Thread Rules 1. This is not a "do my homework for me" thread. If you have specific questions, ask, but don't post an assignment or homework problem and expect an exact solution. 2. No recruiting for your cockamamie projects (you won't replace facebook with 3 dudes you found on the internet and $20) 3. If you can't articulate why a language is bad, don't start slinging shit about it. Just remember that nothing is worse than making CSS IE6 compatible. 4. Use [code] tags to format code blocks. |
shell sort - it's pretty neat but not sure if it is widely used in practice heap sort can be done in-place by heapifying the array directly (assuming you are sorting an array) quick sort - randomize the pivot choice will give you expected O(n log n) running time. it's actually pretty good in practice.
Heapsort and quicksort are both nice comparison based sorting algorithms. Also consider mergesort which is O(n log n) running time and it is also a stable sort, and easily scalable.
Quicksort and switching to insertion sort on base cases (eg. when length is <= some number) does pretty well.
On January 04 2011 10:39 hucskool wrote: If you are still having issues with this and you are using MS SQL Server 05 (or higher), you could probably do this with a OUTER APPLY. I'm not sure what your schema looks like and I don't have anything here at home to check the syntax with but something like this would let you access the itmcheckout record for the given item id.
SELECT DISTINCT itm.*, ua.lastName + ', ' + ua.firstName as responsible_party, itmstatref.item_status_ref_name as item_status_ref_name, itmtyperef.item_type_name as item_type_name, itmcheckout.* FROM ITEM itm INNER JOIN USERACCOUNTS ua ON ua.userUID=itm.userUID INNER JOIN ITEM_STATUS itmstat ON itm.item_id=itmstat.item_id INNER JOIN ITEM_STATUS_REF itmstatref ON itmstat.item_status_ref_id=itmstatref.item_status_ref_id INNER JOIN ITEM_TYPE_REF itmtyperef ON itm.item_type_id=itmtyperef.item_type_id OUTER APPLY ( SELECT MAX(itmcheckout.item_checkin_dt) as item_checkin_dt, itmcheckout.item_checkout_dt, uac.lastName + ', ' + uac.firstName as checked_out_by FROM item_checkout itmcheckout INNER JOIN USERACCOUNTS uac on itmcheckout.userUID=uac.userUID WHERE itmcheckout.item_id=itm.item_id GROUP BY itmcheckout.item_checkin_dt, itmcheckout.item_checkout_dt, uac.firstName, uac.LastName ) as itmcheckout ORDER BY itm.item_id, itm.item_inv_no
Huzzah. I think this will get me where I need to be.
Full thing: + Show Spoiler +IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[sp_InventoryItem_select]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC')) DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_InventoryItem_select] GO
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_InventoryItem_select] ( @mode varchar(20) = null, @item_id int = null, @item_name varchar(50) = null, @item_inv_no numeric(18, 0) = null, @item_type_id int = null, @item_enable_checkout bit = null, @userUID int = null ) WITH ENCRYPTION AS SET NOCOUNT ON begin SELECT DISTINCT itm.*, ua.lastName + ', ' + ua.firstName as responsible_party, itmstatref.item_status_ref_name as item_status_ref_name, itmtyperef.item_type_name as item_type_name, itmcheckout.* FROM ITEM itm INNER JOIN USERACCOUNTS ua ON ua.userUID=itm.userUID INNER JOIN ITEM_STATUS itmstat ON itm.item_id=itmstat.item_id INNER JOIN ITEM_STATUS_REF itmstatref ON itmstat.item_status_ref_id=itmstatref.item_status_ref_id INNER JOIN ITEM_TYPE_REF itmtyperef ON itm.item_type_id=itmtyperef.item_type_id OUTER APPLY ( SELECT MAX(itmcheckout.item_checkin_dt) as item_checkin_dt, itmcheckout.item_checkout_dt, uac.lastName + ', ' + uac.firstName as checked_out_by FROM item_checkout itmcheckout INNER JOIN USERACCOUNTS uac on itmcheckout.userUID=uac.userUID WHERE itmcheckout.item_id=itm.item_id GROUP BY itmcheckout.item_checkin_dt, itmcheckout.item_checkout_dt, uac.firstName, uac.LastName ) as itmcheckout WHERE (@item_id is null or itm.item_id = @item_id) and (@item_name is null or itm.item_name = @item_name) and (@item_inv_no is null or itm.item_inv_no = @item_inv_no) and (@item_type_id is null or itm.item_type_id = @item_type_id) and (@item_enable_checkout is null or itm.item_enable_checkout = @item_enable_checkout) and (@userUID is null or itm.userUID = @userUID) ORDER BY itm.item_id, itm.item_inv_no end GO
Can anyone help me out with actionscript 3.0 a bit? Im quite the newbie at it. Im making an asteroids game and im right now wanting to control the spaceship from left to right. Most of the game must be controlled from external .as files.
