On January 12 2013 15:15 tili wrote: Is there any word on where Symbol will end up? I want him to get into a house asap for the practice/camaraderie! In his interview for the wild card group Code S spot he says he hasn't gotten any offers to join a new team yet... Only TSL member to get a new team is MVPShine...
+ Show Spoiler +IPL 6 Korean Regional Spoilers: + Show Spoiler +Looks like Symbol won 2-0 against Jaedong, he gets travel and hotel, and gets seeded into winners ro3. Good news for him after his team just disbanded.
Horray Symbol! He qualifies for IPL6 by defeating SuperNoVa, San, DRG, Bomber and Jaedong to take first in Korea
Very nice play from Symbol at the IPL6 qualifiers. The series against Bomber especially was amazing.
I'm more happy this is Symbol making a comeback in the scene after his little slump, especially in ZvZ. He beat some strong players on his road, and took out some strong ZvZ'ers (he beat Jaedong, who just beat Monster, who just beat HyuN 2-0). Nice to see him in March.
Hope Symbol can make it to another Ro16. In fact, I want to see him in a Ro4 for once in GSL at least.
Great play from Symbol the last 2 games, after falling behind against Creator and amazing hold in that last game. I was on the edge of my chair the whole time. Good luck in ro16!
Great performance today Symbol!
I hope we fans can see you start stream soon! Would be awesome!
Sign me up for the Fanclub! :D
Whooo Symbol! Sorry I didn't vote for you in the Liquibet, but I'm just glad Symbol is back on track. Make it to another Ro8 hopefully.
Add me in for the fanclub!! :D
Symbol is now part of AZUBU
Congratulation on finding a new team Symbol!
wow, congrats symbol and congrats azubu for picking up an awesome player!
Good for Symbol, he's the ace of that team for sure. Fighting!
United States15275 Posts
Congratulations on the new team! It sounds like AZUBU has deep enough pockets to ensure Symbol's future and afford a great team as well!
Symbol's Ro16 group:
Squirtle MKP Soulkey
Mixed bag of a group because I can see Symbol defeating and losing to any of these guys. Squirtle is a 50-50 because his PvZ is looking good, but Symbol is confident in his ZvP. MKP has been suffering from weak TvZ, while Symbol is confident in the match-up. Soulkey is an excellent preparer and Symbol has been struggling in ZvZ. Hopefully he progress with a strong record.
symbol in azubu!!!
happy that he found a team too...
United States15275 Posts