On September 27 2016 08:21 Kipsate wrote:Show nested quote +On September 27 2016 05:06 daemir wrote: Yea we ran first 2 raids with 2 grps, then combined into a 30 man A-team for cenarius which dropped in 3 pulls then killed xav in 4. Never been this fast in progression in my guild before. Get to start miffics on first available reset wtf. ur playing disc right, are you running schism in raids or castagation? also do you run schism in mythic+? I feel like its too mana intensie in raids but I might try it out in mythic+(also mana intensive but more time to drink and more dpssssss Lastly have you guys experimented with the single target disc healer on Ursoc? iirc Disc healers can be specced to be a monster for Ursoc single target(although disc is good at the aoe portion too.)
I can't sustain the mana in raids for schism, so I run castigation. In m+ I run Schism.
Haven't really have time to experiment with anything. On Ursoc I just tried to get basic atonement timing with innervate down before the charges. Next reset I'll probably try it with schism since it's a shorter fight. On ilgynoth as well, we're gonna aim for 1 inner phase so there I can probably run schism and add to the p2 dps.
Most of the bosses on both modes died in a few pulls and I didn't play beta, so I'm still just trying to figure out when the damage happens to respond to it correctly. Healed an alt raid while I was saved just to be able to practice the fights.
United Kingdom20276 Posts
On September 27 2016 08:26 LaNague wrote: is the weekly mythic+ chest determined by completed in time or just completed?
Those 2 vary greatly for me since i dont know dps that can do 300k consistently, so i just enter random public runs and they are often even +7 but always fail because dps way too low.
I think it's completed. The main difficulty there is that you have to beat the timers to get to that level, a level 10 requires +1 on lvl 9 or +2 on level 8 etc - that could be the hardest step.
If it works like that, you could get a keystone of the max level that you want and sit back with some popcorn, clear the dungeon over 2 hours with 13 bloodlusts. I know for sure that we're gonna want that on mythic level 10 tomorrow!
Havoc in our group just got the glaive toss legendary.. bout 30 hous before the ability is nerfed by 2.15x. At least we can use it on the +10 and final farm day before reset 
US is up with hotfixes in about 12 hours, right? I guess when i wake up i'l see any changes to the hotfixes.
We are taking a second look at some changes Demon Hunters and Priests - more information coming on that soon.
Also, as a note, remember that we are reading all of the feedback being posted, and we have some changes coming to this for a couple of classes based on discussion here. No ETA on when those will be posted, but they should be a part of this hotfix when it's pushed live.
seems heavily implied that shadow and havoc are getting something more than what was listed in the initial notes. I've been thinking some more, looking over numbers and i think the situation is not the end of the world for Havoc (RIP shadow though) but i would like to have vaguely competitive ST.
The easier the content is, the more havoc and the other top AOE specs shine. Pulling all of the trash in heroic MOS up to and including the first boss? Welcome to millions of DPS - it's not gonna be there when you're doing 4 dudes at a time in mythic+10. The AOE capability does help a lot in dungeons in general though of course, and it does help quite a bit for most raid fights so it is very important - classes with gutted AOE are hurting more than classes doing 15% less ST than others.
I had a funny moment on dragons where i was doing 300k DPS about a minute into the fight and then did 9 million damage in 4 seconds when the wave of adds spawned which put me from the middle of the meters to #1 instantly, that sort of thing can still happen.
Did a few attempts to get to level 9 today, but halls of valor 8 rekt us too hard when we did a few fuckups. Skittish is fkin annoying, a dpser gets a couple of good procs, draws agro and instantly dies.
The other day we tried court of stars 8, but pretty much same story, couple fuckups combined with some really crazy mob ability dmg and we lost the timer.
If you actually get a 10 key, then you are in no rush, it's based on completion. Would be really fucking hard at this gear level regardless.
United Kingdom20276 Posts
Skittish is fkin annoying, a dpser gets a couple of good procs, draws agro and instantly dies.
I think it's more random aggro switches. Did a +9 earlier with havoc, havoc, BM and us demon hunters died 11 times because even with the tank holding four guys, they'll often turn around and 100-0 you in less than half a second so there is absolutely nothing that you can do to respond if you're in melee range of the hard hitting guys, just need pre-emptive stuns and waiting between packs.
We failed the timer by 30 seconds 'cause we're idiots but we really should have made it (stuck on 98% trash done, wasted our remaining time killing several trash packs that didn't count towards the %)
ive got no idea what i will do with overflow as monk, enveloping mist is such a big HoT, others can just stop casting their flashheals.
Ive read they half the aggro of the tank every x seconds but not sure if thats true. How big are the +10 buffs anyway? Also, since no one answered last time: What causes the spy demon in court of stars to sometimes start the fight with 40% hp?
On September 27 2016 09:32 LaNague wrote: ive got no idea what i will do with overflow as monk, enveloping mist is such a big HoT, others can just stop casting their flashheals.
You need your tank to have maccros to remove it himself if he feels like he need to. Kinda dumb but that's how we handle that.
United Kingdom20276 Posts
How big are the +10 buffs anyway?
Everything does double damage and has double health. You have the affixes from +4 and +7 but there's a third affix that either buffs boss damage or trash mob damage, i'm not sure how much.
Havoc Bloodlet (Talent) now deals 150% of initial Throw Glaive damage.
Well, that's not really what i was looking for. This basically makes talented Throw Glaive do ~1.714x less damage vs live instead of 2.143x less damage. It's still an ability that i don't like and still pretty cataclysmic nerf, at least it won't be so dominant and they may look to other abilities for ST damage adjustments in the future. They basically reverted 1/5'th of the glaive nerf with an increased percentage of the damage in the talent, rather than the base damage of the ability itself.
