it took our raid forever to kill heroic spider, but once people got better at mario and we didnt have half the raid dead after changing islands, it was pretty easy. Bear died first pull, i guess we had good gear or the dps are played decently.
Cenarius took a few pulls before people stopped getting roots into the raid all the time, i still see some specialists be too lazy to cleanse their stacks even though we do wisps most of the time.
Dont know what happened but we spend last raid wiping to xavius, i dont even know what went wrong it was just a shitshow in general, some healers getting mindcontrolled, dps being shit, dps dying, people playing like 2nd dream started when it didnt....Im not too mad it since doesnt drop anything for me but it was a shitshow i havent seen before.
On October 04 2016 02:10 NonY wrote: I think people get one kill with a group that has above-average dps or healing, or with a few key people doing mechanics, and then they think that boss is easy. And then they get in a group of misfits and it's way harder. That is indeed the case with something like Xavius. You need the tanks to know what they are doing and a few dps who do the corruption mechanics inside the dream and the rest can just braindead dps away and you can beat the encounter.
The less personal responsibility there is, and the harder it is for 1 random person targetted by mechanic X to wipe the raid, the easier the fight is for 'weaker' groups.
United Kingdom20276 Posts
Our killtime on Elerethe looks awful atm (slowest 5% on warcraftlogs if it had died) so hopefully the damage improves dramatically between pull 40 and pull 60+ especially w/ legion pots
Netherlands45349 Posts
a lot of our dps can't seem to pull over 200k on ursoc, shit is getting really annoying.
On October 04 2016 08:31 Kipsate wrote: a lot of our dps can't seem to pull over 200k on ursoc, shit is getting really annoying. Have you gone through their logs and figure out what their deal is? Comparing how many times your guildies spells are going off versus another guild thats comparable?
Maybe its about how Ursoc is moved and how much people have to run. I suspected that was a problem with our guild because our DPS players could not have been that bad.
For reference our first kill where we barely made it was this: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/H4xVqGWNBCynhf2r#fight=15
Kinda funny how our dominating dps was the only girl in the raid.
Netherlands45349 Posts
Dunno, we have a monk doing 190k, a fire mage doing 150-170k and a MM hunter doing 180k, their gear isn't bad either, most of them should be around 850.
Tank placement of ursoc relative to his echo ground creep shit has a pretty profound impact on dps numbers if my experience is any indication.
Depends a lot on the player from what I have seen. My guild has 2 raids groups (both are early Heroic progression).
In one group they have a warlock that does 260k on ursoc, and a rogue that does 220k. In my group I do 260k on ursoc as a rogue, but our 2 warlocks only do like 160k at most. I think practice is important. If you just show up and hope to do damage you are going to under perform because you are focusing on mechanics and your dps (mistakes will happen more frequently). If you are practiced in your rotation you can mold it so that it fits with the movement of the fight to give you the best dps. Someone unwilling to adapt will always do less dps because of this.
Most of us are 850-855 atm (although the other rogue is 862).
On October 04 2016 08:52 Kipsate wrote: Dunno, we have a monk doing 190k, a fire mage doing 150-170k and a MM hunter doing 180k, their gear isn't bad either, most of them should be around 850.
I was 180k as a frost DK before the buffs at that ilvl, seems low tbh.
United Kingdom20276 Posts
51342 Posts
Poll: Recreate the TL guild?(Vote): Yes (Vote): No
A bunch of us are scattered on the guild's previous server, Cenarius-Alliance right now.
i'm keen to lead the new guild but it won't be worth it if people aren't willing to help out and join. Not looking to make it serious progression-wise like with the past guilds on Ner'zhul and Cenarius, but serious enough where we can filter through all the jobbers and get stuff going every now and then.
On October 04 2016 08:46 Redox wrote:Maybe its about how Ursoc is moved and how much people have to run. I suspected that was a problem with our guild because our DPS players could not have been that bad. For reference our first kill where we barely made it was this: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/H4xVqGWNBCynhf2r#fight=15Kinda funny how our dominating dps was the only girl in the raid. That could be it, you just gotta have your guild compare numbers. Movement is probably the most important dps loss a raid has to deal with. You hve to think how many spells cast are you not doing because you have to move etc.
United Kingdom20276 Posts
Screwed up Elerethe badly and our DK tank got an absorb of 5.9 billion damage in the space of a few seconds
I think my favorite way of getting gold is doing 3s. I just love getting random bullshit in the chests like herbs that sell for 2-3k.
Also how big were the TL guilds of the past?
Charlie Sheens House51449 Posts
One on EU had like 15 members i guess, then around 3-4 of my friends were involved too. It did ok but it's just hard to run a guild like that without 30 members to be able to get everyone a run into a raid or PvP partners etc. So it kinda died on EU at least as i couldn't continue to run it and PvE myself.
Apparently blizz changed crafted epics not to give crystals over night, some people bought every single on my server and the prices are now 5x at what they were at 6-7k
Ursoc depends a lot on the size of the raid you are playing with. On a 10man, you are going to have a hell of a time. We were wiping with a 2-3-7, where the average DPS was 210k. Not to speak that the cacophony de-scales on a very shitty way.
810 now, these world quests are really helpful. And 80% progress with the order hall quests I got from Brightwing.
My guild just managed to kill both Ursoc and elereth heroic in the same night, quite a good one for progress, I'm happy about it.
Although I had to tank those, but tanking heroic ursoc as brewmaster was fun. Logs showing I almost take twice the overall damage than my partner prot pal. lol Not sure if that's intended or if I should aim to reduce that. I wasn't really in any risks of dying to anything beside screwing up the tanks debuffs rotation in the fight despite the damage being taken.