After seeing about how he 2-0'd Stephano and RorO my heart leaped with joy. This just made a sick guy's day worlds better. Good luck, IdrA. I know you can do well. :D
mmm if he can get by Rain, then he has a chance of making it to finals cause biggest trouble is probably Creator and if you can beat Rain, thats decent enough ZvP to get past creator (who knows tho)
So proud!!! He's playing so flawlessly so far, I hope he keeps this up. I can without a doubt say he practiced more than i've seen him in a while right up until this. (meaning he basically sleeps, wakes up sprints to his computer practices then goes to bed 16 hours later) I've got a good feeling about this one
Rain is the kind of player who will patiently sit back and play the tenacious defensive macro game. (or a 3 base mass stalkers immortal pre broodlord timing like he repeatedly raped DRG) It will be a tough fight for Idra and his Gracket. But if he does make it thru, oh boy, just imagine that!!!