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I seriously dont know what I am supposed to learn : / I am at the beginning of my second semester and had the bad luck to get the same professor like last semester who is just the worst. Hadnt had a single lecture in programming since the start of this semester and yet I am tasked to do theese assignments since I am one of the few unlucky folks that couldnt switch to another professor because of to much people switching .
Okay, so far I got this to extract the names of the guests:
regex reg1("[A-Z][a-z]+[' '][A-Z][a-z]+");
Which translates to: Find anything that matches having a capital character from A-Z, followed by at least one lower case letter from a-z, followed by a whitespace, followed by a capital character from A-Z, followed by at least one lower case letter from a-z, which should give me an match in every line there is a name, no matter if the guy got billions of middlenames or just the regular firstname lastname.
However, this still leaves me with the whole moderator-line being matched, while also being unable to directly extract their names. I assume "sregex_iterator" would help me if I manage to formulate the correct matching-restrictions?
On April 23 2015 01:15 Artesimo wrote: However, this still leaves me with the whole moderator-line being matched, while also being unable to directly extract their names. I assume "sregex_iterator" would help me if I manage to formulate the correct matching-restrictions?
sregex_iterator iterator(line.begin(), line.end(), reg1); //sets up our itrator. line is the line I get via "getline" sregex_iterator iterator_end; //setting up a ending-condition
while (iterator != iterator_end) { cout << *iterator << endl; //doesnt work for some reason, despite me having found exakt this line in a tutorial ++iterator; }
I fail however, to check my work since I cant find a way to print out whats in iterator, or store it somewhere (which would be crucial to work with it).
Just to recheck: My plan is to find all names via sregex_iterator, which should be strings that go "firstname lastname", from that string extract firstname and lastname (since I am required to create the guests/hosts as objects with the attributes firstname and lastname) and work with that. How do I store the content of iterator? For the hosts, I just will choose to search for host and apply the regex-critera on everything that comes after "host" in that line.
He always stays vague with his tasks and explains very weird, even though that might be just us not understanding. I just feel frustratet since I once again spend multiple days on this simple thing, because once again we got told nothing. There exists so much stuff in c++ that it sometimes feel impossible to find what he aims at/what is the best for that situation. Also, ee did complain. At the end of the semester, we organized that the whole course complained about him, without any effect so far. Before that, we went to our student body and they pretty much told us "Yeah we know. Pretty much every semester that gets him for the first time complains without any success. Just live with it and try to learn from your fellow students that got others profs, because otherwise you are screwed in the third semester (third programming courses arent hold by him)." During semester break I did a extra course in programming that my university offers where the professor even made fun of me (in a kind way) for being in the lectures of this prof. So I guess I just try to deal with it and next time I just ask here which keywords I should look up. Sorry for my constant nagging.
EDIT: Got how to access the elements found by iterator.
We actually have 2 really good profs or at least everyone says they are good, but I cant attend their lectures since I have other lectures at that time (I attend a university where your shedule is more strict, you get assign to a certain group and have a few options in term of lectures but for the most part is is pretty determined. Pro is that you are guaranteed to get your degree in time as long as you dont fail any exams, contra is I am unable to avoid this prof without changing the group which I had to request which got denied(since everyone was requesting it). Its almost funny, his lectures arent as full anymore and I barely know anybody since most of them are people who failed last semester, the rest mostly changed group^^. I just will try to get an internship and learn from there. Also, regex is awesome, I wish I had knew about this before
On April 23 2015 04:57 Nesserev wrote: That's weird, I saw regular expressions in at least 2 courses in my first year: - Computer Systems and Architecture: which came with an introduction to Linux, and thus 'sed', 'awk', 'grep', ... which all use regular expressions. - Automata & Languages: regular languages and Finite Automata
I guess some universities don't really handle these subjects.
I once satirically dropped the sentence "The best thing about Java, is that it's Turing Complete" on my friends, while we were drunkenly argueing whether or not Java was a good/shit language. (I was trash-worthy drunk.) They went to a different college/university, and they had never even heard about the term.
