LGD just won winner's finals and is going to Seattle. First a couple questions for 820: This time coaches were permitted to enter the player rooms, what impact does this have.
820: Mainly to give them reminders; when the thoughts and way forward become unclear you can tell them what they should do. This is what a coach should do. And also small details, such as builds, movements, things to remind them. Just to provide clarification when things get hazy.
something something I am from so-and-so website, I want to understand, recently you have been swapping positions around, why?
Yao: to make our hero pool larger. we don't split up by positions but by heroes and who is most suitable to play what.
then won't it be very chaotic?
Yao: it won't, we are very clear about what should be done when, and what everyone should be doing.
I'm from sgamer, I want to ask yao brother: after WPC, many people doubted LGD, but here at TI4 quals. you have showed your strength. What do you think about what fans say about your form, etc.?
Yao: I think that, as a professional gamer, winning is your own duty. Outside pressure will of course have an effect on a player's emotional state, but as long as you are resolute, then these don't matter.
Then do you think negative criticism will motivate, or do you like positive comments?
Yao: Everyone likes praise, but I'm not against criticism either. Regardless of whether it's right or wrong, it can spur you on. It just depends on your attitude in approaching it.
I am from something-something, question for coach 820. mic noise can't understand.
CIS, if they can communicate well with Black, in the future they will become very strong. The other 4 players still need to grow, they are still young. Dota you can't just have mechanics, and that's it. You still need competition experience and ability to deliver under pressure, there's a lot to say. But I still view CIS favorably. They are courageous fighters and have a creative spirit. Today, I think they didn't play to their fullest and probably had pressure playing us.
I am from fengyun, a question for Lin: as a new player recently joining LGD, being flamed, improving a lot [lots of wind noise..], something something can't understand
Lin: the teammates help a lot. dd, yao.. they say "so what if we lose the match" and if we lose I will learn a lot and adapt fine. so very grateful to teammates.
something, how do they help you, for instance DD gets instant noodles for you?
Lin: haha no, our life is usually just training, and not much else going on. he helps me a lot in the game. thank you [to dd]
something for rabbit..can't hear I think he asked if he made them pick SF.
Rabbit: no I didn't force... we just thought we play SF pretty well. It can cs well against timbersaw, so we picked it.
How did you deal with their dual roam?
Just take care of the lanes and try not to die. The other lanes were doing very well so I was not worried.
question for 820..
820: CDEC will have a competition, and ESL Frankfurt, we are going to strive our hardest to get to this tournament. I think all tournaments are very precious experiences for teams. Win or lose, with a new player, for our team all competitions are important.
question for yao I can't hear. He says it's not his business, the club takes care of it.
If you face Newbee at TI4, what will you change from last time?
Yao: ... well Newbee has our old captain, so he understands our playstyle. But from these couple months, we have adapted and changed and we have studied their play too, so I think in seattle when we meet it will be different.
If at Seattle you meet your old team leader, will you shit talk?
Yao: I think we will focus on just playing well.. and if it benefits teammates maybe we'll yell some.. but not necessarily flame the opponent.
Another question about SF, directed towards 820, was it 8-boss's decision. [he shakes head]
820: it's just at the end there are not a lot of options. need ranged, can fight morph, and can lane timbersaw.. so he picked SF and we have faith in him.
foreigners wanting to come to China to play?
I think this is a good thing that they probably want to come to learn but it's hard. SEA is okay, they can speak Chinese.. but like Black. but to learn Chinese he needs a lot of time, and the competition schedule is so tight... so I think it's not so easy. Dota this game needs too much communication. It's not like after playing a couple years you will have tacit chemistry where you don't need to talk anymore. Unless it's Europeans coming to form a European team here, then that would be okay.
820: well a disadvantage from not being invited is you will have a lot of pressure. if you lose, then you have strived for nothing. the advantage is, our team really needs to play some offline competitions and gain experience. some things you can only discover from a big tournament and you won't see in everyday matches.
Tongfu against the other two should be hard.. Of the other two I think probably DT. They play very well lately.
If you want to talk about which team is most likely to take TI4 championship, then of course in everyone's head it's DK. Presently, their form is the best. As for our TI4, well our plan is to strive for the championship, but indeed it's very hard. As a professional player, if you are not setting your goal at the top, then I think this profession.... you don't really have a reason to keep going on. The goal is for sure championship. Ability is of course another matter.
some question about strats/TI4
It's still early to talk about about TI4, there's a month. But right now our positions are not fixed and this makes it harder for others to counter us.
How do you think LGD compares this year to last?
820: .. last year... [laughs] should be better than last year.. last year LGD didn't get top 8. but last year LGD was very strange.. we were okay but then in the competition it became a mess... sometimes it's personal problems.... for example time for a match.. say a joke, be happy, even if you say it some will still be very pressured and anxious, can't help it. last year we weren't satisfied.. but this year should be better.
last year, before going to Seattle our domestic results were good.. but we brought the strats out and suddenly lost and couldn't adjust.... we will have more strats, adjust mentality, etc etc.