So here's what I want to do: I want to add my movieclip(a spaceship) to the stage through an external .as file, but I keep getting an error.
Here's the code for the actionscript file:
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.events.*;
public class Spaceship extends MovieClip { public function Space () {
onClipEvent(enterFrame) if(Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)){ _x -= 6; }else if(Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)){ _x += 6; } } } }
in the .fla file:
Error message:
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert Spaceship$ to flash.display.DisplayObject. at Gustaf_fla::MainTimeline/frame1() I've been reading up that I need some sort of var code to store the creation/removal of this movieclip instance, but im not sure how to use it.. any ideas?
+ Show Spoiler +<html> <head> <style type="text/css"> li { display:inline; } body { background-color:black; } a:link,a:visited { display:block; color:white; background-color:green; font-weight:bold; width:140px; text-align:center; padding:4px; text-decoration:none; text-transform:uppercase } a:hover,a:active { background-color:red; } ul { list-style-type:none; margin:0; padding:0; border:5px white; padding-top:5px; padding-bottom:5px; }
</style> </head> <body> <ul> <li><a href="#">Biographie</a></li> <li><a href="#">Multimedia</a></li> <li><a href="#">Discographie</a></li> <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li> <li><a href="#">Liens</a></li> <li><a href="#">Blablabla</a></li> </ul> </body> </html>
Hey guys, i'm a total noob at programming for now, but I've been working on improving my skills lately. (I've been messing around with HTML CSS and Javascript)
Anyways, for fun I tried to do a horizontal menu with hover stuff. But I cant get it to be horizontal... Vertical menu works though. It seems like my : display:inline; doesnt have any effect...
I've tryed using float:left and it works but I really wanted to make the other way work.
Could any body tell me why it doesnt seem to recognise the inline?
Thanks a lot, this thread is really encouraging.
On January 05 2011 10:06 Rutluv wrote:+ Show Spoiler +<html> <head> <style type="text/css"> li { display:inline; } body { background-color:black; } a:link,a:visited { display:block; color:white; background-color:green; font-weight:bold; width:140px; text-align:center; padding:4px; text-decoration:none; text-transform:uppercase } a:hover,a:active { background-color:red; } ul { list-style-type:none; margin:0; padding:0; border:5px white; padding-top:5px; padding-bottom:5px; }
</style> </head> <body> <ul> <li><a href="#">Biographie</a></li> <li><a href="#">Multimedia</a></li> <li><a href="#">Discographie</a></li> <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li> <li><a href="#">Liens</a></li> <li><a href="#">Blablabla</a></li> </ul> </body> </html> Hey guys, i'm a total noob at programming for now, but I've been working on improving my skills lately. (I've been messing around with HTML CSS and Javascript) Anyways, for fun I tried to do a horizontal menu with hover stuff. But I cant get it to be horizontal... Vertical menu works though. It seems like my : display:inline; doesnt have any effect... I've tryed using float:left and it works but I really wanted to make the other way work. Could any body tell me why it doesnt seem to recognise the inline? Thanks a lot, this thread is really encouraging.
If you want the items to be horizontal the easiest way is to put them in a table. or position divs individually. Can't say why inline doesn't work sry i don't use it, but i'm fairly certain you wouldn't use it to put items horizontally.
something like+ Show Spoiler +<table> <tr> <td>item 1</td> <td>item 2</td> <td>item 3</td> <td>item 4</td> </tr> </table>
float: left is usually bad, except in a few cases. it'll end up screwing up your stuff if they don't exactly all have the same height.
