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Ooh, it's for that basketball game that will let you play as T-ara members. I don't think there's any member of 4Minute I'd put in a fictional basketball team.
Back from Korea. Going to write up something later when I get all my pics off my camera. SNSD concert was fucking AMAZING. Music Core was sick. Spoiler alert: I met 2PM and T-ara. Will post more later =D
On July 27 2011 18:10 Kaiwa wrote: Which episode/show was that TuElite? (Damnit I really got to get into watching this stuff more... It's so awesome lol!)
On July 27 2011 18:08 Moonwrath wrote: Back from Korea. Going to write up something later when I get all my pics off my camera. SNSD concert was fucking AMAZING. Music Core was sick. Spoiler alert: I met 2PM and T-ara. Will post more later =D
Onion told us about you guys meeting 2PM and T-ara lol. And I saw a bunch of fancams, you lucky bastard.
Wait 2pm? Did you go in with Hottests or something?
Also, hottests is a pretty bad fanclub name. I almost said the worst but some of them are even worse (Rain-nous, goddammit) I feel like if your fanclub name is going to be in english you should have someone who knows english approve it or something goddamn