*This general idea is for StarCraft 2* This is so stupid of me, I've been gaming FPS forever before I was introduced into StarCraft, so if you give me a keyboard, my default positioning will be the WASD fingering positioning.
![[image loading]](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_2GNT8vlZj48/SPpizjQGoTI/AAAAAAAAADA/Ovaq2i2Ui0k/s1600/wasd.jpg) (that's just my fingering positioning, with middle finger on W, that picture isn't me ftw, just googled WASD) This makes it really hard for me to use hotkeys, as either terran or protoss. In early game, I use 1 for nexus and 2 for my scouting probe. Considering my default position is WASD positioning, I will switch to middle finger to press 1, and index to press 2. During that time where you're scouting, I will have my default positioning with middle finger on 1 and index on 2, and will quickly switch back to press any further hotkeys. With WASD as default positioning, it's somewhat hard to use hotkeys past 6. And I just can't get into a habit of using additional hotkeys. I only use 2 hotkeys in the game, 1 for my army and 2 for my nexuses. Does any other FPS gamers have the same issue where your pinky is not on A?
I keep my hand like that and I understand what you mean when you say it's hard to use hotkeys 6 and beyond. I use the WASD position as kind of a 'home' for my fingers. I keep my Command Centers on 6, right to where my fingers can comfortably stretch. I use 1, 2, 3, and 4 for my army and 5 for all of my unit producing structures.
My hand is usually free around the keyboard when playing. But when I find that I need to use a key that is within the WASD position, my hand rest in that position while using it. And generally when my fingers are idleing, say I'm waiting for the minerals for a supply depot and I'm just dancing my SCV around, my fingers rest in the WASD position.
All you gotta do is move your fingers up one key, so they are on tild, 1 2 3 4 and thumb on b. Just arc your hand a bit to reach ctrl 7 8 9 with your thumb. By arcing your hand, and using your thumb for ctrl 7 8 9 0 etc. Some people using the right control with their thumb to do this also. Just work on good positioning, I would recommend listening to day9's podcasts from the original broodwar, before his whole daily series. Theres whole segments on keyboard positioning, hand positioning etc.
I come from a huge fps background as well, my hands naturally default like that. If you came from cs 1 - 5 should be extremely easy to use. Switch your mindset to using your mouse and the hotkeys over wsad like controlling your player. My pinky uses capslock, a, z, and control.
I found my hands doing that whenever I play as well. It never seemed to bother me though, I can comfortably reach ~7-8, though I found that whenever I play FPS lately my hand seems a bit more stretched out than the layout you provided.
Just try to move your hands around more during the game, or maybe use higher numbers for early game spamming.
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Boxer seems to default his hands to 2qwe, if that helps
He also moves his hands way off the default position at times. He does it mainly to use the arrow keys, but doing it to press hotkeys 7-0 is equally justified by the "boxer does it" argument because why you're moving your hands off the default position isn't the issue.
Basically just find a comfortable starting position from which you can easily find most keys, and don't be afraid to completely move your hand when you need to.
i think the vast majority of people default to wasd, in sc2 every hotkey can be hit comfortably from there
i played bw for years keeping my hands on wasd and had no problems using every hotkey, wasd is close enough to optimal since the majority of keys are around there (same reason its used for fps...). you might have to reach up to hit 8/9/0 but im guessing you're an sc2 player, you really dont need anything past 7 in sc2.
wasd is completely fine, you're going to have to reach up a bit unless you keep your hand in the middle of the keyboard, and if you do that you're sacrificing the accessability of left-side hotkeys that are a ton more important than being able to hit some rarely used numbers keys at the end of the keyboard
although it sounds like you're keeping your hand default on your hotkeys at the top. dont do that. sit them on wasd like normal, and reach up your ring/middle/index to hit keys.
honestly this feels like a waste of a post just watch that boxer keyboard view. your hands gonna sit focused on the left side and reach up to hit far away keys, get used to stretching and make a concious effort to use more than just 1 or 2. honestly i pretty much just use 4 for nexus and 1 for army too but its a bad habit, dont fall into 1a syndrome.
I play on ESDF which I think is better than WASD. I have my pinky on A (Z, \ and shift).
In FPS your hand tends to stay cramped in one place, so you're not used to sc hand technique. Just make yourself use more hotkeys and get used to stretching and jumping your hand around the keyboard. Make a conscious effort.
Try using the 5, 6 or 7 keys for nexus and probe. That way your pinky or ring finger can click the "e" key. You'll practice your pinky and it will feel better and more natural.
Personally, my left hand is positioned as it would be if I were typing.
Playing as protoss, e, c, and g are extremely easy to reach.
Having a serious background in FPS games I really have this exact same problem... Defaulting to WASD is really becoming a problem, I have been forcing myself to map my nexus to 6 but its REALLY hit my gameplay since I normally have my production facilties on something like 2-3-4 and nexus on 1, my macro is hitting an horrid level since Im not used to having them so far down the keyboard... Guess I have to just power through it, Ugh.
Edit: Also I default my keyboard at like a 60 degree angle to my desk >.>