Well fuck.
The latest translated episode of Koishi's Heart-Throbbing Adventures was just released yesterday, and I watched it just now.
Well no. I stopped at about 6 minutes and said out-loud "Fuck this shit, this is way too traumatizing" and closed the video.
So I'm not linking it here yet, because I haven't finished watching it, but there is no way in hell I'm going to be able to do it right now. Those who are curious can look it up on youtube. :/
On October 23 2011 06:07 dkpl wrote: Well fuck.
The latest translated episode of Koishi's Heart-Throbbing Adventures was just released yesterday, and I watched it just now.
Well no. I stopped at about 6 minutes and said out-loud "Fuck this shit, this is way too traumatizing" and closed the video.
So I'm not linking it here yet, because I haven't finished watching it, but there is no way in hell I'm going to be able to do it right now. Those who are curious can look it up on youtube. :/
Welp, I don't know why I thought I'd leave it until night time to finish watching it, but I did. And lajkgopu3et4jnkiaioapfgnmlaeg2uth9h48gn
So here is the video. The trauma in this video is very very real (I'm not faking this reaction :/ I wish I was) So be warned that there will be violence, gore, and characters acting very much out of their usual demeanor, solely thanks to Koishi. (fuuuuuuuu)
For people who haven't watched the previous episodes, head to page 80 of this thread, about 5 - 6 posts down to catch up.
+ Show Spoiler [Part 6] +
My thoughts: + Show Spoiler +WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY Also, some of the translations could use a little work (chucklenuggets had me giggling a bit, before things turned to shit anyway) Some of the dialogues felt to me like the translation skipped parts of it, so a very long dialogue is translated into 2 or 3 short lines... otherwise, the gist of the conversations gets through. One important part I feel I need to point out is at 2:47 when + Show Spoiler +Yukari says 'Time to die, little girl'
The literal translation would be 'I apologize, but please die for the sake of Gensokyo.'
So the translation that was used doesn't really convey the real meaning and reason Yukari was there.
I'm not really looking forward to the next episode anymore :X
goddamn, do I ever need some happy touhou right now + Show Spoiler +
This is awesome: keep watching you won't get it at first.
+ Show Spoiler +
and this is not related to touhou but it is related to the thing above which is related to touhou + Show Spoiler + so i guess it is related? meh
Hey JSH, remember the convo we had a few days ago about music (or even game) CDs?
I think we can make it happen Lemme know if you're still interested~
This goes for anyone else too, so if anyone wants to get their hands on any specific CDs (and possibly other merchandise) from Japan, lemme know here. :>
You don't need to commit to anything yet just by voicing interest, but I can post more details here if people are genuinely interested. And if you have an idea what you want specificly, that'd help. :D
Edit: Oops, forgot to say, this will only work if you're located in Canada or the states. My sister prefers not to ship outside of of these two countries. But I think everyone's located on EST anyways, right?
+ Show Spoiler +![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/3DSjd.jpg) Nazrin who was Shou Toramarus servant was one day in an office typing on a computer. She got an email from her boss that said that Reimu and Marisa were attacking the temple and aksed her for help so she went. Nazrin got her computer shut down and wet on the platform to go up to the roof of the building where she left her motorcycle and normal youkai close because she was in her office lab coat. Nazrin got on her motorcycl and said "its time for me to live up to my family name and face full life consequences" so she had to go. Nazrin ramped off the building and did a backflip and landed. She kept driving down the road and made sure there was no youkai around because she ddint have dowsing rods. The contrysides were nice and the plants were singing and the birds and the sun was almost down from the top of the sky. the mood was set for Nazrins quest to help her boss where she was. Nazrin looked around the countrysides and said "its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my boss to defeat the enemys". Nazrin was late so she had to drive really fast. A cop car was hiden near by so when Nazrin went by the cops came and wanted to give her a ticket. Here Nazrin saw the first monster because the cop was posessed and had headcrabs. "I cant give you my lisense officer" Nazrin said "Why not?" said the headcrab oficer back to Nazrin. "Because you are headcrab youkai" so Nazrin whacked the oficer in the head with dowsing rod and drove off thinking "my boss is in trouble there" and went faster. Nazrin had to go faster like the speed of sound and got there fast because Shou needed her where she was. Nazrin looked at road signs and saw "Scarlet Devil Mansion" with someons writing under it saying "u shudnt come here" so Nazrin almost turned around but heard screaming like Shou so she went faster again. Nazrin drove in and did another flip n jumped off her motorbike and the motor bike took out some headcrab youkai infront of Nazrin. Nazrin smiled and walked fast. Nazrin then looked on the ground and found dowsing rod so she pickd it up and swung fast at youkai goasts in front of a house. Nazrin said "Youkai goasts leave this place" and the youkai goasts said "but this is our house" and Nazrin felt sorry for them becaus they couldnt live there anymore because they were youkai goasts so she blew up the house and killed the youkai goasts so they were at piece. Then Nazrin herd another scream from her boss so she kept walking really faster to get where she was. Scarlet Devil Mansionm was nothing like the countrysides there was no birds singing and the pants were dead and teh dirt was messy and bloody from headcrabs. When Nazrin got to where the screaming was started from she found her boss Shou Toramaru fightin the final bosss and Shou said "Nazrin! Over here!" so Nazrin went there to where Shou Toramaru was fighting. Nazrin threwed her mice from teh basket really fast and the mice went and bit the final boss in the eyes and the final boss couldnt see. Shou Toramaru said "its time to end this ones and for all!" and punched the final boss in the face and the final boss fell. Nazrin said "thanks i could help, boss" and Shou Toramaru said "you should come here earlier next time" and they laughed. The laughed overed quickly though because Nazrin yelled "LOOK OUT BOSS!" and pointed up to the top of the sky. Shou Toramaru looked up and said "NOO! Nazrin run out of here fast as you can!" and Nazrin walked real fast out. Nazrin loked back and saw Shou get steppd on by the next boss and she was mad and angry. "I'll get you back evil boss!" Nazrin yelled at the top of lungs. to be continued..?
lol Yoshi Kickboxing trophy and belt with anime figures haha
ah dkpl cool, although I'm not sure what I want yet What can you get? Although I don't have any money right now 
and wall of text I don't want to read right now haha
Border of Life Free-Logic + Show Spoiler + New group for me Pretty nice
Kind of wish they put a bit more emphasis on the drum kit
Okay, just a few more details about the whole merchandise thing.
