On November 23 2010 06:34 Xeris wrote: it would be funny if they lost in qualifiers
Considering most of the qualifiers will probably be a bunch of no names.. I doubt it. Then again, everyone can lose to a cheese, considering the nature of single elimination.
Wouldn't be funny, it's definitely probable. Yes, they are both A-class (TOP is S-class) pros, but that doesn't mean they are immune to cheese. Its plausible that one of them will get knocked out in qualis, especially if they are not running bo3's.
That's so sick. I hope InCa tears it up. This is just one step closer to more Koreans going to non-Korean tournaments, that's a great thing for e-sports
On November 23 2010 06:43 vyyye wrote:Considering most of the qualifiers will probably be a bunch of no names.. I doubt it. Then again, everyone can lose to a cheese.
TOP, KiLLeR (yes, THAT KiLLeR), Magulina, Jimpo, Nbs, Fuzer, Darkforce, Naniwa, Merz. Thats just the names I saw after a glance at the BYOC entry list. Drama about someone not making it into the tournament will happen.
I'm pretty disappointed in the player list honestly. There are a ton of people they could have invited to play but did not for whatever reason, just countless Korean and NA players that just seemed left out.
The foreigners going to Dreamhack better not let inca/top win, even if they are amazing players. Genius already took blizzcon, don't let them take this one too!!
On November 23 2010 07:06 On_Slaught wrote: Idra isn't going? News to me.
The foreigners going to Dreamhack better not let inca/top win, even if they are amazing players. Genius already took blizzcon, don't let them take this one too!!
Well he qualified for GSL3 so it would be pretty hard to do both and considering his S-Class status is on the line the decision was probably fairly easy.
Sweet :D Sad to hear about brat_ok and idra is nothing to be sad about there's more money and gsl so ofc he's gonna be there ah well looking forward to seeing inca in action :p
On November 23 2010 07:06 On_Slaught wrote: Idra isn't going? News to me.
The foreigners going to Dreamhack better not let inca/top win, even if they are amazing players. Genius already took blizzcon, don't let them take this one too!!
Well he qualified for GSL3 so it would be pretty hard to do both and considering his S-Class status is on the line the decision was probably fairly easy.
It isn't. IdrA is already guaranteed to make S class just by qualifying for ro64.
On November 23 2010 06:34 Xeris wrote: it would be funny if they lost in qualifiers
yes it would be. In fact, it would be awesome.
I mean, i can see how you can say that since in a sense it would promote the idea that foreigners can compete and beat koreans, but at the same time i'm hoping it doesn't happen because it would only promote isolationism in one of the most isolated e-sports there is. if we want a truly global sc2 scene, i think it's important that the koreans have a good experience.
On November 23 2010 07:03 Sernen wrote: I'm pretty disappointed in the player list honestly. There are a ton of people they could have invited to play but did not for whatever reason, just countless Korean and NA players that just seemed left out.
You do know that the invite list is very limited right?....... And that a lot of players are busy with GSL and such?
The player that makes least sense on the invite list is probably MaDFroG but he's still a top Swedish player and might gain some publicity by his status as WC3 legend.