Anyone have the breakdown on ELO? Finding it hard to google out formulas to copy-paste, I don't want the deep mathematical stuff, I know the basic outline and just want to implement it for fun.
On January 05 2011 10:06 Rutluv wrote:+ Show Spoiler +<html> <head> <style type="text/css"> li { display:inline; } body { background-color:black; } a:link,a:visited { display:block; color:white; background-color:green; font-weight:bold; width:140px; text-align:center; padding:4px; text-decoration:none; text-transform:uppercase } a:hover,a:active { background-color:red; } ul { list-style-type:none; margin:0; padding:0; border:5px white; padding-top:5px; padding-bottom:5px; }
</style> </head> <body> <ul> <li><a href="#">Biographie</a></li> <li><a href="#">Multimedia</a></li> <li><a href="#">Discographie</a></li> <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li> <li><a href="#">Liens</a></li> <li><a href="#">Blablabla</a></li> </ul> </body> </html> Hey guys, i'm a total noob at programming for now, but I've been working on improving my skills lately. (I've been messing around with HTML CSS and Javascript) Anyways, for fun I tried to do a horizontal menu with hover stuff. But I cant get it to be horizontal... Vertical menu works though. It seems like my : display:inline; doesnt have any effect... I've tryed using float:left and it works but I really wanted to make the other way work. Could any body tell me why it doesnt seem to recognise the inline? Thanks a lot, this thread is really encouraging. Well, HTML and CSS aren't programming per se.
To answer your question: you have the CSS for your links set as block, but your list items set as inline. You aren't allowed to have both, as they are mutually exclusive. The block style, in this case, is taking precedence, which is why you get them on multiple lines (I believe this is because <a> is the innermost style). Delete "display:block;" inside
a:link,a:visited { display:block; color:white; background-color:green; font-weight:bold; width:140px; text-align:center; padding:4px; text-decoration:none; text-transform:uppercase }
OP should add these sites to the 1st post of this thread: PHP: Zend - Devzone C++: Learn C++ in 21 days I'm sure I could find/remember more, but heh, might do that later. That said - Is there any *FUN* way to learn C++? The guides always seem to be really boring. Usually video tutorials seem to be more fun to watch however they too usually become boring/generic after awhile. Any suggestions?
On January 05 2011 13:48 Adeny wrote: Anyone have the breakdown on ELO? Finding it hard to google out formulas to copy-paste, I don't want the deep mathematical stuff, I know the basic outline and just want to implement it for fun. Some key things to consider are: (1) how to manage provisional ratings for new players, (2) how inflated you want the numbers to be (K constant), (3) chronological order of events, and (4) does ELO make sense with the tournament format.
(1) How to manage provisional ratings for new players. I recommend you check out http://www.chessatwork.com/help/index.php?help=faq, under "How is my rating calculated?" It's a very simple and nice explanation on how they manage new players, and I think it works great. I've used their system before in my own implementation.
(2) How inflated you want the numbers to be (K constant). If you've googled the actual ELO mathematical equations, you'll come across the K constant. It's basically a constant that determines how much you want the numbers to fluctuate. The higher the constant, the larger the numbers will change after a given match. In the official Chess ELO format, they use a larger constant if you're below 2400, but a smaller constant above 2400. You don't have to do that, but it's something to think about
(3) Chronological order of events. It's very important that ratings are calculated in the chronological order they happened. If you calculate them as they happen, this isn't a problem. But sometimes that's not always the case. You might enter two or three tournaments worth of data at once, and later learn there was some other tournament in between that you forgot to input, and you've basically got to recalculate from the very beginning. You'll need to account for that if you're developing some kind of program for this.
(4) Does ELO make sense with the tournament format. The simple fact is, ELO makes no sense at all for the standard brackets you typically see. You know, those that work great when the number of participants is a factor of 2 (2,4,8,16,32,64). Especially ones that are seeded properly based on historical results. Those kinds of tournaments produce accurate ELO ratings for just the top three or so, because they play the most games. ELO is much better for swiss or round-robin tournaments.
On January 05 2011 02:16 Senx wrote:Can anyone help me out with actionscript 3.0 a bit? Im quite the newbie at it. Im making an asteroids game and im right now wanting to control the spaceship from left to right. Most of the game must be controlled from external .as files. So here's what I want to do: I want to add my movieclip(a spaceship) to the stage through an external .as file, but I keep getting an error. Here's the code for the actionscript file: package {
import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.events.*;
public class Spaceship extends MovieClip { public function Space () {
onClipEvent(enterFrame) if(Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)){ _x -= 6; }else if(Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)){ _x += 6; } } } }
in the .fla file: addChild(Spaceship); Error message: TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert Spaceship$ to flash.display.DisplayObject. at Gustaf_fla::MainTimeline/frame1() I've been reading up that I need some sort of var code to store the creation/removal of this movieclip instance, but im not sure how to use it.. any ideas? Well from what I can see, first of all you need a constructor for your spaceship class, as I'm pretty sure as3 does not support default constructors. Basically I'm thinking you probably want your Space function to be named Spaceship.
Also, onClipEvent I think is an as2 function. Try
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, function(evt:Event){ //code });
in the fla instead. The EnterFrame event does not deal in keystrokes however, so I suggest you make a different listener for that.
addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, function(evt:Event){ if(evt.keyCode == 123) etc });
in the fla should work.
edit: oh yeah, and you need to instansiate the spaceship class,
var myVariable = new spaceShip(); addChild(myVariable);
On January 04 2011 08:15 uNiGNoRe wrote:Show nested quote +On January 04 2011 03:25 Phunkapotamus wrote:icystorage: You shouldn't need to include "Node.h" for a struct definition and for this to compile. Your latest snippet will work. However, if you wish to use the 'node' struct outside of the current file it would be better practice to move the definition elsewhere- such that you can use it in multiple places easier. For c++ you don't need to put 'struct' every time you use your 'node'. If you're getting errors relating to how 'node' is used, then you may be compiling as c instead of c++. My snippet has a solution that works for both. If I may, I would like to recommend that you work towards a better variable naming conventions. Taking your example, mixed with bigpet's, this is how we would like to see code in the game industry: + Show Spoiler + typedef struct _IcyNode { int m_data; _IcyNode* m_next; } IcyNode;
IcyNode* BuildOneTwoThree() { const int icyNodeSize = sizeof(IcyNode); IcyNode* oneNode = static_cast< IcyNode* >(malloc(icyNodeSize)); oneNode->m_data = 1; IcyNode* twoNode = static_cast< IcyNode* >(malloc(icyNodeSize)); twoNode ->m_data = 2; IcyNode* threeNode = static_cast< IcyNode* >(malloc(icyNodeSize)); threeNode ->m_data = 3; oneNode->m_next = twoNode; twoNode->m_next = threeNode; threeNode->m_next = NULL;
return oneNode; }
int main() { BuildOneTwoThree(); return 0; }
I have a question: why do you use IcyNode* oneNode = static_cast< IcyNode* >(malloc(icyNodeSize)); instead of IcyNode* oneNode = (IcyNode*)malloc(icyNodeSize);
You should check this out for an explanation of C++ casts: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/332030/when-should-static-cast-dynamic-cast-and-reinterpret-cast-be-used
Pretty bold request, but can anyone here teach me how to code? The basics and such, nothing too fancy, as I remember being on MPGH looking like a noob that was there just for the hacks, not giving anithing in return. I really feel like I should learn how to code.
On January 06 2011 06:14 enigmaticcam wrote:Show nested quote +On January 05 2011 13:48 Adeny wrote: Anyone have the breakdown on ELO? Finding it hard to google out formulas to copy-paste, I don't want the deep mathematical stuff, I know the basic outline and just want to implement it for fun. Some key things to consider are: (1) how to manage provisional ratings for new players, (2) how inflated you want the numbers to be (K constant), (3) chronological order of events, and (4) does ELO make sense with the tournament format. (1) How to manage provisional ratings for new players. I recommend you check out http://www.chessatwork.com/help/index.php?help=faq, under "How is my rating calculated?" It's a very simple and nice explanation on how they manage new players, and I think it works great. I've used their system before in my own implementation. (2) How inflated you want the numbers to be (K constant). If you've googled the actual ELO mathematical equations, you'll come across the K constant. It's basically a constant that determines how much you want the numbers to fluctuate. The higher the constant, the larger the numbers will change after a given match. In the official Chess ELO format, they use a larger constant if you're below 2400, but a smaller constant above 2400. You don't have to do that, but it's something to think about (3) Chronological order of events. It's very important that ratings are calculated in the chronological order they happened. If you calculate them as they happen, this isn't a problem. But sometimes that's not always the case. You might enter two or three tournaments worth of data at once, and later learn there was some other tournament in between that you forgot to input, and you've basically got to recalculate from the very beginning. You'll need to account for that if you're developing some kind of program for this. (4) Does ELO make sense with the tournament format. The simple fact is, ELO makes no sense at all for the standard brackets you typically see. You know, those that work great when the number of participants is a factor of 2 (2,4,8,16,32,64). Especially ones that are seeded properly based on historical results. Those kinds of tournaments produce accurate ELO ratings for just the top three or so, because they play the most games. ELO is much better for swiss or round-robin tournaments.
Sick reply, thanks a lot!
On January 06 2011 07:40 SaYyId wrote: Pretty bold request, but can anyone here teach me how to code? The basics and such, nothing too fancy, as I remember being on MPGH looking like a noob that was there just for the hacks, not giving anithing in return. I really feel like I should learn how to code. Pick some basic tutorials and run with them. Should be plenty on the OP links.
On January 06 2011 11:28 Adeny wrote:
Sick reply, thanks a lot! No problem
United Arab Emirates333 Posts
Guys, ive finally caved and ive come here. Im trying to develop something, AND ITS FOR TEAM LIQUID yay!!! But alas i hit a pylon wall and i need major help with RegExp(Regular Expressions). I believe PERL RegExp.
If this makes ANY sense to you than you are probably the person i need
RegExp="(?siU)Featured Streams.*<h>(.*)Live Streams"
Anyone familiar with this type of Regular expressions, i need a gosu. I can understand this, but i need to basically write a way more complex Regular Expression.
On January 06 2011 07:22 zoombini wrote:Show nested quote +On January 04 2011 08:15 uNiGNoRe wrote:On January 04 2011 03:25 Phunkapotamus wrote:icystorage: You shouldn't need to include "Node.h" for a struct definition and for this to compile. Your latest snippet will work. However, if you wish to use the 'node' struct outside of the current file it would be better practice to move the definition elsewhere- such that you can use it in multiple places easier. For c++ you don't need to put 'struct' every time you use your 'node'. If you're getting errors relating to how 'node' is used, then you may be compiling as c instead of c++. My snippet has a solution that works for both. If I may, I would like to recommend that you work towards a better variable naming conventions. Taking your example, mixed with bigpet's, this is how we would like to see code in the game industry: + Show Spoiler + typedef struct _IcyNode { int m_data; _IcyNode* m_next; } IcyNode;
IcyNode* BuildOneTwoThree() { const int icyNodeSize = sizeof(IcyNode); IcyNode* oneNode = static_cast< IcyNode* >(malloc(icyNodeSize)); oneNode->m_data = 1; IcyNode* twoNode = static_cast< IcyNode* >(malloc(icyNodeSize)); twoNode ->m_data = 2; IcyNode* threeNode = static_cast< IcyNode* >(malloc(icyNodeSize)); threeNode ->m_data = 3; oneNode->m_next = twoNode; twoNode->m_next = threeNode; threeNode->m_next = NULL;
return oneNode; }
int main() { BuildOneTwoThree(); return 0; }
I have a question: why do you use IcyNode* oneNode = static_cast< IcyNode* >(malloc(icyNodeSize)); instead of IcyNode* oneNode = (IcyNode*)malloc(icyNodeSize); You should check this out for an explanation of C++ casts: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/332030/when-should-static-cast-dynamic-cast-and-reinterpret-cast-be-used Thank you. Very helpful. But after reading that and some other sources, I cannot imagine when using dynamic_cast would actually be a good idea. I mean, if you need to cast a pointer where you aren't sure what it points to even at runtime, you should probably rethink you code...
