upgrade
So i'm debating whether to go straight for a high end set or to buy a mid end set. Is there really that much of a difference between lets say, a 500 dollar pair of headphones and 900?
I'd probably just need amps to go with whatever headphones I pick at that point, right?
Also anyone have any experience buying/selling from Head-fi's boards? It's kind of weird to see "Steep" discounts on random stuff (HD800s for 1000? That's odd I guess) and makes me think that there's probably a lot of lemons in there
I have had HD555 (100€), beyer DT770 (170€) then HD600 (300€) and now audeze lcd2 (1000€), all of those are good headphones but in these ones the more expensive has always been the better. Now with these 1000€ headphones the difference in quality to sennheisers is significant, you cant unhear the difference there is in sound quality. They are 5-1000hz completely flat response and it is significantly faster bass response due to unorthodox driver. You dont need to be an audiophile to hear where that extra moneys are going to. Allthough there are a lot of 500-1000€ normal dynamic headphones that are not significantly better than lets say 200€ phones.
On December 10 2011 13:11 Womwomwom wrote: Bose is much-maligned when it comes to audio (no highs, no lows, its got to be a Bose) but I have to admit I like their Triports and their noise canceling gear in general.
their noise cancelling is bar none one of the best if not the best out there. Bose QC15 for $300, its comfortable, but the material they use to make the headphones sure feel like shit.
Just bought the Creative Aurvana Live! Headphones. I'm not that big of an enthusiast but i like good quality of music so I'm pretty satisfied with the Aurvana Live!
I have had HD555 (100€), beyer DT770 (170€) then HD600 (300€) and now audeze lcd2 (1000€), all of those are good headphones but in these ones the more expensive has always been the better. Now with these 1000€ headphones the difference in quality to sennheisers is significant, you cant unhear the difference there is in sound quality. They are 5-1000hz completely flat response and it is significantly faster bass response due to unorthodox driver. You dont need to be an audiophile to hear where that extra moneys are going to. Allthough there are a lot of 500-1000€ normal dynamic headphones that are not significantly better than lets say 200€ phones.
You forgot to mention the need to invest at least the same amount on amplification on higher end headphones as the cost of the headphones itself. To make them shine...
I have had HD555 (100€), beyer DT770 (170€) then HD600 (300€) and now audeze lcd2 (1000€), all of those are good headphones but in these ones the more expensive has always been the better. Now with these 1000€ headphones the difference in quality to sennheisers is significant, you cant unhear the difference there is in sound quality. They are 5-1000hz completely flat response and it is significantly faster bass response due to unorthodox driver. You dont need to be an audiophile to hear where that extra moneys are going to. Allthough there are a lot of 500-1000€ normal dynamic headphones that are not significantly better than lets say 200€ phones.
You forgot to mention the need to invest at least the same amount on amplification on higher end headphones as the cost of the headphones itself. To make them shine...
Yeah that depends what headphones are in questien, not all top models need an expensive amp. I have 400€ amp/dac but these Audezes are easy to drive and sound ALMOST as good from my samsung galaxy S2 or iphone4. Something like HD800 would probably need a good amp though.
I have had HD555 (100€), beyer DT770 (170€) then HD600 (300€) and now audeze lcd2 (1000€), all of those are good headphones but in these ones the more expensive has always been the better. Now with these 1000€ headphones the difference in quality to sennheisers is significant, you cant unhear the difference there is in sound quality. They are 5-1000hz completely flat response and it is significantly faster bass response due to unorthodox driver. You dont need to be an audiophile to hear where that extra moneys are going to. Allthough there are a lot of 500-1000€ normal dynamic headphones that are not significantly better than lets say 200€ phones.
You forgot to mention the need to invest at least the same amount on amplification on higher end headphones as the cost of the headphones itself. To make them shine...
Yeah that depends what headphones are in questien, not all top models need an expensive amp. I have 400€ amp/dac but these Audezes are easy to drive and sound ALMOST as good from my samsung galaxy S2 or iphone4. Something like HD800 would probably need a good amp though.
Heh, amusing because the LCD2 was what I was looking at, versus lets say, Audio Technica W1000X/W1000/AD2000. The choice being "not bright" vs "Bright" so I guess it's quite the different choices ._.
What kind of Amp should I get be getting for any of these, anyway? You say LCD2 is easy to drive, how much of an amp would I need to drive it "enough"
The planar magnetic headphones like LCD2 have a very flat impedance over frequency curve and also flat phase over frequency, which in general should make them easy loads to drive for most amps at least from theory, in those respects.
The only issue is that most have medium-lowish impedance, and some are extraordinarily insensitive, so the power requirements can be quite onerous for some models, like the HE-6.
With the LCD2 you're roughly just looking for something that can put around 2.25 V (rms) or more into around 50 ohms, and do it well. That's not trivial but not too difficult. That's for about a max of 110 dB SPL listening. If you don't listen that loud (most people don't, unless they're listening to well-recorded classical or jazz music with occasional peaks much louder than the average level), then it's easier than that since less voltage will be needed. Most portable sources max out at about 0.5-1V, for reference.
Actually the two other samples tested are more sensitive, so even less of an issue. 0.106 V rms for 90 dB SPL means 1.06 V rms for 110 dB SPL, and 0.165 V rms for 90 dB SPL on yet another sample means 1.65 V rms for 110 dB SPL.
If you consider LCD2 then also take a look at Hifiman HE-500, I have not tried them myself but what I have read is they are almost as good as LCD2 in bass department and maybe slightly better in high department (kinda preference thing on highs though). They are also a lot cheaper and a bit more comfy. Great powerfull amp with LCD or hifiman is Schiit audio Lyr, 4W tube monster and not too expensive.
... so after a month of use my RE-ZERO's right channel died out. It sucks extra bad because I can't get them refunded in time (not that I would be able to anyway, by the time they'd get it from brazil it would probably have expired the warranty anyway) and because it just sounded amazing.
The durability on these things seems to be pure shit, and it's just awful how I always find out problems like these after they happen to me (like the deathadder randomly dying problem). They used to sound fantastic, it's really deppressing going back to my old phones.
Anyone knows anything that sounds fine, is comfortable and also won't break?