On November 15 2012 08:01 Nyorx wrote: I'm pretty excited for IRIS 2 actually. The cast recently had a showcase and it's a pretty all star cast. Lots of pictures which I'm too lazy to link all of them but really looking forward to Lee Da Hae
I actually really liked it. In a lot of ways it was very similar to Big's ending, which I didn't like, but Nice Guy pulled it off. It was a perfect example of how you do an open-ended finale without being too vague.
Overall I'd give it 7.5/10. Worth a watch if you like melodramas.
Bahahahaahhahahahaha it's bad, seriously bad. I knew that it was gonna be bad but memory loss again, good shit writers. The second half of the show was rubbish combined with such a bland ending, that brings it down to a 6 for me. Moon chae won #1 qt though.
Not following this dislike/hate train for the Nice Guy ending. It's neither the best nor the worst ending I could've came up with. Satisfactory, especially the very end.
lol same response as any other person on here. wtf was that! lol the beginning-middle was pretty good, until later episodes it got all over the place lol.
Aww, was expecting a sad ending and was sorely disappointed. Was easy to guess that Maru lived through that stabbing + surgery when you saw how happy Choco + Jae Gil were living. Last scene was lol, memory loss just for the hell of it, then proposal.
Now that I rewatch the last 5 minutes of Episode 20, I finally understand that Kang Maru's "memory loss" is just a white lie so he can "fall in love" with EunGi naturally, as you can infer from the final scene where they lock eyes and no words were spoken but it was implied. And what the hell ever happened to TaeSan? LOL did the maid who had to put up with all this shit inherit it or something?
Overall I would give the drama a solid 8.5/10, things could've been done better at the last few episodes but the melodrama in the beginning+early middle of the plot definitely got me hooked.
OK so it has been a long time , and i just finished watching fashion king because i thought it would be funny becaue it is trying to be serious , but i got something else THE drama that is tied for the worst drama that iv watched the entier thing , ( tied with dh2 btw ) BUT ok >fashionking> + Show Spoiler +
ok so apperntly lee ga young isnt aaloud to do what she really wants and whoeveer "loves her more" can just take her wherever the fuck they want her to go , but then the next thing is what the fuck even happend in the motherfucking ending like hyoung gul goes fucking bankrupt but dosent lose his new york house ... so he lives there for a month , then sees lee ga young and jae hyuk toogeether and like does he call somebody to kill him ? or is it like a murder? LIKE WHAT EVEN HAPPEND I DONT UNDERSTAN EVEN IN THE SLIGHTEST WTF SOMEBODY PLEASE EXPLAIN T_T ! but at least the sewing ajummas made the show slightyly enjoyable , also fashion industry that they protray it as in shows is rediculous LOL
ohlala couple is promising , having it being comedy at first i really thought it would be that but its really getting really good and melodramaish ! ITS WONDERFUL|
Edit , ok am now up to date on ohlala couple and OMG THE SHOW HAS GOTTEN TO BE LIKE A ROLLARCOASTER RIDE !! its probly one of the most enjoyable dramas iv watched in quite a long time ! also yeo ok is probly the most amazing character ever , she is SO AWSOME ;D would defantly reccomend this drama 100 % !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Still haven't watched Iris; stopped at like episode 3, probably should go back to it Nice Guy ending + Show Spoiler +
Pretty much like Big's, disliked it, but I didn't hate it as much as I hated Big's. Still one of the better if not the best drama I've watched this year, thus far.
Edit: Also, has anyone picked up I Miss You? Recommendations? I'd only really watch it for YooChun
History of the Salaryman is good. There is some real weird silliness sometimes but it has been strong for me thus far. Good production. I hope it finishes out strong.