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United States4567 Posts
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United States5345 Posts
[21:29:24] <mirasese> hello ! can you talk with me ? ! My name is mirase ^^ [21:29:37] <Rodiel.exe> hello [21:29:44] <RadJacob> HELLO FREND [21:29:49] <mirasese> hello [21:29:49] <RadJacob> HELLO MIRASESE [21:29:55] <mirasese> what your name ? ^^ [21:29:56] <Rodiel.exe> where u come from ? [21:30:01] <RadJacob> Jacob. [21:30:02] <RadJacob> Bye. [21:30:18] <mirasese> oh [21:30:23] <mirasese> how old are you [21:30:28] <Rodiel.exe> mirase do u speak russian ? [21:30:43] <mirasese> sorry [21:30:52] <Rodiel.exe> no ? me too :/ [21:30:55] <mirasese> i don't know [21:31:23] <mirasese> iam 14 [21:31:25] <mirasese> and you [21:31:34] <Rodiel.exe> i dont know how old i am [21:31:54] <mirasese> ??? [21:32:01] <Rodiel.exe> i come from Bagdad, Iraq u ? [21:32:13] <mirasese> i come from boston [21:32:22] <mirasese> how old are you [21:32:41] <Rodiel.exe> i dont know [21:32:44] <Rodiel.exe> i dont have count [21:32:44] <mirasese> ok [21:32:56] <Rodiel.exe> :/ [21:33:01] <mirasese> do you go to school ? [21:33:15] <Rodiel.exe> yes [21:33:18] <mirasese> oh [21:33:26] <mirasese> high school [21:33:38] <Rodiel.exe> Bagdad Advanced High School [21:33:40] <Rodiel.exe> yeah [21:33:48] <Rodiel.exe> i study bombing, u ? [21:33:52] <mirasese> do you have yahoo [21:34:13] <Rodiel.exe> who is yahoo ? [21:34:20] <mirasese> do you have yahoo messenger ? [21:34:31] <Rodiel.exe> i dont understand, who is yahoo ? [21:34:52] <Rodiel.exe> its ur pet ? [21:35:31] <Rodiel.exe> my pet name is Roger [21:43:30] <mirasese> chat yahoo [21:43:42] <mirasese> yahoo messenger | ||
Burkina Faso1704 Posts
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United States5345 Posts
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Burkina Faso1704 Posts
On September 13 2009 18:24 Nitrogen wrote: why are you awake ![]() | ||
United States218 Posts
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United States16096 Posts
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United States5095 Posts
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Romania5359 Posts
On September 10 2009 03:15 Heen wrote: generally, most skills that go through BKB to disable are ults: necro, vengeful, bane, rexxar, pudge, lich, sniper, wl, tb off the top of my head. also ranged bash doesnt proc vs BKB. I remember a SF that got MKB because I was tinker LOL ...also all freaking root-based disables like roof ulti, pit's cage, bear entangle. Heck even Rexxar's pig's slow goes through it. (or at least it goes through yurnero's blade immunity). Also black hole drags you in, you can get hooked, etc. There's so many things that bkb won't get you out of, that's almost making it not-worth the cost. ![]() Speaking of Yurnero's Blade Fury, did you know you could deny stuff (creeps/towers) whilst in that state? I didn't. | ||
United States7270 Posts
On September 13 2009 21:57 CubEdIn wrote: ...also all freaking root-based disables like roof ulti, pit's cage, bear entangle. Heck even Rexxar's pig's slow goes through it. (or at least it goes through yurnero's blade immunity). Also black hole drags you in, you can get hooked, etc. There's so many things that bkb won't get you out of, that's almost making it not-worth the cost. ![]() Speaking of Yurnero's Blade Fury, did you know you could deny stuff (creeps/towers) whilst in that state? I didn't. Mechanics forums, read them when you get a chance, interesting stuff in there. And it's not root-based disables, it's some fully triggered skills. | ||
Northern Ireland22207 Posts
On September 13 2009 18:16 Nitrogen wrote: + Show Spoiler + lol i just looked at the room chat and saw this ;p [21:29:24] <mirasese> hello ! can you talk with me ? ! My name is mirase ^^ [21:29:37] <Rodiel.exe> hello [21:29:44] <RadJacob> HELLO FREND [21:29:49] <mirasese> hello [21:29:49] <RadJacob> HELLO MIRASESE [21:29:55] <mirasese> what your name ? ^^ [21:29:56] <Rodiel.exe> where u come from ? [21:30:01] <RadJacob> Jacob. [21:30:02] <RadJacob> Bye. [21:30:18] <mirasese> oh [21:30:23] <mirasese> how old are you [21:30:28] <Rodiel.exe> mirase do u speak russian ? [21:30:43] <mirasese> sorry [21:30:52] <Rodiel.exe> no ? me too :/ [21:30:55] <mirasese> i don't know [21:31:23] <mirasese> iam 14 [21:31:25] <mirasese> and you [21:31:34] <Rodiel.exe> i dont know how old i am [21:31:54] <mirasese> ??? [21:32:01] <Rodiel.exe> i come from Bagdad, Iraq u ? [21:32:13] <mirasese> i come from boston [21:32:22] <mirasese> how old are you [21:32:41] <Rodiel.exe> i dont know [21:32:44] <Rodiel.exe> i dont have count [21:32:44] <mirasese> ok [21:32:56] <Rodiel.exe> :/ [21:33:01] <mirasese> do you go to school ? [21:33:15] <Rodiel.exe> yes [21:33:18] <mirasese> oh [21:33:26] <mirasese> high school [21:33:38] <Rodiel.exe> Bagdad Advanced High School [21:33:40] <Rodiel.exe> yeah [21:33:48] <Rodiel.exe> i study bombing, u ? [21:33:52] <mirasese> do you have yahoo [21:34:13] <Rodiel.exe> who is yahoo ? [21:34:20] <mirasese> do you have yahoo messenger ? [21:34:31] <Rodiel.exe> i dont understand, who is yahoo ? [21:34:52] <Rodiel.exe> its ur pet ? [21:35:31] <Rodiel.exe> my pet name is Roger [21:43:30] <mirasese> chat yahoo [21:43:42] <mirasese> yahoo messenger What the fuck | ||
