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On June 01 2014 17:59 Incognoto wrote: Well next Straw Hat is always a decent topic to discuss imo.
Besides how else are we going to get past 2 weeks?
Its not a decent topic because there will be no next Straw Hat. There won't be a new a member because Oda is already having trouble giving the existing ones screen time. More members would just be silly. He even made an excuse for Jinbei to not join immediately for goodness sake.
On June 01 2014 18:52 Mataza wrote: I have no idea how often Rebecca joining has been brought up.
But has anyone ever considered that Rob Lucci might reappear later? As an ally to Luffy, as usual.
I definitely think he will appear later, especially if the silhouette of the broker in chapter 676 ( actually him (note that the drink beside him looks alot like the drink in chapter 385). I'm not sure he will be an ally to Luffy though. He won't be an outright antagonist, but he might not necessarily help him.
On June 01 2014 18:52 Mataza wrote: I have no idea how often Rebecca joining has been brought up.
But has anyone ever considered that Rob Lucci might reappear later? As an ally to Luffy, as usual.
I definitely think he will appear later, especially if the silhouette of the broker in chapter 676 ( actually him (note that the drink beside him looks alot like the drink in chapter 385). I'm not sure he will be an ally to Luffy though. He won't be an outright antagonist, but he might not necessarily help him.
Strong World is pretty good, but I highly recommend watching the Episode 0 thing before it. IMO that was the thing that Film Z really lacked to make it match Strong World.
Oh wtf watched episode 0 again and Dr Indigo is the same VA as Caesar. Give your evil scientists two different voice actors if the VA isn't going to make them different, they sound almost exactly the same just Caesar gets a different laugh.
Film Z is much better than Strong World imo. Film Z's story is incredibly well written. Just think how much impact Z had on today's op world. He was such an unique character.
Song in the ending was really well choosen. I mean Avril sings one of my favorites songs just for OP, nothing can beat that.
Shiki and his motivations seemed to be a lot more fleshed out than Z's did, I thought. But I think this is partially because we had the Strong World Episode 0 thing, while Film Z, everything we know about Z is what is presented in the actual film. Plus the subplot of + Show Spoiler +
Nami being taken away reminded me a lot of both the Arlong arc and Enies Lobby
. Film Z didn't really have that sort of intra-crew weight behind it. It was pretty much + Show Spoiler +
Luffy and co tracking Z down to get him back for beating the shit out of them
Oda actually showed us that even a man with strong will can lose his belief in justice. I remember that Kuzan said "Have you gone that far, Z?" when Z destroyed second End Point. Z prety much choosed grudge over justice. However, After his final fight with Luffy, he remember what was justice for him.
Z's childhood pretty much confirms his strong belief in justice, "hero of the justice, Z."
This Dark Knight word pretty much sumps up Z: You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
Z is worth watching just for the action with Kizaru. His DF has some of the best potential for epic fights. Strong World is good but feels very non-canon, you know Luffy would not have defeated an enemy like shiki at that point in the Manga.
I don't disagree that Film Z was more unique. BUt I don't think uniqueness is enough to make it better. The actual plot of the movie itself was lacking, at least when compared to Strong World. Strong World is like a classic OP arc, which is a very good thing IMO, since those tend to carry lots of weight behind them, due to attachments you have formed with the crew. Zephyr had a long and probably storied history, but the scope of that wasn't able to shine through in the movie. It presents him and his current self pretty matter of factly, and the glimpses into his history and background are simply that, brief glimpses. I think if Film Z had a dedicated prequel episode, like Strong World, this could have been an entirely different story.
On June 01 2014 06:43 Incognoto wrote: I think Rebecca will join because someone has always joined when Luffy fights a warlord in an arc. So, we can ascertain that the most likely person to join is Rebecca. So she must be joining.
Just wanted to throw that out there.
Kinemon, Bellamy, Barto and even Leo are more likely. They're also not very likely. Kinemon maybe after wano.
Ridiculous, there's no way to have more of a chance at joining than Rebecca does. Rebecca bought Luffy lunch, which means Rebecca is the meat carrying swords-woman! Also Luffy took interesting in Rebecca's haki / speed.
