On June 07 2013 13:04 Boblion wrote:Nobody to explain me the support pyro stuff ? I'm really intrigued. + Show Spoiler +On June 07 2013 03:26 Boblion wrote: I have seen sG running support pyro a lot lately with Zfreek. Can someone explain me what is so good about this hero ?
He just seems to be another Witch Slayer, i.e: a squishy mid hero with a stun and a huge magic burst... and most people agree that dual lane ws isn't that great. So why would you pick pyro when you can get Aluna, glacius, enge or even moa ? I don't understand. He is squishy, has no escape and his stun isn't exactly reliable. When i think about it witch slayer seems better on paper (more utility in lane) but he is still pretty bad. I'm not too convinced about support torturer too but at least you can argue that he has more utility.
dat push and kong kill potential
Who's watching dreamhack finals? Deciding game 3 atm between Stay Green and Complexity.
On June 07 2013 03:26 Boblion wrote:Show nested quote +On May 31 2013 08:33 semantics wrote:On May 31 2013 05:03 Boblion wrote: Still stuck around 1570-1600 SQ lol. Quite hard to get higher if you don't play with friends or go mid.
Also fuck reworked pred and elder. And fuck people who pick empath to go with him. Then just go mid, be a complete dick about it if someone else tries for mid. Play nothing but gankers like gaunt or tanky carries/gankers like zepher/tremble. In the end gold and levels win games just gotta make sure your team has more. I don't really like to play mid since i mostly play support and semi ranged carries. I usually only get it if people pick side lane heroes/junglers and don't ask for mid. Also i'm terrible with all the true mid heroes except maybe arachna (i.e: i have like 5 games with Peb / Dw / Bh / Fayde / Hag / Rally so i have no experience but yea maybe i should give it a try). ----------------------- I have seen sG running support pyro a lot lately with Zfreek. Can someone explain me what is so good about this hero ? He just seems to be another Witch Slayer, i.e: a squishy mid hero with a stun and a huge magic burst... and most people agree that dual lane ws isn't that great. So why would you pick pyro when you can get Aluna, glacius, enge or even moa ? I don't understand. He is squishy, has no escape and his stun isn't exactly reliable. When i think about it witch slayer seems better on paper (more utility in lane) but he is still pretty bad. I'm not too convinced about support torturer too but at least you can argue that he has more utility. Also i was so wrong about rally... he is amazing when played by good players.
Support pyro has it's advantages. Push and counter push with the same abilities that allow him to be a follow up ganker after a single target cc. WS does not have the same push/counter push potential, but is much better in team fights imo. Meanwhile pyro also with farm has the ability in team fights after using his spells to then auto attack and with even base items he does pretty decent damage. These two heroes WS and Pyro have a decent time in the late game because they can farm easier and they do great damage. Now on the other side support heroes like MOA, glacius, and aluna tend to fall off a bit more in the late game because of their lack of damage. When you see a MOA, glacius, aluna coming to 1v1 you as a carry you really don't have to be worried, but a WS or pyro can and may burst you down. MOA, glacius, aluna are much better lane partners which is why they were used in the old farm farm farm carry meta because they were what a carry needed to have a good lane presence at the start of a game. Support tort seems obvious to me even though he can carry and carry well. His abilities can clear a creep wave easily, and impalement destroys towers. The goal of a support is to accomplish a task even a small one throughout the game while warding and assisting each of these supports accomplishes different tasks and lines up better against different lineups.
Pyro is more of a threat in lane, can farm/push better than Witch Slayer, and doesn't have the mana issues either. Pyro also has better range so they can position themselves more safely in teamfights. Witch Slayer pretty much needs a solo lane in competitive play.
On June 07 2013 03:26 Boblion wrote:I have seen sG running support pyro a lot lately with Zfreek. Can someone explain me what is so good about this hero ?
1950+ mmr here and in a high level team (have beaten every top team in scrims except SG (been very close however) and SG eu (never played them), I'll try to answer.
First off I just want to say that witch slayer is a horrible support. He is NEVER (actually VDT did it once I think, but it's a very weak support in my opinion) picked up as one in competitive play while pyro is picked up very very often, they are not very similiar. They only have one skill that is similiar which is the ult, but I can see why you think they are alike.
Witch slayer doesn't offer much in a dual lane, he doesn't have that much damage compared to other supports. Pyromancer has more than double witch slayers burst damage. (phoenix wave + stun, while WS only has the stun, the hex does close to nothing until mid/lategame).
Pyro is also way stronger than say a glacius when the game is past early game. This is one of the reasons why SG loves torturer support as well. A torturer support can easily turn into a fairly big threat if he doesn't die much and gets some farm here and there + towers and assists.
On June 07 2013 06:35 sc_a.M wrote: I hated in Hon that they brought out a new hero evey week. Completly destoryed the game for me. I love the old s2 heroes like Puppet Master, Zephyr, Dampeer and Chipper :3 and I miss them a lot in dota2, but it was just too much for me. If I only play on 2 days the week getting overrun by a new hero every time is too annoying.
And yes I am sad about it, because to me HoN is more fun than dota, much more adrinerlin in hon :D
They almost stoped releasing heroes now. It's like at least 1 month in between each, and the new ones are free to everyone.
HoN is still the best moba (ugh) by far imo
Thanks for the input, i feel more knowledgeable now lol.
The sG drama is kinda hilarious.
Good for the scene.
Leeching money from your own team by telling you there are extra taxes.
It's hard to get any scummier than that, and the whole fuckin freedman family is in on the scam.
Disgusting bunch of people.
the sG situation is pretty damn hilarious, is Chessie leaving too or just Khezu and slickz?
Afaik only Khezu and Slickz (but maybe it will change).
Any tips vs a valk / elec lane as melee + ranged ?
Auto lose if you dont pick 2+ stuns dual lane or a tri ?
Brunei Darussalam622 Posts
you really only need one stun to knock off elec's grab, just play safe and if things get dicey turn on valk who has super low hp at the start.
Its a tough combo, though, to be sure. Just play really safe in general and try to beat them in creeps and positioning. Early vestments might help vs a valk who inflates magic dmg.
And what if they go for the guy who has the only stun ?
I mean if your stunner is a melee and if he wants a bit of farm he has to get close to the creeps at one point. Something like pr / pesti for exemple. You are expected to lose 100% i'm right ?
Generally if you are in a lane 2 stunners/ disablers vs 1 is a hard lane esp if they are range and one or both of you are melee. They go after the one that can stun and save the person from being combo'd down you just play in similar manners avoid their stuns carry HP and healing items and hope they run out of mana or mess up.
Ok so i finally got to 1700 SQ.
Incredible how bad/stupid/whiny some people in the 1700-1900 bracket are. Sometimes you get nice guys but i have seen some really horrible ppl... the worst kind is the "mid" smurfes. When they lose mid it becomes really funny, especially the guys who pick mk or ss. They talk so much shit lol. Honestly sometimes you can't really tell the difference between a 1800-1900 who is raging and a 1500's.
Geez people still play? Might re-DL HoN just to give it a shot. I always liked the feel of it better than DotA 1 & 2.
I'm sure you will love the new heroes lolol.