Korea (South)2178 Posts
we're getting raped left and right in ADC ![]() I feel like I'm not picking the right heroes (read: easy-to-use-lineup) for our team but there's more to it than that. Like - recent roster change - ppl not being able to play a lot of heroes + ppl not wanting to play heroes on delay - not enough reliable carry players (wtf most teams have trouble finding good support... not that our support is any good either) - lack of individual skill: practically removes tons of heroes from pool -_- - no initiative.. our play style is so passive it's so obvious how we'll play our game out from the opponent's perspective other problems: - lack of ganking in general which leads to less rune control - lack of confidence - weak ward support - lack of experience: sensing when something's fishy... 'hrm a lone sandking charging into 3 of us, yea let's kill him! because he must be retarded and there's no chance there's some hero who got invi rune among us.' I'm having a talk with scout about our future plans for the team as I write this. Advice is appreciated. I'm trying my best as leader but lack of raw skill is hard to overcome -_-; | ||
Canada11084 Posts
T_T Move to north america!!! When we have our absolute best the only real weaknesses I feel our team has right now is a lack of proper wards and not everyone can interchange roles. Though it's nothing to really complain about but it does limit some versatility. For instance if I really want chen/sand king / ES played right, I feel I have to do it myself. I pretty much never do though and I definitely understand / sympathize with regular problems those heros run into. A lot of people play a very good ES/Chen/SK, but sometimes there are some judgment issues that need to be taken into account. As for the wards we have them up very often but it's mostly the start and that people dislike buying out the shop. Our team consistently has problems with vision around the 6-8 minute mark. The shop doesn't ALWAYS need to be sold out, but it does need to be often enough. And it is a good habit to get into. I think our hero selection is one of our strengths in that we regularly outpick the other team, and the times we don't I let our team know, 'ok guys I feel they have a stronger lineup right now etc, sorry about that'. Which doesn't need to be said as I trust that they have already discerned that. For the most part we usually choose a well balanced lineup that adapts to different styles of play rather than a specific strategy because while some of those are very strong they can be a bit gimmicky and fall completely flat on their face. If that host bot ever comes into play contact me asap. Because you seemed to have at least 2 people who were near your skill on your team, no? Maybe you guys just need to refine hero selection and team work a bit. For instance pick strong farming supports like dark seer who can help out on ward duty. I was watching a CW of yours and you had 100 CS at roughly 20 mins in the solo vs batrider lane and both your allies had 80-85+ in sidelanes. | ||
Northern Ireland22207 Posts
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United States7270 Posts
On September 14 2009 00:27 Heen wrote: fuckkkk we're getting raped left and right in ADC ![]() I feel like I'm not picking the right heroes (read: easy-to-use-lineup) for our team but there's more to it than that. Like - recent roster change - ppl not being able to play a lot of heroes + ppl not wanting to play heroes on delay - not enough reliable carry players (wtf most teams have trouble finding good support... not that our support is any good either) - lack of individual skill: practically removes tons of heroes from pool -_- - no initiative.. our play style is so passive it's so obvious how we'll play our game out from the opponent's perspective other problems: - lack of ganking in general which leads to less rune control - lack of confidence - weak ward support - lack of experience: sensing when something's fishy... 'hrm a lone sandking charging into 3 of us, yea let's kill him! because he must be retarded and there's no chance there's some hero who got invi rune among us.' I'm having a talk with scout about our future plans for the team as I write this. Advice is appreciated. I'm trying my best as leader but lack of raw skill is hard to overcome -_-; Funny, because ack and I said the same earlier today when we watched your game vs cD. Losing 3 skilled players is always tough. Find a line up that works for your team and not worry so much about what is going on with what others are picking. For example, back in 43b and 48b, honestly, we couldn't run anything that wasn't SF as carry because of similar reasons (lulz ack carry us prz), we just didn't have players (read: I had 2 heroes I can play "well") who can play a lot of heroes so we came up with some awkward shit that worked for us against decent teams like Tide and Mag-centric teams (before they got popular) because that was what worked. Hell our best game was the game that everyone said fuck it and pick what we all felt most comfortable with even though they were some of the most 2nd class heroes in that era (lulz dagger). So find a line up you guys as a team feel comfortable playing, just look at DoP, TeG, Currax, those 3 teams I always felt were a step below the really good ones, but they had good runs/games just because they did somethings very well. Edit: Then I watch Loda's team roll a team with a Ursa carry when he had 2 stand-ins fuck my dota life. | ||
