On February 05 2013 21:01 ffswowsucks wrote: Lets make a server a TL home and start playing all together again in the new It looks awesome and I want to group up and play on it!
oh btw have really BIG news.
-Fixed: You no longer need a ghillie suit to enter my gosu clan/group. (lol)
We will be back with a TL server for the standalone.
Have played the game for a few weeks now and really enjoying it. Most of the time alone though. Im playing on: DayZ GB 500 #2 atm if someone wants to team up.
for those who havent been following the standalone progress, here is the first gameplay footage from it. you also get to hear rocket narrating. he sounds really cute :3
On February 10 2013 04:11 Big Mike Polaski wrote: for those who havent been following the standalone progress, here is the first gameplay footage from it. you also get to hear rocket narrating. he sounds really cute :3
The player characters are looking really good. Those are some high definition skins. As for the world/object detail, it is the motion blur/bloom that makes it look more smooth. But if they manage to update/enhance more textures it will be truly stunning yes.
On February 14 2013 07:25 DarkEnergy wrote: The player characters are looking really good. Those are some high definition skins. As for the world/object detail, it is the motion blur/bloom that makes it look more smooth. But if they manage to update/enhance more textures it will be truly stunning yes.
Hopefully they use more parts of the ARMA3 engine. It wasn't great to run so hopefully it would be easier, streaming was a bitch at 60fps.
I hope they change the way zombies spawn so that it doesn't tell people approaching a town/city that someone is nearby. Zombies spawning due to a player nearby really made it easy to find people.
On February 14 2013 21:02 KingJames wrote: I hope they change the way zombies spawn so that it doesn't tell people approaching a town/city that someone is nearby. Zombies spawning due to a player nearby really made it easy to find people.
Rocket said they will change that. A lot more stuff will be generated server-side to hopefully stop massive hacking too.
On February 14 2013 21:02 KingJames wrote: I hope they change the way zombies spawn so that it doesn't tell people approaching a town/city that someone is nearby. Zombies spawning due to a player nearby really made it easy to find people.
Spawns for loot and zombies will be done server side now. We'll have to listen for gunshots, screams of agony, and coke cans getting opened now. I'm so pumped for this game, and I hope it's better optimized than the arma2 mod.
On February 14 2013 21:02 KingJames wrote: I hope they change the way zombies spawn so that it doesn't tell people approaching a town/city that someone is nearby. Zombies spawning due to a player nearby really made it easy to find people.
Spawns for loot and zombies will be done server side now. We'll have to listen for gunshots, screams of agony, and coke cans getting opened now. I'm so pumped for this game, and I hope it's better optimized than the arma2 mod.
This is definitely going to add an extra level of immersion and difficulty. These two things are probably what I'm most looking forwards to as far as adding to gameplay. Well, besides dealing with hacking, but that goes without saying.