What I liked most, and the part I think she isn't being given credit for, is she really explains things for the near novice. Tastetosis sometimes say things like for nubs you might want to know this, but Kelly explains the reasoning behind common startegies to a greater detail without being offensive (copius use of nub and such like Artosis/Tasteless). This is great for people who have played a little starcraft but are not serious players and these are exactly they type of people that GSL needs to attract to become a huge success in the west. She also does some high level analysis but I think having one commentator that goes over the basic strats used in this match-up each game is a great thing for increasing the accesability of the broadcasts. SC2 isn't football, it hasn't been around for 100+ years so some hand holding is necessary to gain vewiers.
I don't think she's really found her groove with the other casters yet but that will come with time. Tastetosis did not start out as a fully formed Archon either. She definitaly has my vote for full-time code A caster.