Now another question: I'm currently reading the OpenGL Programming Guide parallel to a computer graphics course at the university. I'd like to program a 3D graphics engine to put that into practice. My question is, can anyone recommend a good (english) book about OpenGL programming? Especially if it covers features that were added with later OpenGL releases since the guide covers only 1.0 and 1.1. And/or a book that focuses on programming a game graphics engine with OpenGL?
On January 06 2011 00:31 Craton wrote:Show nested quote +On January 05 2011 10:06 Rutluv wrote:+ Show Spoiler +<html> <head> <style type="text/css"> li { display:inline; } body { background-color:black; } a:link,a:visited { display:block; color:white; background-color:green; font-weight:bold; width:140px; text-align:center; padding:4px; text-decoration:none; text-transform:uppercase } a:hover,a:active { background-color:red; } ul { list-style-type:none; margin:0; padding:0; border:5px white; padding-top:5px; padding-bottom:5px; }
</style> </head> <body> <ul> <li><a href="#">Biographie</a></li> <li><a href="#">Multimedia</a></li> <li><a href="#">Discographie</a></li> <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li> <li><a href="#">Liens</a></li> <li><a href="#">Blablabla</a></li> </ul> </body> </html> Hey guys, i'm a total noob at programming for now, but I've been working on improving my skills lately. (I've been messing around with HTML CSS and Javascript) Anyways, for fun I tried to do a horizontal menu with hover stuff. But I cant get it to be horizontal... Vertical menu works though. It seems like my : display:inline; doesnt have any effect... I've tryed using float:left and it works but I really wanted to make the other way work. Could any body tell me why it doesnt seem to recognise the inline? Thanks a lot, this thread is really encouraging. Well, HTML and CSS aren't programming per se. To answer your question: you have the CSS for your links set as block, but your list items set as inline. You aren't allowed to have both, as they are mutually exclusive. The block style, in this case, is taking precedence, which is why you get them on multiple lines (I believe this is because <a> is the innermost style). Delete "display:block;" inside a:link,a:visited { display:block; color:white; background-color:green; font-weight:bold; width:140px; text-align:center; padding:4px; text-decoration:none; text-transform:uppercase }
First and foremost rutluv, unless you are just leaving out the doctype while pasting in your code, you really need to make sure you add one to your html pages. It will save you a lot of headache on your future learnings...
Reading about why you need a doctype
In your example its displaying on each line because the a is a block, as craton pointed out. The li are still trying to display inline but it isn't visible because the li has no other styles.
Yes its painful to get right cross browser but the float based navigation style is going to be a better implementation until the mythical inline block finally becomes consistent across browsers because the floated li will allow for you to nest block level elements inside of them, unlike the inline elements as you have already figured out.
On January 07 2011 11:30 uNiGNoRe wrote: Now another question: I'm currently reading the OpenGL Programming Guide parallel to a computer graphics course at the university. I'd like to program a 3D graphics engine to put that into practice. My question is, can anyone recommend a good (english) book about OpenGL programming? Especially if it covers features that were added with later OpenGL releases since the guide covers only 1.0 and 1.1. And/or a book that focuses on programming a game graphics engine with OpenGL? I'm currently reading OpenGL SuperBible 5th edition. It's very clearly written and focuses on OpenGL 3.0+.
On January 07 2011 10:47 MarwanBaki wrote: Guys, ive finally caved and ive come here. Im trying to develop something, AND ITS FOR TEAM LIQUID yay!!! But alas i hit a pylon wall and i need major help with RegExp(Regular Expressions). I believe PERL RegExp.
If this makes ANY sense to you than you are probably the person i need
RegExp="(?siU)Featured Streams.*<h>(.*)Live Streams"
Anyone familiar with this type of Regular expressions, i need a gosu. I can understand this, but i need to basically write a way more complex Regular Expression.
I am sorry but your post contains no question other then "can anybody help me?". Please just ask your question and we'll answer it.
Also you could ask the guys resposible for the site if they'll maybe make a XML interface or a seperate simple website like teamliquid.net/streams.php to ease both your task and their netload. Because parsing a full website when asking the programmers could spare you a lot of trouble is really silly.