On August 03 2012 17:32 Novalisk wrote: On Sweeping Wind, did anyone run the math on how much crit chance is needed before Cyclone beats out Blade Storm?
Also, does Cyclone give better LoH effectiveness?
None of the SW runes or SW itself provide any LoH.
As for the cyclone question, I don't think anyone has done the math yet, it's just all been anecdotal evidence. So here's my anecdotal advice: around 25% crit go for Cyclone.
Have been gaering my monk and I think I can finally do Act3 though I still really struggle with champ packs that have: Molten, Desecrate, Arcane.I definitely try to avoid it but if I get feared into it or so many happen and I get trapped I don't know how I can kill some mobs. I have to hit serentiy blow my cooldowns and try again. Is there a better approach? Here are my stats maybe it is something I can work on stats wise...
DPS 43323 with Blazing Wrath All Resist 798 Armor: 4765 LOH: 1328 HP: 30273
Take your time is what I can advice you. You can kite longer then you might expect, specially with nice LoH (that u have). Dont try to take em down in 1 go but take it slow.
On August 03 2012 22:53 Kuznagi wrote: Have been gaering my monk and I think I can finally do Act3 though I still really struggle with champ packs that have: Molten, Desecrate, Arcane.I definitely try to avoid it but if I get feared into it or so many happen and I get trapped I don't know how I can kill some mobs. I have to hit serentiy blow my cooldowns and try again. Is there a better approach? Here are my stats maybe it is something I can work on stats wise...
DPS 43323 with Blazing Wrath All Resist 798 Armor: 4765 LOH: 1328 HP: 30273
Get more HPs. If you increase your buffer, you wont go low crazy fast and you don't have to blow your cooldowns in a panic. I think above 40-45k HPs things get a lot more comfortable. Looking at the armor value, i guess you are dual wielding? A shield will help loads as well, if you get one with high crit the dps hit is not that big actually...
On August 03 2012 15:50 KimJongChill wrote: Hey guys, I'm switching to a monk and it's almost level 60 and I'm getting prepared to buy my new gear, but I have no idea what is a fair price for monk weapons.
How much dps and what stats should I be looking for my 1h weapons? I have around 10m to spend, so what do you think is a good amount to spend on my weapons? Thanks in advance!
I recommend checking out Newti (http://www.twitch.tv/newtiunplugged); he's done a few 'pimp my monk' on stream. His 15M monk looked like this: http://i.imgur.com/ft7au.jpg - he was able to do A3 with this setup.
With that budget, I would look at 1h+shield, as a 2nd weapon is much more expensive than a decent shield. The crit on shield and extra survivability helps loads. As mentioned before, you are looking for dex, crit dmg, socket and life on hit on weap. But all of them together will be like 100M, looking at the budget, i think you need to choose either LoH, or a weapon with socket..
Thanks a lot man, I actually managed to gear myself with mostly comparable items for 6m (only exceptions really are my 1h is 743 with 80 less dex; amulet doesn't have the crit damage).
Can someone help me understand why everyone uses One with Everything, seems like everyone is getting resall anyway, so why do you need to use one with everything? Pacifism or Guardian's path seem possibly better, or maybe even 6th sense depending on your gear.
for example a monk can stack cold res+all res on every piece of gear (let's say +50 cold/+50 AR on each piece for simplicity sake). that's +100 all res on each piece
I only lose out on a bit of survivability for not taking Blinding Flash, but I get to be more versatile instead. If I see I can tank it, I keep MoC up, and if the health bar is dropping, I spam MoH. Most of the time I'll have MoC at the start, MoH when I get everyone's attention, and MoC when I've killed enough to be able to tank.
I only lose out on a bit of survivability for not taking Blinding Flash, but I get to be more versatile instead. If I see I can tank it, I keep MoC up, and if the health bar is dropping, I spam MoH. Most of the time I'll have MoC at the start, MoH when I get everyone's attention, and MoC when I've killed enough to be able to tank.
This setup costs so much dmg - not having overawe up costs between 24-48%. Blinding flash is more than a bit of survivability - it is all about the dmg boost. First, the uptime of the dmg-boost is much higher than the 3 out of 15s, because you can proc it at the correct time. Second, as mentioned previously in the thread, sweeping winds takes a snapshot at the moment it is activated. Thus, proc blind followed by SW, results in 30% boost of SW dmg as long as it is up. Ironically, by losing all this dps, the fight is prolonged and the need for survivability increases... Also, i think that the benefit from MoH is pretty small, regarding survivability - i'd rather use MoE-hard target instead, or even deadly-reach-keen-eye (2 main attacks, or instead of thunderclap and blind instead of 2nd mantra)
On August 06 2012 22:49 calgar wrote: Why is sweeping wind used over wave of light for AOE damage? The bell is pretty cool and damage seems to be higher.
Is exploding palm good beyond the 'simultaneous loot' trick?
I'm HC btw.
Mostly because Wave of Light costs spirit, which could instead be used to keep mantra of conviction up for more damage.
Just swapped my 900dps 220dex socketed axe with 750 dps 850 LoH 60 crit damage socketed fist weapon, and I am able to wtfpwn a3 no problem now.
can anyone comment on the threshold of switching evasion mantra to overawe please. at what point do you recommend it? currently I die around 8-10 times during a reckless (just holding shift+mouse1 with FoT) full a3 run.
I am especially unsure if Blind+DMG rune may be a better Choice instead of heal. So far i was under the impression that sustained +15% dmg is better than a short time buff of 30%. Also is it worth to get Lifesteal on my weapon for Sweeping Wind (since LoH doesnt work with it) or is a high LoH better than lower LoH + Lifesteal.
I am especially unsure if Blind+DMG rune may be a better Choice instead of heal. So far i was under the impression that sustained +15% dmg is better than a short time buff of 30%. Also is it worth to get Lifesteal on my weapon for Sweeping Wind (since LoH doesnt work with it) or is a high LoH better than lower LoH + Lifesteal.
Hmm, since you are using each skill in its slot, I want to make sure if you know what Elective Mode is. Do you know you could use different kind of skills in different slots? If not, google elective mode first
If yes, I would suggest swapping Near Death Experience with Resolve to begin with.
Your skills are okay, though I never understood why people use tempest rush. If I had to switch anything, I would switch off Tempest Rush for Blind + DMG.
As for Lifesteal vs. LoH, LoH is much better in lower damage ranges such as yourself.
Which brings me to another question, did anyone with kickass gear in here try lifesteal weapons to see how they fare against LoH?
Edit: nvm, found a video of Kripparian that explains it: