On March 01 2011 09:31 ChapOne wrote:downloading multiplayer demo atm from a french community site. http://www.crysis-france.com/third mirror is from an official ea ftp so it should be legit.
DLing now. really really really hope this isnt some french virus
have checked with malwarebites... its fine there. but it seems like servers are not up yet.
I'm disappointed by their switch to consoles. I'm going to wait and see how people fare this game on the PC and playing a FPS game on a console is heresy. (Only times I do that is if its console exclusive though.)
Even my beloved BF series is now going to be on consoles...
PC multiplayer demo starts tomorrow in case you guys didnt know
ok just played it for about an hour on PC. i found it pretty fun so far. i could barely run crysis 1 on a playable FPS on high, but playing crysis 2 on lowest settings at a perfect framerate and it looks GREAT. very fucking impressed so far. didnt even mess around with higher settings yet.
main assault rifle feels really good to me, other guns were kinda meh. shotgun doesnt feel like it has enough kick to it, but i only used it for like 5 minutes.
my only real gripes so far are the low player limit (only 6v6, i feel like 8v8 would be so much better. too hard to find players a lot of the time, and especially hard to find more than 1 at a time lol) and sliding is sorta hard to do. if i press crouch too long i just crouch instead of slide, and if i press it not long enough i'll only slide for like 1 second... i'll probably get a hang of it pretty quick though.
also the power drop thing sorta sucks lol. really small radius and really long animation :\
overall i'm quite pleased with it so far. new suit powers management is a lot more fluid than crysis 1 and i just feel a whole lot more mobile than in the 1st. the drop pod mode is really fun too. I just wish they didnt have all the dumb killstreak stuff :\
I can't get registration/login to work 
EDIT: yeah, mycrysis.com seems completely swamped at the moment. EDIT AGAIN: Well, somehow made an account but can't log in in-game.
On March 01 2011 11:49 Eiii wrote:I can't get registration/login to work  EDIT: yeah, mycrysis.com seems completely swamped at the moment. EDIT AGAIN: Well, somehow made an account but can't log in in-game.
I can't get anything to work either
Pretty sure gamespy account = D2D account since theyre on the same network (IGN)
I used my gamespy account nickname, it worked.
On March 01 2011 18:19 miniwheats wrote: I used my gamespy account nickname, it worked.
I did the same, no budge 
Servers down from a demo? That'll be carnage at launch...
Looking like another shitty console port tbh. "Press START to continue" and having auto aim wtf.
I just downloaded the PC demo to try.
Ok, so is everyone having the problem that you cant even login in the game?
i used the account from crysis1/crysiswars and it worked to login
just great... my computer can't even run crysis 1. guess i won't be playing this game for at least another decade
Basically I created a login in game, and when I try to use it, it says logging in and than stops.
Is there a way out of game I can try and create a new login?
is it only me or game looks like another horible console port?
On March 01 2011 20:47 Hunted wrote: Looking like another shitty console port tbh. "Press START to continue" and having auto aim wtf.
yea i remember seeing the "aim assist" option in the menus but i honestly cant notice any auto-aim at all. im not really sure if that's just a remnant from the consoles (like the press start to play thing) and doesnt do anything or if it's just a really really crappy auto-aim or if it's something else. I'm 90% sure that i have it enabled and there is no autoaim at all.
On March 01 2011 23:48 meegrean wrote:just great... my computer can't even run crysis 1. guess i won't be playing this game for at least another decade 
i've give the demo a shot. it runs really good on my PC and i could barely run crysis 1.