On March 04 2015 16:34 Gemini_19 wrote:No it's already a .gifv Try embedding this and see if it works. I don't think TL allowes gifv embedding tho http://i.imgur.com/g3htMF5.gifv
It doesn't show the GIF when I try embedding that ;;
I'll try embed it into this post to see if it shows up for anyone else.
Yeah TL doesn't like .gifv embeds. Unfortunate =/
I also made this because I want this name to catch on lol (I hope people realize it's a play on Eminem's Rap God album, which this is the poster of)
Sweet, now I have an excuse to make a fan art section!
This is becoming one of the more awesome fanclubs on TL, in my completely unbiased opinion.
I updated the title and added a new section for featured work where the latest fan content received of any sort can go. I hope that as the fan club grows more people will contribute!
If you want to get something featured, shoot me a PM or post in this thread 
Feedback is welcome as always!
omfg can you please use a different picture for the "Featured" thingbesides that redbull thing? It makes him look.........not like himself LOL
Haha I was planning on using the redbull art until IEM when they hopefully release some promotional pictures of trap.
Yeah for sure. It just looks so...............................
bad LOL
Trap is in Jin Air's lineup against ST-Yoe this week. He's got a TvP vs Hack! Should be a nice easy match for him
On March 06 2015 17:31 KatatoniK wrote: Trap is in Jin Air's lineup against ST-Yoe this week. He's got a TvP vs Hack! Should be a nice easy match for him
Well this should be a walkover unless something crazy happens. I am glad that Trap is being played more often nowadays even with Terminator's great recent form. Maybe he gets sent out in ace again? O_o
On March 06 2015 16:21 Gemini_19 wrote: Yeah for sure. It just looks so...............................
bad LOL
I don't like that style of art tbh, but I felt kinda guity not using all the reasources out there about Trap. I just hope IEM produces more photos for me, ideally of him holding a trophy 
Trap is up boys!
Edit: Unfortunately he lost, but it was a pretty great game entertainment wise.
He just got unlucky with the openers If he knew how ridiculously greedy and gambly Hack was being he would have ended it early or just expanded quicker himself. Stim not starting until 7:30? Like come on lol..
Yeah, I was pretty annoyed when the casters basically missed how greedy Hack was opening. I was praying for a blink allin the moment I saw the twilight, but I guess the map isn't super ideal to blink allin blindly.
That nexus snipe hurt as well
It's a pretty good blink map actually, it's just not something you do as protoss anymore and Hack abused that. Trap did play pretty passive with his blink opener though, if he did just a standard 3 gate blink/robo opening he would have been able to do some nice damage and secure the 3rd easier and earlier.
Guys, Trap is playing in today's IEM vs Flash. Make sure to lend him your support!
The land of freedom23126 Posts
Hypu, kids. If Maru wins against Dark, Trap can literally play only Terrans this tournament.