What were, are, will be the implications of half-priced (dark) archons, aka bargain (d)archons or ㍴chons/㍴gons is the topic of this thread. Try not to judge, we're mainly here to dig up relevant info, discussing possibilities, trying to analyze their probability, and observe the changes in ladder and tournament play, pre- and post this becoming public knowledge.
If you attack someone's input, make sure you don't sound like you might be trolling. + Show Spoiler +
this is a new bug and nobody knew about it
would nevertheless be an example of a sub70 IQ post.OP's subject-to-edits section
List of Highlight Headers
Facet: ⌒Who might have known about this?
Δ Who is Race Bannon, who isn't, and who else knew about liquid/hallucination based archons' OP-ness?
As the story of a dumbass troll ends, a legend begins. It "eel" makes sense now.
Race started out as a hydra partner of Rels, in a student mafia game. They got lynched on day 1.
Later, he was a scum partner of Damdred, a MafiaUniverse Championship TL representative and winner, and VisceraEyes. Remember the latter name, for it was hiser quasi ratting out hiser team, by divulging their identity, that seemingly coerced Race to shed light on his exclusivist knowledge of clandestine SC:BW mechanics. Not right away, of course.
What was to follow, on page 4 of the Damdred-invoked thread called "Rules/Ban List And The Community", wanted to be perceived as constructive criticism pertaining to the banal way the party game was played on the subforum, among other things, by coining the term bragon, presenting it as the currency that rewards proficient educated-guessing of the identity of the informed minority also known as mafia.
At a time when buzzwords of the death of starcraft as an e-sport were floating around, would it be unthinkable that the reason for them gaining volume would in fact not have been the exclusion of the game from prestigious tournaments, but rather the too-widespread circulation of key information which has the potential to shift the power dynamic of the game?
To be continued.. sneak preview.
Possible connections to media, the current surge of popularity of GTA5 roleplay (rocking 1st spot on twitch, in the top4 for the 4th consecutive time as of the time of posting ℗), online message boards and DMC5. Style-offs - the new hope on the e-sport horizon? Hint: Dante, Nero, Vergil and Race Bannon all look targaryan.