No one joined at Marineford. Or Shabondy.
He lost those fights though. People join after a big win for Luffy, with the exception of Zoro who took care of the boss himself.
So its going from "fighting a Shichibukai" to "winning a big victory", now? No one joined after Luffy defeated Enel. Or if small-time people like Morgan count, no one joined after Buggy, Mr. 3, Hody, and Caesar were defeated. I don't see why you are trying to assign some sort of designated formula to One Piece's plot. Isn't part of One Piece's greatness because it keeps surpassing the expectations of its readers?
I'm not trying to designate a formula, I'm trying to find a trendline here.
However yeah, every big fight in the grand line which he won seemed to have gotten him a new crew member. Then you have a hint towards Rebecca in the Thriller Bark arc. Kind of like how Brook was hinted from the very beginning of One Piece. You also have Rebecca saying that "all she wants is to live with Mr Soldier peacefully". I just don't see that happening. However she clearly has something she wants, some sort of goal. Add obs Haki on top of that, enough speed to have her win the block.. Well let's just say that a lot of hints are starting to indicate that Rebecca is a likely candidate to join the Straw Hats.
OK let's just wait and see but I still say Rebecca will join. I could be wrong but trying to predict this shit is half the fun, isn't it?
The trendline = end of an arc. End of the arcs had big fights and new crewmates. I think that's all there is to it. v0v
So I watched Strong World. It was okay, not really my cup of tea. (
But in my search for One Piece entertainment this week I did stumble on some, at least to me, new information. More info here. Synopsis in spoilers + Show Spoiler +
Romance Dawn refers to two stories written by Oda before One Piece but set in a similar world. While a first-year junior high school student, he began sketching out ideas for a pirate-themed manga in a notebook, in pencil. Years later, as an assistant to Rurouni Kenshin author Nobuhiro Watsuki, he began refining his ideas into what would become "Romance Dawn", and later, One Piece. All 3 versions were published in Weekly Shonen Jump magazine, with the final incarnation published exactly one year after the first. The author made significant alterations to the premise and plot over the course of the three chapters, which are examined in-depth below.
According to One Piece wiki, Oda somewhat of a prequel/alternate/non-canon story for the beginning of One Piece. This is broken up into 2 different alternate stories, the original story, one prequel of a minor character, and two non-cannon anime episodes.
1) Romance Dawn v.1 Tells of an alternative start to Luffy's adventures
2) Romance Dawn v.2 Tells an additional alternative start to Luffy's adventures.
3) Romance Dawn v.3 My initial impression is that this is the original "Romance Dawn" chapter of One Piece (aka Chapter 1) Please confirm.
4) Romance Dawn Story This is the anime version of Romance Dawn v.1. More information here.
5) Monsters! This 50-page manga chapter tells the story of Ryuma. This is the same Ryuma who Zoro fought on Thriller Bark.
6) Defeat Him! The Pirate Ganzack Also anime. More info here. Synopsis in spoilers + Show Spoiler +
Defeat Him! The Pirate Ganzack", known under the name "Defeat the Pirate Ganzack!", was the premiere pre-One Piece OVA. It was released for the Jump Super Anime Tour in 1998 by Production I.G on July 26. It is a 30 minute episode that seems to take place after the Orange Town Arc and sometime before the Syrup Village Arc.
I hope this aids you during these two painful weeks. T.T
Romance dawn one is nami + zoro in one person and a definition of what luffy/ace/shanks/whitebeard are, even though it's not explicit in One Piece. I already read the story of Ryuma, which was really good.
On June 04 2014 13:32 Incognoto wrote: Romance dawn one is nami + zoro in one person and a definition of what luffy/ace/shanks/whitebeard are, even though it's not explicit in One Piece. I already read the story of Ryuma, which was really good.
What? You referring to the type of pirate thing?
That is one thing I always never got. Why insist on calling yourself a pirate? Luffy and the SH are basically just people setting off adventuring (so are a lot of people) but they all insist to be called pirates. Outside of Norland and Robin's mother don't they have explorers or just people wandering around drifting on the sea. Considering the marines will attack if you say you are one (regardless if you have broken any laws), I would think more people would just say "fuck these labels, I am just sailing the seas".