EDIT: Which is kinda weird to me, because a background in Automata and Languages seems necessary for understanding parser techniques and compilers.
Where did you go to uni? According to a lot of people the level of unis in Belgium is really good.
On April 23 2015 04:57 Nesserev wrote: That's weird, I saw regular expressions in at least 2 courses in my first year: - Computer Systems and Architecture: which came with an introduction to Linux, and thus 'sed', 'awk', 'grep', ... which all use regular expressions. - Automata & Languages: regular languages and Finite Automata
I guess some universities don't really handle these subjects.
I once satirically dropped the sentence "The best thing about Java, is that it's Turing Complete" on my friends, while we were drunkenly argueing whether or not Java was a good/shit language. (I was trash-worthy drunk.) They went to a different college/university, and they had never even heard about the term.
EDIT: Which is kinda weird to me, because a background in Automata and Languages seems necessary for understanding parser techniques and compilers.
my first 2 years, at a college, i was still making database in microsoft access
jumped to the 3rd year of a uni course, managed to pick the zero-content classes
2nd half of the year i had lost motivation and was playing dota nonstop
now i'm here, quit dota/games permanently, ready to work like a bitch, but it might be too late
just have to get passing grades on my Project (due in tomorrow) and Exam (2 weeks time)
and hope that they permit me to take Second Assessment for my two failed units
i tried to confirm my situation with head of department and departmental office but they are ignoring me, so i guess i just have to assume that i've applied the rules to my senario correctly
the rules are
1) "we changed it so that you are permitted to take Second Assessment if you dont submit/attempt the final assignment of a unit" 2) you are permitted to fail up to 40 credits and still be eligible for Second Assessment
my grades are:
20 credit unit : RASS = 37 + (fail) = FAIL
20 credit unit : DISTMOB = 20 + (fail) = FAIL
20 credit unit : PARD = 52
20 credit unit : ASE = 50 + (exam) = NEED 40+ ON COMING EXAM
40 credit unit : PROJECT = (project) = NEED 40+ ON PROJECT
120 total
so i'm correct aren't i
i had/have the opportunity of handing in my RASS and DISTMOB second assignments but since the first assignments had marks below 40, i can't average a 40 in the units, so as far as i can make out there's no point in even trying
On April 23 2015 04:30 FFGenerations wrote: sucks dude u need to reply 100% only on urself for learning in uni. ur profs wont tell u SHIT 3 yrs = ive never heard of reg expressions until ur post
Regular expressions were part of the first programming lecture for comp sci at my uni. Another unusual (but good) thing is that the language of choice was C.
I was hard, though, about 90% failed that class. In the final exam we had a computer, a linux command line, vim, and had to complete one string parsing and one recursion programming exercise.
Biggest bullshit I had in a Uni course was parsing what I'm pretty sure was a full text dump of like Piratebay or imdb or something. Zero consistency in the data: records had from 5-8 entries, no clear separators for each data point, no way of knowing if a record went like "Title/Producer/Year/$" or "Title/Year" or "Title/Producer/$", etc.
Plus the hilarity of going through a massive text file in school and seeing some very obvious Porn titles. "Hey Professor, the data for Big Lebowski looks completely different from the format of Big Black Cocks 10."
yeah looking at the university year 2 syllabus its entirely possible they covered regex aswell as many many many other things i have no idea about.
my college course on the other hand stopped at basic arrays. i only learnt to spell the word "mathematics" reliably this year and only because i've been saying i don't know any
that is the stupidest programming project i've ever seen (in 2nd year too?) and it's no wonder people drop out if that's the kind of shit they have to put up with. i'm pretty sure the real solution is to just hardcode it unless you're supposed to be writing some generic parser...
At my University we learn Functional Programming (in Haskell) in the very first semester, that and a bunch of math courses makes the first semester. On the second we get Imperative Programming (using C), some more advanced calculus, a course on computers architecture, with some assembly and stuff, and Language Theory (regex, grammars and stuff, Theory only tough, compilers and that theory practical use was on the second year).