On February 14 2010 15:03 BloodyC0bbler wrote: anyone who can should do the raf system. Me and iazz leveled like, 11 or 12 times in like an hour and a half or some nonsense. insane experiences boost from killing shite and from quest turn ins is just broken. If it also works in dungeons, its just unfair :p
Someone has to start a new account for that to work, though, right?
edit- also I've got a level 80 Pally tank sitting at about 4600 gearscore that I never play. Maybe I'll just keep my main where it is and transfer the pally. Money sucks, though =/. I'll see how long it takes me to level
3861 Posts
On February 14 2010 15:39 dyren wrote: Choose life.
Says the guy who's posting on a game forum. WoW is a game, just like Starcraft and we're not asking people for their souls, just a few nights a week. Such elitists, some of you.
Anyway we have 10 players so far. Most are low level tho - and a few said they will be transferring their mains here. A lot of you said it's tempting; if you're not currently in a set guild and just wanna have fun and wanna pick up where you left off, come transfer over. once we got 10-15 solid level 80's we can start doing 10 mans. Like i posted earlier, raids would be at 7pm EST - days can be determined by those willing to put in 2-3 hours.
I'm consdering reactivating my 80 Dwarf Hunter, transferring, and changing factions for this. Sounds fun
Ugh, this is so tempting. Too bad there's no US<>EU transfer. Then again I swore off wow after raiding pretty hardcore for a few years, shit is way too addictive if you have nothing else going on.
I haven't played in some time. I quit several months before WOTLK, but the idea of a TL guild almost makes me want to give the game another shot.
I understand quite a bit has changed since I quit (I would certainly hope so with an expansion and a LOT of patches). It's not like I couldn't look this information up elsewhere, but could anyone provide me with a very brief rundown of what exactly changed since 70 that would make me interested again? I would be returning from the perspective of someone who played entirely too much in the past, but would be interested in some casual raiding / pvp / etc if I were to return.
Anyone interested in forming TL guild on some Europe server ? ;]
Oh man just transfered to Thaurissan like a month ago to play with a friend who apparently quit 2 weeks after I transferred there.. what a waste. Anyway, would be a nice idea to have a bunch of TL people in WoW.
On February 14 2010 15:27 xDark.Carnivalx wrote: refer a friend made leveling ridiculous ;x got on yesterday for first time since wotlk came out and seems like leveling somehow was made even easier and faster than back then (and it was already fast then). soon mounts will be given at level 1 for free, and you gain experience for afking!
what would make my life so much easier :p
I'm definitely considering making a new character on your server for this. I used to play a warlock and pally, both of which I've raided with (in WotLK, and previously, although not since Patch 3.1). I think me and one of my friends who plays starcraft, but has never played WoW, will do RAF and we can get you guys two radiers much faster than I'd have been able to get you one.
Lol, this is so tempting... I had a 70 pre-WOTLK and did mostly arena, although I think I can pick up raiding pretty quickly. My main peeve with the game was the community, but this guild negates that, and the time sink. It felt that every time I got a nice new item, another tier came out and made my item crap I wonder - how many hours will I need to dedicate to this game per week to be able to help out and/or get decently geared?
United States3573 Posts
I would transfer my holy priest to raid with you guys, but I would have to faction change, and transfer. :/
3861 Posts
Curious if you guys have ran guilds before?
I'm here for the week only.. I kinda quit in july but I took blizzard up on the 7 free days of play so I'm back on my level 80 Shaman on Auchindoun.. Frankly, it's on EU servers >.< But I would have loved to join in!
I think I might get back on, haven't played in like 6 months. I got a few 80's on Mal'Ganis but don't really feel like spending $25 to transfer, so guess ill start a new guy .
Playing right now. Starting a mage (troll). On Bloodscalp for the next few hours under cfdeekay. PLAY WITH MEEEEEEEE ^_^
why this didn't happen before =[
Not to be a dick, but just to get a sense - what are people's raiding experiences?
Susie/midian - have you guys done ICC? How far? Just asking, as I would be interested in rerolling.
Its not like ICC is hard, just requires a certain level of non-retardation.