Oman2005 Posts
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Korea (South)2178 Posts
vs cD game 1 we're a viper loving team because he guarantees at least one strong lane and he's useful throughout the entire game obviously. It also happens to be fairly easy to use (lack of coordination is less catastrophic than other heroes). Undying Es picked because they're all around 'good' heroes and we can pick our last 2 after we see what they're up to. I don't think our team puts cm to good use at all. We need to have a lot of skirmishes early-mid game in order to make full use of her aura but we obviously didn't do that. Normally I would play morphling but nobody was ok playing viper so our support plays morph saying that he practiced it recently in PUBS(!) (I mean, you need to play quite a bit of pubs with a hero before you can say you feel comfortable playing him. I keep mentioning this but not many ppl seem to get it. The most common games to get practice in korea is pubs since there aren't any leagues. The level of pubs is much higher than that of other countries but they're still fucking pubs. Doing well in pubs is only an indicator of you not having 0 hope with that hero. It doesn't mean you're actually getting somewhere after 10 or so games). So we have someone playing morph for the first time vs a competent team. Undying goes hood first vs visage sylla chen clock puck lineup because hood is a nobrainer on undying apparently. Early game all we do is stay in our lanes and farm because visage and syllabear can't do that better than we can. Chen's raping our towers and they gain almost complete map control and they have clock. gg. vs cD game 2 We see darkseer first pick and our team insists on picking brood and viper because if we let them have them, it's too strong and annoying! So we pick 2 heroes that are questionable vs darkseer. lion and sandking because we need stuns and a strong lane + hex vs morph. Now go back to our first 2 picks. I reminded everyone that we are pretty much forced to pick a jungle hero if we pick brood viper and our lineup loses a lot of flexibility. So what do we end up with? Chen. Not because we need him or he synergizes with our lineup particularly well but because chen can jungle and enigma's out because he'll never be able to get a blackhole off vs that lineup. Ok we have brood and chen the obvious thing to do is aim to take down their towers early but it's not like cD doesn't know that. Brood pushing one side of the map and the rest of your team pushing the other side only works if they need 2 or more ppl to stop brood or if you can match their team in a 4v4 fight. So once we realize that doesn't work we say fuck it, lose any clear objective and stall the game for 20 min because longer game length means we did better, right? ![]() vs mcity we used random ass lineups and the bans weren't necessary. I don't think our team understands that one ban leads to another hero not being banned. Let's ban darkseer rather than NA because darkseer even though we have more experience playing vs darkseer than na by large margin. Add the fact that our team gets ganked so easily and doesn't sentry properly. Ouch. In a nutshell, our game plan was: let's try to make early mid game even because we got moar carries. the 2nd game was less of a humiliation but our roles could've been divided better. I was the only one who was available to play clockwerk. Which leaves 2 puck players and it was solo puck so scout had to do it since he has more experience. I'm sorry bdares, I know this isn't constructive criticism but our team's midgame relied on potm getting some good farm and diffusal but you had less than 1 cs per minute as potm well over the 10 min mark.... PotM isn't his hero but this is the downside of getting pick with your heroes in non competitive games. Bone fletcher top solo completely owned puck solo and darkseer's ability to gank it. I don't know why DS would buy sentries over dust for ganking fletcher... Whatever... it was too late at that point. Props to mcity's picks, they were definitely smarter and more elegant. Each hero was picked with a purpose, which sadly can't be said for us. things decided: - only scout and I on carry - no lineups we have weak understandings of because we don't even know what our strengths are. - i should listen less to my teammates for picking because banning is all about getting rid of stuff that annoys you the most in random order. I have my own faults for picking too obviously but ppl giving me naive ideas have fucked our lineup too many times. We actually have a teammate who's very reliable on our roster but he's been out of contact for 2 weeks ![]() | ||
United States7270 Posts
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Burkina Faso1704 Posts
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United States600 Posts
On September 10 2009 05:49 JeeJee wrote: no fucking duh, haven't you ever played fight of characters? tooltips are for losers, sound effects are all you need lol, that game is the shit yo | ||
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