Since this is my first day off in like 5 months of 18 hour days I guess I'll share some of the joy and translate this for you..
-It took you 7 seasons to return to the semifinals.. It feels great. I feel sorry for Rock because his mother was here today. I'm sure he's disappointed he couldn't win for her.
-It's also your first semifinal since your transfer to STX.. I was looking forward to these games because I've been preparing really hard, and the coaching staff has been working hard to bring me back to shape. I think coming to STX was a great choice. I've been practicing more and, unlike some of my previous teams, the schedules are nicely planned giving me some extra free time while also working hard, which suits my style.
-How does it feel to play outdoors again after such a long time? I'm proud that I'll be able to show case my games in front of such a large audience and also motivated to do better. I'm really happy that so many people will be able to watch my games.
-You've heard talk about how you were playing poorly even though you were still making it into the Starleague. At that time I never thought I was playing poorly, but now that I look back I think I was. If I played well I would've made it past the round of 16, but since I couldn't I guess I was playing rather poorly. I was being a bit foolish, but since I've come to realize how I bad my game play was, I want to play well in my remaining games and get the Golden Mouse.
-Who would you like to play in the semifinals? (I guess this was before the other games were played) I already know that I will be playing against a protoss so I'm fairly confident. I've practiced a lot with BackHo, so I would personally like to play against JangBi. I've heard that he's been wanting to play against me, so I want to make him regret ever saying that.
-You have the best shot of getting the second Golden Mouse The fact that it would be the first Golden Mouse for a zerg player, and that it took 2 years and 4 months for this opportunity makes this even more special. My only thought is that I must win this season.
-Do you feel that you are back to your championship form? I've only played a few games so I think it's a little early to decide. But I'll realize that I'm back in form once I've played more games.
-Any last words? I'd like to thank my two coaches for coming along with me today (SoO, 조규백). I'd also like to congratulate by.hero on his birthday today. My schedule isn't set yet, but I'd like to finish my preparations for tomorrows games [proleageu vs SKT1]
- A pretty convincing 2-0 win It felt like an easy win because my opponent made a mistake. It feels good to advance 2-0 and I'm also happy because it feels like I have more time to prepare for my next match.
- Catching that shuttle made for an easy win. I encountered similar stalemate type situations during practice, which basically lead to long matches. We both used safe builds that made it difficult overpower the other early, but destroying the shuttle led to an easy victory.
-Your opponent was Much who is usually strong strategically. How did you prepare? The build I used today was a safe one that allows me to defend against whatever my opponent would use against me. The match played out the way it did because he decided to use the exact same build.
-Did you have any trouble practicing with all the other events that you take part in? Coach told me to focus pretty much on my individual leagues, so that's what I did. Since I've won today I need to focus on tomorrow's matchup. I'll practice tonight in Daegu (where the OSL was held) and move to Guangju (where the SKT1 vs STX match will take place) tomorrow. I'll be tired physicially but the fact that I'm playing many games is a good thing, and I'm pretty confident considering I have a PvP matchup tomorrow.
-You must be pretty focused considering this is your first OSL semifinal Coach told me to not let this opportunity slip by. I'm going to play like this will be the last tournament I'll ever play in and make sure I don't regret it.
-Your opponent is Luxury who just beat Flash. Luxury is already a two time semifinalist, so I feel I have nothing to lose against him. He's a really good zerg player and the maps aren't quite suited for protoss but I think I can over come the odds with enough practice. I think I'll be able to prove my potential with this coming match.
-What are your goals for this season? I'd like to shed the image that I am weak against zergs by winning in the next match and moving on to the finals. I'll think about winning the finals after that.
-Any last words? I'd like to thank fans for coming down to Guangju to support me and I think I've repaid my fans by winning here today. I'll do my best in the future to make sure nobody regrets supporting me.
Wow thank you silentreality! Those are both really interesting interviews, actually... I like both players more now. July in particular seems really considerate.
What the hell I figure I'll do rest too... this is Luxury.
- A clean 2-0 sweep to get into the semi-finals. I thought the audience might get tired if I played a long game (laugh). It feels great to win 2-0.
- It was a pretty dominating performance. It feels good to have had all the practice pay off. I'm glad all the hard work resulted in a semi-final appearance.
-How did you prepare? Flash is great at creating chaotic matches, so I tried to experience non-standard plays.
-This was your first tour outside Seoul, were you nervous? I was nervous when we had our pregame interviews, but once I stepped into the booth it felt like I was playing back in Yongsan. I was comfortable playing the match.
-Was there some added pressure considering your opponent was a previous OSL winner? Sure there was.. but as time went by I figured that beating him in the quarterfinals would make my next matches that much easier. Winning like this gave me a new boost of confidence and I feel like I can win the whole thing.
-Are you confident in next match up? I was really nervous and didn't really know how to prepare for my last semifinal appearance. This time around I think my experience will keep me from being too nervous. The maps favor zerg so I think I have a good chance.
