He hits like a truck sure, but that's not useful if he's knocking out my own guys...
[RPG] Dragon Age 2 - Page 9
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United States350 Posts
He hits like a truck sure, but that's not useful if he's knocking out my own guys... | ||
Vatican City State1650 Posts
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Czech Republic434 Posts
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United States2791 Posts
On March 22 2011 05:40 Obsidian wrote: I found the DPS warriors, Fenris specifically, to be worthless when your running in Nightmare mode, at least if your trying to tank as normal with Aveline... His attacks are all AOE, and it's VERY difficult to keep him from killing Aveline, you can't target them nearly as well, and he pulls insane agro. He hits like a truck sure, but that's not useful if he's knocking out my own guys... If you use Fenris as you tank, then you take 3 ranged characters. You let him pull the agro and AOE everything in sight around him. | ||
China13814 Posts
On March 22 2011 06:11 orgolove wrote: Everything else aside, after going through the fucking horrific combat animations and spacing out etc in DA:O, I love what they did with the attack/spellcasting animations. I have to agree here - it looks beautiful! I'm around 10 hours into the game... so far I'm enjoying it, though I really would appreciate a bit more customizability for my not-main-character characters =.= I also don't particularly like the UI for health/mana/stamina and spells. Fun, decent game, could be better. | ||
Germany2548 Posts
Zero punctuation review | ||
Belgium686 Posts
This is actually true. DA2 is a good game. But we were expecting much more after the first game. And the people were kinda dissappointed. First game was a rpg game synthesized with a little bit of action combat figures. But the second game is a totally action game synthesized with basic rpg things. And we didn't have a clue about that was the thing they were creating as a game. We expected much more different things. But after all, if we look at this game as an independent from the first game. It is good. | ||
United States17713 Posts
Hawke: Templar, Fenris, Varric, Isabella? totally Anti-Mage. :D | ||
Romania218 Posts
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United States17713 Posts
On March 31 2011 03:59 AlexDeLarge wrote: I bought this game with pre-order.. but thanks to reading all these reviews i basically lost all interest in playing it.. especially since i loved DA1 and don't want that experience ruined for me. Can someone give me some very good reasons why i should play it and finish it? (p.s. i play all games on hardest difficulty, and i read that DA2 on nightmare is a dull grindfest) The game has a ton of hidden elements that are pretty difficult to find. DA2 is way more emmersive than DA1 to me. Your actions in DA1 directly affect your game in DA2. DA2 is pretty awesome to play through because of the timespan of the game, your actions have serious concequences it's not just, Oh hey let me help you kill this guy, and then everything is cool 10 years later, despite your barging into his house and stabbing the guy in the chest a few times in front of his 10 year old kid. IN DA2 if that happened you would end up facing an extremely pissed off single minded teenager hunting you down in a few years. The game is so awesome. It's seriously best if you don't go completionist. Just do the quests that your character would do and alter the world greatly. | ||
Sweden31 Posts
On March 14 2011 20:27 Geo.Rion wrote: The story is weak/bad. + Show Spoiler + Well it is not. Dragon Age Origins had the most generic story possible. There's a traitor and a dark force which need to be assessed. The hero gathers allies, punishes the traitor, slays the evil. However all the little twists, the detailed companion storylines, quests sending you from one city to another, being able to influence everything you want, including being able to kill or at least abandon all your companions, but the dog. It was more then enough to me, definetly i'm happier with this then say, you have a huge big ass "iamyourfather" "dumbledoreiskilledbysnape" surprise somewhere towards the end, and mediocre for the rest. I have not finished DA2 yet, but it seems really the same, even more interesting with Flemeth acting in the background, wanting hellknows what, i hope i will find it out, im excited. I'd like to just drop my 2 cents on what you said about story here, since I still play these games for just that, the story. You say the story is not weak and bad, but it is. It just doesn't seem like that because the story isn't that important to you, and that's fine, but this is an RPG and story is an important (albeit somewhat ignored in favor of combat and graphics) part of it. You can certainly enjoy a game even though certain aspects of it are bad but that doesn't mean that those aspects aren't just that, bad. Now you are completely correct in that Dragon Age Origins has an incredibly generic storyline. Usually I don't mind this, writers can turn some decent stuff into crap by trying to make it completely original, but DAO over does it by far. The major story line is utterly uninspiring. As far as being able to influence everything I have to say meh. You are certainly able to alter things but I don't find that adds anything to the story in this case. Again I feel this is you caring more about gameplay then the actual quality of the story. Completely linear games tend to have better stories, that's not always the case but it can be agreed that with one path to focus on the writing tends to become better then if you had to write a lot of different paths. After this you go on to call Star Wars and Harry Potter mediocre with a few good plot twists. This is really the nail in the coffin in my believing you even cared about the story at all. I'm not gonna go into why you wrong here because it is not really relevant to the thread and at this point I doubt you would care. Now you and I are obviously completely different gamers and it is understandable that we should not see eye to eye on this. What I really want to get at here is that I don't think you should comment on the story at all since it is not why you play this game while for others it actually might be. | ||
Canada2473 Posts
Wow this sounds terrible. | ||
United States4770 Posts
http://dragonage.bioware.com/me2offer/ | ||
China13814 Posts
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United States12190 Posts
A good game relative to the RPG market, but this is not something to be proud of if you are Bioware. | ||
Scotland3776 Posts
ROFL. The game is actually great! I feel as if this happens with a lot of games nowadays... people care more about what other think and not about actually playing it themselves... take Final Fantasy XII, it wasn't actually bad of course it wasn't amazing or anything but christ the amount of hate that game got was insane, a lot of people seem to be influenced by others opinions when really this is the internet, and there are a metric tonne of haters who will talk shit about anything that isn't an awe-inspiring jaw-dropping phenomenon. I have played 10 hours 30 mins right now and I think the game is really good, when you see that image the game looks like an abomination (zing!) but I really find the game to be very good. | ||
Spain943 Posts
That's what I see. I won't go further with my opinions on this issue unless explicitely requested. | ||
United States4714 Posts
The game feels like it was released way too early. Repeatedly fighting the same mobs and going through the same 5 environments over and over really limits the fun you can have while playing. The storyline also felt disjointed and didn't have a clear focus or any real epic feel to it. Overall despite its flaws I think DA2 is a good game but if it had had another 6-12 months in development to add content and polish up the story it could have been great. | ||
United States115 Posts
If you take 5 minutes to download the HQ texture pack the game actually looks pretty amazing, everything else you could use to complain about every game in existence. | ||
United States589 Posts
On March 31 2011 04:08 PrinceXizor wrote: The game has a ton of hidden elements that are pretty difficult to find. DA2 is way more emmersive than DA1 to me. Your actions in DA1 directly affect your game in DA2. DA2 is pretty awesome to play through because of the timespan of the game, your actions have serious concequences it's not just, Oh hey let me help you kill this guy, and then everything is cool 10 years later, despite your barging into his house and stabbing the guy in the chest a few times in front of his 10 year old kid. IN DA2 if that happened you would end up facing an extremely pissed off single minded teenager hunting you down in a few years. The game is so awesome. It's seriously best if you don't go completionist. Just do the quests that your character would do and alter the world greatly. We apparently played a different DA2. Literally no choice you make bears any consequence. Any big choice that you think might expect the storyline doesn't matter. If you decide to + Show Spoiler + Take your sister with you to the Deep Roads. She dies. If you decide to leave her behind. She dies. | ||
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