There will be quite a long wait for anything that you want to get. What happens is, my sister has a partner in Japan that buys the merchandise locally. Every once in a while, that person will ship a large batch of stuff to us, which takes at least 2 monthes to arrive from Japan. Then she has to work out the details with her contact to get the touhou stuff as well, since her shop here is primarily a convention-only booth aimed at fangirls, so it'll be quite different from the usual genre of stuff they get (don't ask ). So... if you request something now and everything goes smoothly, you'll probably receive your item by late January... ish. Make sure you're okay with the long wait before deciding to get anything.
Non-touhou stuff is also okay, as long as it can get past customs. Basically, customs are cracking down on anything that might look like cp, so as long as it looks okay on the cover, it doesn't matter what the content actually is, and she'll try to get it. Since this is probably a case-by-case thing, just bring it up, and my sister will decide if she can get it or not.
So if you're fine with everything I said above, and you have something you want, go ahead and contact my sister directly at her email: doujinshi@shaw.ca
She'll have to make sure she can actually get what you request for, then if she can, she'll quote you a price. If you're okay with the given price, then she'll ask her partner to get it. Finally, please make sure to only request items that you truly want, and not back out within 2 monthes, or I'll get in trouble Oh yeah, it'll help if you mention my forum name in your email, and my sister will try to put your request in first priority. Accepted forms of payment are Paypal, international postal money order (if from the states) or postal money order (if from Canada).
Oh, one thing I forgot to add: Everything my sister sells will be brand-new. You don't have to worry about CDs being out of their wrapping, or anything like that. Nothing will be second-hand.
JSH: Whatever you have in mind, just shoot her an email first, and she'll decide if she can or cannot get it. It's okay if you don't request anything immediately. The January thing isn't a deadline, but just an earliest date from right now. She'll get more shipments from Japan throughout the year, so you'll just have to catch the next one.
Mmm sounds good but like I said, I don't really have anything I want as of now But we will see
Year-Round Absorbed Curiosity/Staking Your Life on a Prank UnchikuCompany + Show Spoiler +
Kind of hard to find Fairy Wars remixes 
edit: reuploaded~
+ Show Spoiler +
Oh yeah, and there are remaining CDs from the last convention if anyone wants these, which means you can get it right now without the 2 month wait.
Game: Touhou 9.5 Shoot The Bullet Touhou 12.8 The Great Fairy Wars
Music: dBu Scherzo of Fairy Wars
Games are $28 each, the music CD is $22 (plus shipping). Prices are in US dollars, because she has more US customers than Canadian.
omg cool lol i can actually buy CDs from people i want to support?!?!
though i don't have any moneyzzz 
Also JSH notice all the touhou costumes at that store LOL so many
Aeres did you write that?
Also JSH, the art style of the Yuyuko on that border of life arrange is quite unique/strange o.o
On October 24 2011 14:44 Yoshi Kirishima wrote: Aeres did you write that? ...
+ Show Spoiler +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHxyZaZlaOs It's basically a Half Life 2 fan fiction written by a 6 year old. Literally, a six-year old. Frankly, I'm a bit insulted that you thought that was my writing. 
On October 24 2011 21:40 Aeres wrote:... + Show Spoiler +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHxyZaZlaOs It's basically a Half Life 2 fan fiction written by a 6 year old. Literally, a six-year old. Frankly, I'm a bit insulted that you thought that was my writing. 
Ahaha both were epic ^^ I do think it requires quite a lot of skill to write/think like a 6 year old though.
hahahaha Did you get your new comp yet Aeres?
Yeah that art style is pretty unique I would say
Mysterious Mountain Sound Sepher/Jun.A + Show Spoiler +
oh snaps this album is crazy I might do a review on this one~
On October 25 2011 01:30 JSH wrote: Did you get your new comp yet Aeres? Yeah, it's repaired now, but due to other circumstances I won't disclose, I won't be able to use it as much as I'd like until around December. =/
i miss ur streem~
EDIT: 100,000 views! Yay!
On October 24 2011 21:40 Aeres wrote:... + Show Spoiler +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHxyZaZlaOs It's basically a Half Life 2 fan fiction written by a 6 year old. Literally, a six-year old. Frankly, I'm a bit insulted that you thought that was my writing. 
Lol well, I didn't say I thought you weren't conscious you were writing as poorly as a 6 year old :D.
OMG YES finally [vocal] arranges of Ten Desires themes! And ofc I mean like, the ones not in the demo.
True Administrator + Show Spoiler +
The vocals on this song are not barely bearable, but very bearable. The arrange is quite faithful to the original, which I assume must be intentional since you can't go too wrong with faithful and there aren't [many?] other arranges to buy/listen to.
Desire Drive + Show Spoiler + This is what I mean by vocals that are barely bearable.
As opposed to bearly bareable, which is of course referring to scantily clad grizzlies.