We are talking smack in the "random Dota Thread", but I think for the Berlin Major - starting today! - we can make an "official" Thread 
ESL One Berlin Major 2023
The new patch is just a week old (or so) and I can't really fathom, which team adjusted correctly!
How often will Muerta been banned? Will we see a Meepo-Stack? There is a slight chance, that they will meet in the playoffs, so we could check which NigmaGalaxy player is better: MC or Sumail?  ...
Anyone of you at location? I couldn't make it this time!
Gonna be a wild major with all the new stuff from the patch
nothing makes sense anymore: lanes are useless because any loss there can be recovered; if a team has no map presence, it doesn't exist(relo, boots, portals, rifts...); sustain is king(look ma, no hands!); snowballing into a win seems unstoppable; dghfxjnhftj'fkmjn]zptmhz]pdthmzgn.
also, op link goes here https ://liquipedia.net/starcraft2/Https://liquipedia.net/dota2/ ESL_One/Berlin_Major/2023 (i think it's tlpdized)
Definitely a snowball major
I always get confused by this playoff system ... "you" did well in the groupstages, so you start in the upper bracket. But if you loose, you play against a team that didn't do well in the groups. So, even with a start at the UB, you could get the "last place" of the playoffs! Where is the advantage in that? Probably a question of time, but let two more teams of the groups to the playoffs and have a proper elimination round, that gives upper-bracket teams a step ahead!
Aside from that, 9 Pandas look good. And MC Tidehunter isn't that bad as told  Again a EG-OEG game coming up! Will start being a classic!
I guess since it's double elimination, you still get an extra life, so it's still an advantage, no? It does suck to be in the upper bracket and crash out by losing two series in a row, though.
As a casual player, the new patch feels weird, like there's so much space and yet so many ways to be caught at the same time 
What a song from Talon agst LGD
United States5007 Posts
Stoked to be here ! Can’t see the games though no screen near me stoked for the wins today though!!! And a confirmed TI spot!!
Missed this thread oops! But yeah eg winning is first time an sa team has made top4 in a major.
I kinda love that the new roshan can get all buggy
Bounty looked very bad in game two and dropped off heavily after BKB in the first game. Force staffs wins games being the other point I guess.
Pavise is insanely strong. Then 5 man fights starts and it does nothing. Opponent support has force staff to save their core while you are halfway towards yours. In game 1 they got their force staff at minute 38 against an Underlord...
Really feel that itemization on tofu vs the 9panda supports was a large part of why they won.
Next series shows my force staff hypothesis as weak.
Feels like Pavise is good with tanky cores. If you have a snowballing core that is barely killable stacking buffs and shields on him can push him over the edge and then fights become very easy to play.
If I'm loosing I think I'd rather have a FS to save my carry from a bad position, but if I'm winning I think Pavise is the better item, 300 extra hp on Alch or Dusa is pretty nice.
I'm interested to see if BkB will receive changes, because the current meta of 3 tanky cores is probably a result of the Bkb changes.
Shoutout to Fuddx on stage at Berlin Major. The balloon goat!
Ok, that was pretty one-sided. A heal strat where they picked AA early.
Liquid vs GG is now the rivalry of 2023.
that dive all the way into the base was way too entertaining lol
My goodness, I have not been on this site for AGES. Watching the Berlin Major, and with Liquid being in the finals reminded me about TL. Go Liquid!
Interesting we finally see an AA after the mass aura and heal strats. Though I guess Oracle is part of a counter.