At least it's not so bad for that guy who got the glaive toss legendary a few hours ago 
Arcane Quickening (Talent)’s maximum stacks are now 50, and it will not refresh its duration once at 50 stacks.
Aaaaand there goes Arcane(NT)!
Netherlands45349 Posts
Skittish sucks ass if ur running triple melee, if u get agro as ranged then w/e right
The only good dps in my guild are melee tho 
Good to see Blizzard listened and reverted the nerfs for Shadow/Havoc
That shadow buff doesn't seem sufficient though but its something, funny enough I have so many points in my disc artifact that im almost certain I farm WQs much faster(as I don't die) as Disc then as Shadow.
For the second "tier" of artifact skins, the first requirement is "Complete Class Hall Campaign".
How difficult is that? The first one is by far the coolest skin for my Druid, that's why I'm wondering if you can complete the campaign without hardcore raiding.
Netherlands45349 Posts
You get it by completing the quest for the third relic if im not mistaken, its very easy but is gated behind missions which take a while, the Druid one is fairly fast from what I can remember reading about it
its super easy, just takes a while(but little effort.
Meanwhile im trying to get the hidden artifact appearance for disc but its gated behind a 1hour fucking spawn that everyone camps -.-.
On September 27 2016 11:00 Cyro wrote:Everything does double damage and has double health. You have the affixes from +4 and +7 but there's a third affix that either buffs boss damage or trash mob damage, i'm not sure how much.
Well yeah i wanted to know how much the affix does 
I just dont get what they think buffing mind sear does. It hits for literally 20k per tick. They would need to buff it by like 300% before it does any notable dmg. Buffing mind flay doesnt do much either. In single target fights its like less than 5% dps and when you start execute you almost dont use it at all. Mind spike looks nice but i dont think its enough either, as those hit for like 20k just like mind sear. So its basically nothing anyway. At least they stepped back from the void torrent nerf if i read that right but oh well. Im rolling retri i guess.
Lalalaland34486 Posts
On September 27 2016 18:40 Warri wrote:Show nested quote +On September 27 2016 11:00 Cyro wrote:How big are the +10 buffs anyway? Everything does double damage and has double health. You have the affixes from +4 and +7 but there's a third affix that either buffs boss damage or trash mob damage, i'm not sure how much. Well yeah i wanted to know how much the affix does  I just dont get what they think buffing mind sear does. It hits for literally 20k per tick. They would need to buff it by like 300% before it does any notable dmg. Buffing mind flay doesnt do much either. In single target fights its like less than 5% dps and when you start execute you almost dont use it at all. Mind spike looks nice but i dont think its enough either, as those hit for like 20k just like mind sear. So its basically nothing anyway. At least they stepped back from the void torrent nerf if i read that right but oh well. Im rolling retri i guess. Nooo who will heal our mythic+
Thanks for elaborating on that, I'm only 103, so no rush.
On September 27 2016 17:59 DickMcFanny wrote: For the second "tier" of artifact skins, the first requirement is "Complete Class Hall Campaign".
How difficult is that? The first one is by far the coolest skin for my Druid, that's why I'm wondering if you can complete the campaign without hardcore raiding.
Only followers missions + a few dungeons which you can do in any difficulty you want.
The appareance locked behind raiding and mythci dungeons is the one behind " Balance of Power" questline, the third appareance if I'm not mistaken
United Kingdom20276 Posts
I was wrong there, they actually removed the 30% nerf to Glaive as well (wasn't clear from the initial update)
Live dmg was 300% of base (100+200%) current is 250% (100+150%) proposed nerf was 140% (70+70%)
On September 27 2016 10:22 Warri wrote: Ive read they half the aggro of the tank every x seconds but not sure if thats true. How big are the +10 buffs anyway? Also, since no one answered last time: What causes the spy demon in court of stars to sometimes start the fight with 40% hp?
If you have an ability that causes instant agro/damage the second he transforms, he skips the part where he actually heals up to full.
We have had the most success with consecrate and mind sear to trigger this, but it's inconsistent.
United Kingdom20276 Posts
There's another bug with fel rush (and other dashes?) that occasionally (guessing around 1 in 1000 for rough order of magnitude) throws you several times further than the dash is supposed to go. If it happens in a vaguely downhill direction you can fly 100+ yards at sanic speeds, it threw me from the first trash pull at the entrance of neltharion's lair all the way to the first boss
Netherlands45349 Posts
Atleast my raid will be happy, had a DH who was in top 5 dps ST out of like 10 haha.
On September 27 2016 22:48 Cyro wrote:There's another bug with fel rush (and other dashes?) that occasionally (guessing around 1 in 1000 for rough order of magnitude) throws you several times further than the dash is supposed to go. If it happens in a vaguely downhill direction you can fly 100+ yards at sanic speeds, it threw me from the first trash pull at the entrance of neltharion's lair all the way to the first boss  My GF had this happen during the pre-Legion demon events. She was doing the one in Azshara or Barrens I can't remember and launched herself into Org (she's Alliance lol). I think it might have something to do with getting a moment of harsh lag or packet loss right during your Fel Rush, based on the way they have it work? Rather than a spell like Blink where you're teleported a set distance, I think Fel Rush propels you forward at a high speed for a short time. If you lag, the spell never ends?
Total speculation but it's happened to both of us several times and it definitely takes a moment for everything in [wherever you end up] to load and/or recognize that you're there so we both thought it was lag related. Either way it's hilarious though, it's never been such an inconvenience that I didn't just laugh my ass off and run back to my body.
Also interesting to see them backpedal so hard on the Glaive Throw nerf. It's a nerf still but not nearly as severe as before, which makes me think it will still be the best talent choices and part of the single target rotation, which is still lame. But I could be wrong.