On September 16 2009 03:15 Heen wrote: Nah, TC and Bat are imba but not to the point that they are nearly autowin. I mean, there've been more imba heroes than them before. Hero imbalances pretty much don't affect low level games. Some korean pubs still autoban kunkka storm lycan (and supposedly it's proz only... LOL)
TC is imba but gankable, teams seem to have gotten use to playing against him, late game though he rips through agility carries better than any other hero.
Bat is just plain stupid, early game chasing him is like chasing a pre-nerf Krob with ghosts out, mid game he just rapes one player silly and everything else is bonus, late game he hits harder than any other spell-based int and drags one person around.
On a side note, the KW meme has hit PD.com's forums.
On September 16 2009 01:42 Heen wrote: anyone have suggestions on what heroes are particularly strong/effective vs syllabear? He's just one of those boring heroes I don't pay much attention to lol
Seems to me against sylla what you need is a few heroes that gank well early because if he doesnt get off the ground sylla really sucks. Maybe things like NA and VS. Bane for sleeping bear to focus sylla. I don't know just seems like you don't have to adjust much to counter him, you just have to actively gank him early.
pick furion and let nitrogen play against bear with him, autowin yo
it's so you can stun them while they're entangled, yo.
United States6657 Posts
6.63 is out
Finally some cw, TC and bat nerfs.
Bats damage nooooo, free farm any lane any time!! well sticky still works on creeps I assume so that's still + dmg ;p
thoughts on 6.63
heroes enchantress' str growth took a major hit (halved). and kotl's illuminate, huge buff (constant distance). lone druid's entangle major nerf (people can attack now). Abba took a pretty big hit, too... deathcoil's castrange was halved... and NA's new manaburn is pretty cool. oooo... major nerf to Mass serpent wards. cd used to be 60sec at level 3, now it's 110sec. Icefrog really wants Silencers to level Curse of the Silent... TC finally got the nerf he needed. Fury swipes got a big buff... ursa's gonna be even better as an earlygame jungler.
items Bloodstone lost it's +hp regen per charge and reduced it's +mp regen per charge, but you now get a charge for every enemy hero that dies within 1000 rng. Also, on death you heal all your allies within 1700 rng by 400+(25xcharge) and lose HALF your charges instead of just 1. This changes the reason to get bloodstone considerably. It no longer has the potential of breaking a game by making a fed hero immortal, and at certain times it may be wise to suicide with a hero that has many charges on his bloodstone. Definitely changes the game... the heroes that got bloodstone as core may need to rethink whether it still fills their needs, and more support heroes may want to consider it.
Heart took a major hit. No longer regens if you've taken damage in the last 10 seconds. Icefrog hates tanks? Lategame heroes are gonna be a lot more fragile now.
Pipe took a pretty big hit, but it was deserved, imo. Can no longer affect the same unit more than once every 50 seconds. So once per team fight, basically.
Mjollnir is no longer an agi hero item and now provides 70 IAS. It's also 800g cheaper.
AND... phase boots no longer gives armor, and now gives atk speed and are slower (60 ms when not phased) and Power treads no longer gives atk speed, gives 10 str, 13 agi, 16 int (depending on type) and 70 ms. Phase boots now cost 1500, and powertreads cost 1400. Boots of travel costs the same, but gives 95 ms. I wonder if people will ever get powertreads again? Maybe the occasional int hero that lacks HP earlygame.
Lotsa changes. http://www.playdota.com/changelogs/6.63
furion is the new king of KS
NOOOOO, my Taruen Chieftan .
Looks like most heroes that don't get picked often got buffed, and some of the better picks got nerfed.
where to get attack speed now? -_-
On September 17 2009 13:42 paper wrote: where to get attack speed now? -_-
phase boots.
on a related note, queen of pain has an awesome ass
United States7166 Posts
phase boots now gives the same attack speed as old treads
I think BB had his attack speed bonus removed from Warpath
yeah but now he gets bonus damage... not sure if it's as good though, i haven't played the new map yet.