On December 11 2009 12:39 prOxi.swAMi wrote: If you want to translate what I've said into "I'm a fucken racist and I hate all foreigners!" You owe it to yourself and others you expect to read your drivel, an explanation as to how you managed to come to such a conclusion.
*Awaits incoming 1-liner contribution*
Dude, you literally said "I wish Australia was unpleasant for foreigners". This means, you must hate at least 50% or more of them, or else you'd support them entering the country.
So yeah, I'ma call you a racist.
I also highly doubt that you are repeatedly told to praise Allah. By who? What the fuck?!
You got spat on one time? Well that sucks. Now try having 15% of drunks try to start fights with you, or being egged at bus stops, or having to be fearful on the fucking national holiday.
"oh, yes, every foreigner here is MARVELLOUS, I want to drown myself on my birthday, JUST so a foreigner can replace me"
Nobody says you have to think every foreigner is MARVELLOUS, what they say is that you shouldn't be a complete douche about the issue because someone of colour told you "fuck off white boy" ONE FREAKIN TIME.
On December 11 2009 07:09 prOxi.swAMi wrote: I am in no way surprised Australia is in the top 5. SO many foreigners come here. Then we have these stupid ethnic kids ragging on aus while they're here and desperately trying to bring their culture to whatever suburb they live in. I'm sorry, why would you want to BRING the shit you were running away from? I wish Australia was unpleasant for foreigners.
Here's some examples of why: Have been spat on by a random asian. Have had myself and our friends told "fuck off white boys" for being in a LIBRARY. Am routinely demanded to praise Allah. Frequently have to request a different person to serve me at places because I can't understand the person serving me.
Don't get me wrong, I have quite an amount of friends who are foreigners and are actually decent people. But there's a huge percentage that bring nothing to the country while taking as much as they possibly can from it and it's gay!
On December 11 2009 06:54 CharlieMurphy wrote: I'm sure many people agree with me (but won't admit it), I don't even know where Bahrain is and have never heard of it . Googling your country and culture now. Thanks op
On 1 September 2006, Bahrain changed its weekend from being Thursdays and Fridays to Fridays and Saturdays, in order to have a day of the weekend shared with the rest of the world. Other non-regular holidays are listed below:
On December 11 2009 03:54 fanatacist wrote: Russia should be last, or close to it. Russians hate everyone, including Russians.
I find Russian people quite friendly actually. Just in case you are not trolling...
barth what ethnicity are you? There is a great deal of discrimination and outright violence against colored individuals in Russia. I'm not saying anything against the Russian people, in fact this is classic behavior in time of economic turmoil and hopelessness.
On December 11 2009 12:50 Turbovolver wrote: Dude, you literally said "I wish Australia was unpleasant for foreigners". This means, you must hate at least 50% or more of them, or else you'd support them entering the country.
On December 11 2009 12:50 Turbovolver wrote: Dude, you literally said "I wish Australia was unpleasant for foreigners". This means, you must hate at least 50% or more of them, or else you'd support them entering the country.
I am floored by your brilliance, Sir.
I am floored by you making a one line reply after trying to suggest I might do the same XDDD
On December 11 2009 04:14 andrewlt wrote: Why? They're not exactly the friendliest of places, sadly.
I'm surprised that Malaysia is high up that list. I've always thought they have some pretty restrictive religious laws. It's nowhere near the same as most Middle East countries' laws but I thought it was restrictive all the same. I'm guessing the U.S. is there because they did not include how easy it is to get a visa or enter the country. Having lived here for almost a decade now, I think the rankings they showed are just about right.
Well, its restrictive depending on your religion i suppose. You follow secular law (as any other country) provided you ain't a muslim. If you are, you follow a tighter syariah law but really toned down in comparison to Middle East lol. Malaysia isn't really restrictive and can be compared similarly to Turkey I suppose.
On December 11 2009 14:14 JIJIyO wrote: So...........I live in Canada. I'm half Singaporean. I'm half Hong Kongese. Guess I must be the friendliest person ever?
On December 11 2009 14:34 Chill wrote: Asian is friendly if you're white, lololol.
no kidding. i'm not lying when i say that asians have an inferiority complex to white people. you guys have done a good job drilling that concept into our brains.
On December 11 2009 14:34 Chill wrote: Asian is friendly if you're white, lololol.
no kidding. i'm not lying when i say that asians have an inferiority complex to white people. you guys have done a good job drilling that concept into our brains.
I would like to have sex with a white-blond chick (of course, insert beautiful here)! :D
Seriously, some of the comments turned to racial stereotyping and this is a good news thread.
On December 11 2009 12:50 Turbovolver wrote: Dude, you literally said "I wish Australia was unpleasant for foreigners". This means, you must hate at least 50% or more of them, or else you'd support them entering the country.
I am floored by your brilliance, Sir.
I am floored by you making a one line reply after trying to suggest I might do the same XDDD
Swami isnt racist.. turbo, your just square, probably not australian, have u been outside and actually see what is going on around???
i can see where swami comes from.. it is getting ridiculous, I wish Rudd wasnt PM.. Howard was doing fantastic job, stopping bringing rabbits to this country, 10 years ago, only 5% of asian was at my station.. Now its 30% asian and 60% indians and only 10% that are actually australian... It is just too much, they are taking everything, ESPECIALLY water, which is dangerously low on a very hot continent. They need to be more informed and aware instead of just barging in and give us dirty looks while we don't actually mind they coming here??
All we asking is don't turn our beautiful country into a breeding ground !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On December 11 2009 14:34 Chill wrote: Asian is friendly if you're white, lololol.
that's a myth if I've ever heard of one lol
at best it's a novelty for ppl who never meet foreigners. as soon as ur understood u ain't shit.
well, maybe for countries with US army bases, I dunno. I'd love to see any haflassed pink piece of shits try to strut around in vietnam or china xD
here's a clue chill, asian countries are about etiquette. don't mistake that as a weakness. for example me, I'm half asian, and I'd just love to hear you say it to me /drift