http://www.mmosbg.com/ Hey all, you guys might have noticed the banner that replaced Fonger's ad (Fonger, noooo ). Well I checked it out and it's a pretty awesome game (well...I have no idea wtf it is, but it looks awesome!)
So if you wanna join us just go to the ad and make an account on board 1 (The first one when you go to select a board).
So far we have.
(If they're not listed here AND they don't have a TL or Starcraft related logo/name, you can attack them)
Falcynn (my main is sleepytoss though, so you can attack Falcynn) Chezinu CaucasianAsian Yubee JeeJee (hait2) Syxygy SuperiorWolf evanthebouncy! LemonWalrus wolfy4033 Cascade Ra.Xor.2 zdd Caller Sadir (pflaume) wswordsmen Randombum Jyvblamo Solarian MasterOfChaos Raithed
I'm light blue, chezinu's a lighter blue, and CaucasianAsian is teal. You can tell who they are since they made/are making T L signs. And I'm to the right of them owning the purple dude.
i just joned, i'm the dark blue guy. i tried to kill pyramids and light green a bit to the bottom & left of your SS how do you get more turns?
I think we get more turns at after a certain time (tomorrow, in a few hours...not sure). They don't have a FAQ though so I guess we just have to figure everything out ourselves =/
i tried to write "TL ROX" but i ran out of yellow squares
I joined in but I don't know how to play Sky blue~
Awesome. However I'd recommend we each stockpile some moves in case of emergencies.
Zomg it needs to refresh each time I place a square. Well, there are 4 baby blue squares there, protect them, for they are the spawn of Lemonwalrus.
On July 02 2008 04:32 Lemonwalrus wrote: Zomg it needs to refresh each time I place a square. Well, there are 4 baby blue squares there, protect them, for they are the spawn of Lemonwalrus. When you place a square it takes you to a page with a "before" square and an "after square". You can actually use the after square to place more squares on the field.
However sometimes it's nice to be able to see the whole field while you're placing them, in that case you have to refresh after each move 
Edit: also, are you flrk or Ben? Edit2: It seems Knutt is a former champion, let's take him down fast!
Registered~ed! Lemme read the tutorial or w/e
edit: I'm writing MJY in the middle of the board :D -_- why am I the same color as like 5 people?
I am registered as Lemonwalrus.
I will use the rest of my moves in a bit with falcynn's advice.
On July 02 2008 04:49 Superiorwolf wrote: Registered~ed! Lemme read the tutorial or w/e
edit: I'm writing MJY in the middle of the board :D -_- why am I the same color as like 5 people? I dunno, I just sent a request to have my icon changed to a picture of a falcon.
I don't get it rofl... I just used my color to patched in all the TL w/ missing limbs.
I just invaded some guy towards the bottom on the right side, hope it wasn't one of you. I also have a hidden block in case his retaliation eliminates that outpost. I'm lame.
On July 02 2008 05:36 evanthebouncy! wrote: I don't get it rofl... I just used my color to patched in all the TL w/ missing limbs. That means you are attacking TL people! Sabotage!!
oh i get it, just a rip off of Go, and probability in it too haha
not that's not us, he was in the lead win we started playing.