-Do you have a particular opponent you'd like to face in the semis? Not really. If I really had to choose though, it would be Much. We're pretty close and I'd like for him to beat Best and move up to the semifinals.
-People are saying that your ZvT has improved I've heard that my defiler Control needed improvement, but with practice I've become pretty confident. I think that will definitely impact my ZvT.
-What are you goals for this season? To be honest I don't think I at the level yet where I can win the whole thing. When I counted my chickens before they hatched I've always had bad results... so for now my goal is to advance to the next round.
-Any last words? Coach said that I'll probably be tired if I left for Daegu on the day of the match, so I got in yesterday. I'd like to thank my coaches for all their help, and Shine for coming down with me to help me practice. I'd also like to thank all the Terrans back home who helped me prepare.
--- phew the lack of sleep is slowly catching up to me, I'll translate the last one tomorrow when I have time.. if someone hasn't done it already ^^
btw, quote of the day - the reason why Best will win this OSL
-You must be pretty focused considering this is your first OSL semifinal Coach told me to not let this opportunity slip by. I'm going to play like this will be the last tournament I'll ever play in and make sure I don't regret it.
On June 21 2008 00:26 silentreality wrote: -How did you prepare? Flash is great at creating chaotic matches, so I tried to experience non-standard plays.
Thanks a million silentreality! July wishing his teammate happy birthday is pretty cool, reflects on how much of a "family" he has at STX compared to with SKTT1.
Even though there is really nothing wrong with Best(except he's on SKT1) I just don't want him to win ;O.
I'd rather have BackHo or Luxury get their first, and I almost would rather have BackHo do it just to further justify his appearance and it would be hilarious.
Then again, July at the golden mouse wouldn't be too bad either ;O.
On June 21 2008 00:26 silentreality wrote: When I counted my eggs before they hatched I've always had bad results...
Just an english saying that you make plans based on events that may or may not happen. The actual korean phrase is different, but this was the closest english equivalent that I could think of at the time. Basically he's saying that any time he overlooks a matchup because he thinks he'll probably win.. he ends up losing.
Actually now that I read it over I said eggs instead of chickens.. count one's chickens before they hatch ^^.. I was tired, give me a break !
On June 21 2008 00:26 silentreality wrote: -How did you prepare? Flash is great at creating chaotic matches, so I tried to experience non-standard plays.
I'm not sure if this point came across correctly. The korean term is 난전 which means chaotic (confused) fight. The announcers seem to use that term when a player has the ability to fight in multiple places around a map, instead of focusing on just 1 large army push... via drop ships and what not.. ^^
-Your first ever semifinal appearance.. I'm ecstatic! I'm not in the finals yet, but I'm happy I've made it this far.
-Were you nervous considering this was your first outdoor appearance? Actually I think I was less nervous here than I was last week at Yongsan. I tried to think of it as having a nice picnic outside .. I think that helped me relax and play better.
-You started off with 1 loss There really wasn't any added pressure. I just focused on the fact that I needed 2 wins to advance.
-You'll be playing July in the next round. July is a great player, and I'm happy I'll be able to play against a player I respect very much. I'll try my best to Reach the finals, for myself and Jaedong.
-You had a very vulnerable moment in game 3. After my initial Mineral expo I tried to focus on unit production and overpower JangBi early, but I was surprised at how easily he stopped my push. I wasn't too discouraged though, because I knew we both had a similar number of gateways.
-Is there any special reason why you've suddenly seem to have taken your game to the next level? I don't think it's because I practice harder than anybody else. I think it's because I've come to appreciate the game atmosphere, instead of being focused solely on winning. Even today, when I came into the match down 1, I felt I was still ahead in confidence and was sure I could win.
- Is there anybody you would like to share this victory with? I'd like to thank my coaches, and Jaedong. I've come this far by beating him, which made me that much more determined to win.
-Any last words? I'd like to thank all my fans who have supported me on my run to the semifinals. I will try my best to reach the finals.
---> That's it folks. I need to head out and buy myself a new suit or two, it's way too hot now to wear the ones I bought back in January. Then I need to head back to the office ...ㅠㅠ.. I'll try to stop by and translate some more when I get a chance.. I remember back in '05 when I got out of the army there used to be lots of people who translated stuff.. where have you all gone?! ^^
Ahaha, I knew Jaedong was all over him about that (probably in his own not so aggressive manner though). Before reading this interview I reflected on Backho being in the semis and said to myself that he showed it wasn't a fluke, but he still needs to win it all so he can face JD. :D
I think I'll be happy if any of them win. July? Fuck yeah golden mouse. Lux? About time he did something. Best? Be great to see him keep riding this wave. BackHo? That would be hilarious and awesome.
BackHO nothing less then wining the OSL can compensate you takeing out Jaedong you better take it . I 'm sure JD would be just as happy as himself winning the OSL if they are good friends with BackHO and the fact that he already won the OSL .It is not so bad giveing a chance to a friend wining the OSL knowing that it is something great even at the cost of yourself not participating in it . I hope they are not in enemy mood at the Lecaf house and that BackHO is practising hard with JD for his mach with July