around this time was the height of WoW, from there it just went from a decent mmo to a money cow for actiblizz.
Dear god, I can name almost every piece of gear, location, item, and spell used without reading the tooltips. Good times.
I don't play WoW anymore, but I don't think people are giving this its fair shake. The things I like about it are possibly opening up the story to new avenues by introducing a neutral playable race and choosing to focus on the war rather than bringing in some big name form Warcraft lore for us to beat on.
The bad news is that its continuing the self-destructive trend of World of Warcraft by making nothing require thought in the game anymore. They've eliminated pretty much all of the work and intelligence needed to figure things out by introducing the dungeon journal, removing talents, vastly nerfing bosses even before the raid tier is done (and making them a joke afterwards), and making gear too easy to acquire.
Because they did those things, they removed any sort of sense of achievement that people got from being one of the best because even the mediocre players would catch up to them in a week or two, so what's the point?
Some of the stuff for this expansion looks very interesting, but not enough to make me want to come back.
I'm the warlock at 1:17 that gets doubleteamed by the warrior and rogue. Also at 2:50 getting owned.
The part that pissed me off about that video was that he recorded the whole damn thing and I was 3-1 against him in random 1v1s near flags/on the road in that AV. He cut out all the parts I owned him
I'm kind of upset about it. I cancelled my sub because of the path the game was taking. I was anticipating todays announcement big time. I thought it might get me back into the game. I think this is the worst idea for an expansion ever. I don't care how long the panda dudes have been a part of lore, it just doesn't fit for me. And a monk class? Really? Fuck that. Guess I'll stick with Sc2, diablo 3, and MW3 throughout the next year+.
On October 22 2011 09:14 jnc wrote: cute pandas appeal to the mass soft-core gamers. hard-core players will continue or switch to diablo 3. win-win for blizzard.
people are probably gonna give me a ton of shit but i literally cannot see 1 feature in diablo that isnt in wow, and wow has a ton more gameplay too ;/
the new diablos graphics even make it look like wow
My 4 year old daughter saw the preview for this xpac and said "Kung Fu Panda, Daddy you are watching Kung Fu Panda?" Was Jack Black ( he was the voice for the main dude in that movie I think)at last years Blizzcon? Hopefully this is a joke along with the pokemon battle system. I gave this game up for alot of reasons and these things will keep me away
Ok, this might sound insane. But however amazingly, mindblowingly, all these changes sound and look I can't shake the feeling that they're changing it too much.
Anyone who's ever undertaken a big creative project knows what I'm talking about, I think. When you start changing a line or paragraph and then eventually rework the entire thing up until the point where you go back and look at it and realise that it's barely coherent anymore.
I really do like these changes, but what is left now of the old school? There seems to be this wonderful middle way when making games where you hit the exact equilibrium between stuff to do and just idle time. With WoW now it just seems like they want every single second to be a rapture inducing journey of the soul, but is this why people play WoW? Aren't there better games for that?
I'm not against change, but I don't understand why WoW is trying to compete with every game out there when they pretty much perfected their own formula two expansions ago...
Is more new stuff really the solution or just another symptom of a flawed developing philosophy?
On October 22 2011 10:00 CutieBK wrote: Ok, this might sound insane. But however amazingly, mindblowingly, all these changes sound and look I can't shake the feeling that they're changing it too much.
Anyone who's ever undertaken a big creative project knows what I'm talking about, I think. When you start changing a line or paragraph and then eventually rework the entire thing up until the point where you go back and look at it and realise that it's barely coherent anymore.
I really do like these changes, but what is left now of the old school? There seems to be this wonderful middle way when making games where you hit the exact equilibrium between stuff to do and just idle time. With WoW now it just seems like they want every single second to be a rapture inducing journey of the soul, but is this why people play WoW? Aren't there better games for that?
I'm not against change, but I don't understand why WoW is trying to compete with every game out there when they pretty much perfected their own formula two expansions ago...
Is more new stuff really the solution or just another symptom of a flawed developing philosophy?
They listen to forum whiners and try to cater to everyone while in the process slowly butchering the qualities that brought people into the game in the first place.
On October 22 2011 10:00 CutieBK wrote: Ok, this might sound insane. But however amazingly, mindblowingly, all these changes sound and look I can't shake the feeling that they're changing it too much.
Anyone who's ever undertaken a big creative project knows what I'm talking about, I think. When you start changing a line or paragraph and then eventually rework the entire thing up until the point where you go back and look at it and realise that it's barely coherent anymore.
I really do like these changes, but what is left now of the old school? There seems to be this wonderful middle way when making games where you hit the exact equilibrium between stuff to do and just idle time. With WoW now it just seems like they want every single second to be a rapture inducing journey of the soul, but is this why people play WoW? Aren't there better games for that?
I'm not against change, but I don't understand why WoW is trying to compete with every game out there when they pretty much perfected their own formula two expansions ago...
Is more new stuff really the solution or just another symptom of a flawed developing philosophy?
They listen to forum whiners and try to cater to everyone while in the process slowly butchering the qualities that brought people into the game in the first place.
Yeah, probably could've just written that Well summarized, man